Written by
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 15:43:38 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote: Oh look, I remembered I have mod powers and can hide the ramblings of madmen to keep the board free of toxic drivel.---Pez |
Doing this is exactly how I lost my moderator role lol.. I have absolutely zero regrets about it. I'm pretty sure it counts towards community service! I harbor no ill will towards the fool I just wish he'd get some help. These conspiracy rants used to be mildly amusing, unfortunately people much smarter than them got a whiff of how much money it could bring in and really started ramping up the ridiculous nature of it all for profit. If they could just follow a single thread of this convoluted mish-mash of nonsense through there'd be a little bit of credibility. Unfortunately it's all smoke and mirrors and long winded rambling rants and dodgy !@$ geocities looking anyrandomnews sites..  Also hi Pez! I've thought about doing a sneaky mock-up for the TEQ4 design several times before as well. I too think it would have been an incredible mobile game with just a little bit of a polish. Most of the game is already done, you'd just need a new section to communicate without forums (which lets face it no ones used the prez forums in years lol) to declare your teams intent and recruit etc.. There's a lot of untapped potential there. !@$# you could even have a pay to win server to attract whales, or "skins" for your units lol.. A small flash-style animation of an accumulation of your units vs theirs and boom! You can sell your idea to TenCent for a few million bucks so they can run it into the ground xD  Calm Blue Ocean...
The pay to win idea isn't bad. I thought of having a real tournament server. you pay a small cover to get in play for a set amount of time like we do know and then top 5 teams win money and top 10 single players win money etc. This would open up promotion as well for pro gamers and their sites.
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 15:49:17 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote: "General Discussions Talk about anything here! (Except politics and religion)"It's not a violation of free speech. I'm just moderating the board properly. I really should go through and remove all the political posts on this entire thread (mine included). If you could actually be respectful, and not throw a childish temper tantrum and accuse people of ridiculous !@$#, I'd ignore your political nonsense. But, instead, I'm going to do my job as moderator. So you can continue to whine, while ironically calling me a snowflake. And I'll continue to remove all of your tasteless and disrespectful posts. ---Pez
[ -- Message edited on: 4-Jun-2021 08:37:59 by Pez (#324) -- ] |
I am also guilty so feel free to remove all my posts you have my permission. I started mudslinging as well as hard as I tried not. I just wanted him to see what it was like from our side, so I started acting like him to prove a point.
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 15:54:10 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote: there are 3 people posting you dolt. I told you already you are justifying it in your mind. You aint lying to me, you are lying to yourself. I already know of the depths you can go. No virtue |
1. MoD 2.heblm 3.pez 4.yuri 5. mal Do you see how you don't take in any information? Do you see how your mental illness makes things up? Do you see how you then run with your own made up information?
It doesn't matter how much you are off by, it matters that you, a person that prides themselves on being so accurate, never are. there are not 3 people talking that is only in your illness soaked mind. there are 5 people talking. Yes is matters. when you pride yourself on the accuracy of your information. Be right or be silent. You stop being high and mighty and join the rest of us.
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 15:56:04 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote: Mal, do you do web development? I wonder if Kama would consider licensing the bones of TEQ to us to build a new TEQ. Hahah, I am planning to do a browser-based game as a side project soon, I just haven't nailed down which direction I want to go with it. Your idea of selling skins is exactly the route I'd go. I hate pay to win models as a gamer, and I think it's an unsustainable business model as well.Look at Rocket League - went free to play and they sell $20 skins left and right. That's the future of much of the gaming industry. Get players hooked on solid gameplay, get them to sink hundreds of hours, then give them little ways to support you while giving them their online cred. Profit. Even myself, who literally NEVER buys fluff content for games, has put money into Rocket League fluff content. Why? Well, after 1000+ hours, I figure I should probably support the developer more than the $14 sale price I initially bought the game for. ---Pez |
I would be willing to do all the PR work, advertising, and promotions. Ground work of getting the game out there etc. maybe we could make him an offer to buy part or all of it? Or join up as a 4 way team? I would love to own a bit of TEQ.
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 15:59:23 Quality: +1.
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| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote: Again, anyone that practices even a less than moderate amount of discernment is not going to just listen to someone make assertions and just assume that what they're saying is true. If you think that's how everyone thinks, then that says a lot about how you think. ---Pez |
but....but.... the flag had wrinkles in it.
alll the proof you need lol
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 16:09:59 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote: dude, I started there ok back to the original narrative and why it is impossible to disprove a lie. In order to prove something true, scientifically, you must be able to prove if the hypothesis is wrong. If it is a lie, it cannot be proven. You cannot disprove a lie, it is impossible. So as long as you spend all your time on a falsity you can never be proven wrong. What are you seeing? |
That is your mental illness again. It is very easy to disprove a lie it happens all the time. If you couldn't disprove a lie then everything you believe in is already a waste. No one can be charged with any crime because all they have to do is say they didn't do it "lie" and it can never be disproven.
You lie all the time to get your way and we proved here, it easy. Just keep you talking long enough and things slip out. Next, go with simplicity I can lie all day and you can prove me wrong. We can breath water. I can jump off earth. I can see through the sun. I can walk on the sun. I have a 100 foot dick. bush was killed in secret. people are being tried and killed and then replaced by lookalikes. I just told 7 likes. Starting with complete trash and ending with what you believe in. So you believe that you can't disprove any of my lies? That's you man thesis right? Also, allow me to educate you on the scientific method since you clearly do not understand that as well. You do not test the hypothesis you test what is call the null. A counter. So you can in fact very easily set you a test rage for lies. If the null is false then the hypothesis would be right. in that regard if you are bias you can come up with whatever answer you want. That is what you do. You have the answer you want before the test is ever stated. So of course you always get the answer you want. because you want it.
