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Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 09:17:30 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

Military tribunals take a few days most of the time.
30 days after found guilty of crimes punishable by death you die.
There are no appeals, ever

So, no source then? We're just supposed to accept your word on this one... that the military tried and executed a 94-year old man without any actual acknowledgment... they just let him keep his legacy in tact, but they still executed him. A 94-year old former POTUS. Okay. If that's perfectly reasonable to you, I'll refer you again to the "I rest my case" post.


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 09:18:43 Quality: +1.

MoD, you're out of your !@$#ing mind. I rest my case.


master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 09:19:04 Quality: 0.

go take a gander at the envelope affair at GHWB funeral.
Someday I hope to know for sure all that happened that day.
The most credible so far is it said
"I am sorry, I told them everything"

And jr. came and left escorted by 2 secret service. The only person to be shadowed.
He spent 4 hours alone with Trump at the WH that day as well.
Both jr. and sr. sang like birds that day

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 09:21:55 Quality: 0.

Again, anyone that practices even a less than moderate amount of discernment is not going to just listen to someone make assertions and just assume that what they're saying is true.

If you think that's how everyone thinks, then that says a lot about how you think.


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 09:24:08 Quality: 0.

I also just randomly happen to know the exact moment in the funeral you're talking about. GWBush is handed something, and he talks to his mother and the whole Bush family exchange some awkward glances. I assume that's "the envelope affair" you're referring to... but again, without any actual verifiable context, you can make up whatever you want about what that actually was about, and none of it amounts to anything if you're using even the slightest discernment.


master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 10:04:20 Quality: 0.

dude, I started there
exhibit A

what is it with you guys stringing logical fallacy after logical fallacy.

It is so frustrating.

Let me teach of the importance of psy-ops insuring they get out THEIR original narrative, like jfk assasination or 911.
Because you cannot disprove a lie.
It is that simple. This is the tail you expect me to chase every time you tell my why it couldn't happen because.......

Start with this premise. They are very sophisticated and commit sophisticated crimes. They plan and execute 20 and 50 years out.
ok back to the original narrative and why it is impossible to disprove a lie.

In order to prove something true, scientifically, you must be able to prove if the hypothesis is wrong.
If it is a lie, it cannot be proven.
You cannot disprove a lie, it is impossible.

So as long as you spend all your time on a falsity you can never be proven wrong.

The last thing I came here for is a debate.
Listen to me...PREPARE.
Who is growing your food?
We are 17 months into this now and each side is ready.
bitcoin and the stockmarket crashing might be the least of your worries.
I am sharing why

This is so serious they are rolling out Delonge, Reid and Lazar for the alien threat

But that means sabre rattling for wwlll so we can unite and save the world.

Everything is on the table because they/you are simply scared to death of DJT.

Trump is destroying the globalist plans. Just that easy.

But back to food...ya better get ready and hope to Yah I am right and we get N.E.S.A.R.A instead of Klaus Swabb and the wef reset.

either way who is growing the food?
Biden is paying farmers to fallow their crops and not grow.
The droughts 2 years ago in the west caused cattle farms to cull way back and another drought already coming from no snow.

Here is your worse fear realized. If Trump doesnt come back you get 10 dollar gasoline, lab grown meat and another lockdown in fall.
What are you seeing?

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 10:07:59 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

Military tribunals take a few days most of the time.
30 days after found guilty of crimes punishable by death you die.
There are no appeals, ever

So, no source then? We're just supposed to accept your word on this one... that the military tried and executed a 94-year old man without any actual acknowledgment... they just let him keep his legacy in tact, but they still executed him. A 94-year old former POTUS. Okay. If that's perfectly reasonable to you, I'll refer you again to the "I rest my case" post.


Do you know what it means to be an x potus and have a wrinkled flag draped over the coffin?

Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 14:16:01 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Mal, do you do web development? I wonder if Kama would consider licensing the bones of TEQ to us to build a new TEQ. Hahah, I am planning to do a browser-based game as a side project soon, I just haven't nailed down which direction I want to go with it. Your idea of selling skins is exactly the route I'd go. I hate pay to win models as a gamer, and I think it's an unsustainable business model as well.

Look at Rocket League - went free to play and they sell $20 skins left and right. That's the future of much of the gaming industry. Get players hooked on solid gameplay, get them to sink hundreds of hours, then give them little ways to support you while giving them their online cred. Profit.

Even myself, who literally NEVER buys fluff content for games, has put money into Rocket League fluff content. Why? Well, after 1000+ hours, I figure I should probably support the developer more than the $14 sale price I initially bought the game for.


I have old irrelevant skills, I won't be much help at the moment. Plus I feel like Kama would want to hang onto this baby.

I too hate the pay to win model, the skins idea I brought up coz I play a lot of league of legends over the years which is free to play, and I have sunk /hundreds/ of dollars into that game just because I appreciate the work they do and like the look of some of the skins. It's a system I don't hate, and if the game is free on top of it I don't begrudge it at all as long as there's no tangible ingame benefits

Calm Blue Ocean...

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 15:37:44 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
I personally like the way the game looks now. Not saying that some features wouldn't be nice to have added, but overall I think the GUI looks nice. However I know I'm in the minority on that. So many people now-a-days have forgotten the K.I.S.S. method of design. K.I.S.S. of course means Keep It Simple Stupid. I've always liked simple sites. As for mobile games, I don't play them anymore, but when I did, it was more tower defense and turn-based strategy games. But my current phone is almost 7 years old, so I can't really play any mobile games on it. Plus I broke my app store on it. I was bored one day and curious what would happen if I started disabling different programs, and uninstalling updates on others. Turns out you can break the app store and can't update it. Well, I probably could if I really wanted to work on it, but I don't. I just think it's kind of funny that it won't update on it's own if I open the app store. One would think it would, but it just tells me that my version is out of date. It doesn't bother me, I only call and text on it anyway, don't need to play games or watch videos on it. I hate how so many people just stare at their phones all the time and don't pay attention to what's going on around them. Probably how I'm able to walk up behind people at work and scare/startle them. They've lost their ability to pay attention to their surroundings.

They actually have noted that how people use their phone so much it is giving them tunnel vision. Their peripheral vision is getting weaker.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 15:39:07 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Oh look, I remembered I have mod powers and can hide the ramblings of madmen to keep the board free of toxic drivel.


You deserve a nobel prize

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