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 16:32:58 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote: dude, I started there ok back to the original narrative and why it is impossible to disprove a lie. In order to prove something true, scientifically, you must be able to prove if the hypothesis is wrong. If it is a lie, it cannot be proven. You cannot disprove a lie, it is impossible. So as long as you spend all your time on a falsity you can never be proven wrong. What are you seeing? |
That is your mental illness again. It is very easy to disprove a lie it happens all the time. If you couldn't disprove a lie then everything you believe in is already a waste. No one can be charged with any crime because all they have to do is say they didn't do it "lie" and it can never be disproven.
You lie all the time to get your way and we proved here, it easy. Just keep you talking long enough and things slip out. Next, go with simplicity I can lie all day and you can prove me wrong. We can breath water. I can jump off earth. I can see through the sun. I can walk on the sun. I have a 100 foot dick. bush was killed in secret. people are being tried and killed and then replaced by lookalikes. I just told 7 likes. Starting with complete trash and ending with what you believe in. So you believe that you can't disprove any of my lies? That's you man thesis right? Also, allow me to educate you on the scientific method since you clearly do not understand that as well. You do not test the hypothesis you test what is call the null. A counter. So you can in fact very easily set you a test rage for lies. If the null is false then the hypothesis would be right. in that regard if you are bias you can come up with whatever answer you want. That is what you do. You have the answer you want before the test is ever stated. So of course you always get the answer you want. because you want it.
All the proofs you ask for were in the posts I made that were completely removed. Democracy in action. You keep judging me by restricting me and censoring me and you are convinced all you need to be right is to have more reprobates that agree with you....and here you are talking about the scientific method. you have to be able to test that a hypothesis is false, A lie cannot be tested to be truue or false. You just chase your tail with endless possibilities. If you test a fact, then you try to prove it false. If it keeps pointing back to your hypothesis you know to keep going. Attempting the reverse by accepting the lie as fact FIRST you just get pseudo-science....like psychology Your proving my point in your post and agreeing with me unknowingly. In proving a lie all you do is add to the lie in attempts to prove yourself right.
''let me help with your creativity'' said no psychiatrist/psychologist ever
[ -- Message edited on: 4-Jun-2021 16:37:46 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 16:42:01 Quality: 0.
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https://youtu.be/drIaJz7XpPQ What is adrenochrome? This video will be removed soon by the frontline censors. Then it has to get past the lower caste here. View it now to see the scope of this sick crime. This is what bitcoin was made for This is why free speech must be squashed. Too many think they do a public service covering up these crimes. Dang I miss Andrew Breitbart. Too many pedo coverer-uppers
[ -- Message edited on: 4-Jun-2021 16:45:17 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 16:59:27 Quality: 0.
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And for the record, and you can see this in every post where I mention DJT. I think he is a master strategist. That is what you misrepresent as worship. In the context of playteq type strategy in game theory.... I am witnessing the most amazing game strategy I could ever imagine. Nothing is set in stone. This is always changing and counter measures ever occuring. They had more than enough months ago but still they wait.... They keep dropping hints and dates that gets everyone on both aisles excited but it just causes the enemy to play more of their cards.....and still we get air....nothing. What do I mean by nothing? When DJT helped take down the NY mob it was feirce. Imagine what it will look like when they finally begin the counter-strike. It will not begin till everyone thinks he is done. I'ld do it differently and so would all of you.... The biggest counter puncher in the world has yet to throw a punch.....frightening to some. Arizona-NH-Georgia If you want to talk Trump I will for a bit
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 17:29:26 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
This is so serious they are rolling out Delonge, Reid and Lazar for the alien threat But that means sabre rattling for wwlll so we can unite and save the world.
What kind of alien threat are you talking about here? Illegal aliens or outer space aliens? Also, what countries do you think will be truly involved in WW3? Where will the battle field be?
| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
I have old irrelevant skills, I won't be much help at the moment. Plus I feel like Kama would want to hang onto this baby. |
I totally understand that Mal. My web skills are old and outdated too. After I got my degree in it, I got tired of doing it. It wasn't really my passion or desire to do web-design. I had an interest in it at first in the 90s, and I learned so much on my own. But after learning on my own and then going to school for it, I was tired of the game and how much things were leaning in ways I didn't like and didn't want to go down.
| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
They actually have noted that how people use their phone so much it is giving them tunnel vision. Their peripheral vision is getting weaker. |
It's just not their peripheral vision. It's also their attention span. But movies/TV have helped play into that too, it's not only on cell phones. It also bothers me how so many people younger then us can't hardly read a book, because "it's too much work". I literally had a 20 year old I work with tell me that. Mine you they will stare at a screen and scroll thru facebook/twitter all day long. They don't understand how I can see connections between things that they don't, nor how I can sometimes predict how others will react. I've tried explaining to them how reading helps, but they won't listen. Of course I suggest reading physical books, because from what I've read from different studies, reading a print book is better for memory retention and helps you to feel a better sense of accomplishment once the book is finished.
| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
We can breath water. I can jump off earth. I can see through the sun. I can walk on the sun. I have a 100 foot dick.
Dude, you are wrong. We can breath water. But it's a trick that can only done a few times, sometimes only once if there isn't anybody there to help you.  You can jump off the earth, but you'll land back on it pretty quickly. If you can see through the sun, what else can you see through? According to Smash Mouth you can go walking on the sun. Prove them wrong.  And if you have a 100 foot dick, man I feel sorry for you. Must be terrible finding pants long enough to keep it covered up during winter. Plus cleaning that thing must be a pain in the arse because it would take a long time to pull it in and wash it. Not to mention the amount of sunscreen you would need to cover it during the summer months. Most people say they have a trouser snake, but that takes the cake.