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Ripper (#5)
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3-Aug-2021 02:46:21 Quality: 0.

Man, where is our new set of stimmies? I've been buying these dips so hard that it would be nice to have some new fake...I mean fiat.
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
4-Aug-2021 21:49:57 Quality: 0.

Don't worry. I'm sure when the next round of lock-ins, sorry I mean lock-downs, happens they will 'think' we need more stimmies.

What worries me about it all is the whole vaccine passport deal. I read one company over in Russia has made a temp tattoo to put on your wrist to show you have been injected with the new kill switch. Bothers me that so many people don't see how we are getting closer and closer to the Mark of the Beast. Even if one doesn't believe in religion or the Bible, the fact that things written in Revelation are coming true should startle, if not scare, everybody. To me, it's a huge red flag.

Now I know there are different ideas on when the MotB will come, some theologians think it's before the Rapture, while others think it's after. I'm not sure, and that's okay. I'm leaving that up to God to decide, because that's his right, not mine.

I also wonder how long before the next holocaust happens. Because let's face it, if you listen to CNN or any other MSM outlet, you can hear them saying that the ones who refuse to get the vaccine shouldn't be allowed to work or eat. Some rumors I've seen say there are camps being built for those who refuse to get the shot, and have them kept there until they either take it or die. Seems to me like that will lead to another holocaust. Now of course there were rumors of those camps when COV-19 began, saying that all the infected were going to be put in them. So who knows really what's happening with the so called FEMA camps being built/set-up.

Also Ripper, good to see you post again on this thread. Hope life is going good for you.

Ripper (#5)
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5-Aug-2021 02:12:44 Quality: 0.

Wishing you the same Yuri. I have many, many hundred ounces of silver (keep losing them in boating accidents though oops), looking to add gold, have some long time holds in crypto, solid positions in commodities at unthinkably low ratios, a bit of fiat for dry powder, lead and some persuasion pieces if needed. I've done what I can to prepare so personally I sleep well, but knowing what is up ahead after this crack up boom is not going to be satisfying when we are proven right.

I don't think we will have lockdowns here in the US for the variants because the Fed is dealing $1T right now in the reverse repo market and they know if lockdowns return the whole debt game implodes. Also not sure if people will go along with it if they do. Maybe. The optimist in me would like to think too many people would tell them to pound sand. But I do think at minimum we will see draconian rules short of lockdowns put back in place.

So on that note let me vent a little by saying,

!@$# the Federal Reserve and Congress for abdicating their responsibility to The People
!@$# the politicians, 99.99% of them, who piss on the Constitution almost daily
!@$# the CDC, which is a private and now political organization
!@$# the DOJ and FBI, which serves politicians and bureaucracy instead of The People
!@$# the Tech overlords who censor and demonetize through bias based on their own agenda

..and God bless all freedom loving people of the world.

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
5-Aug-2021 21:53:34 Quality: 0.

Good rant.

Have you ever read the book "Inside The Outbreaks: The Elite Medical Detectives Of The Epidemic Intelligence Service" by Mark Pendergrast? Yes I know the full title because I own it. I prefer physical books over digital ones. Hard to delete and reedit/censor physical books once they are in the private homes of citizens. Not that they can't come in and take them, but it makes it more work than if it's digital.

But the book is about the EIS, which is a branch of the CDC. It tells how they got started and what all they have done up till 2010 roughly (the book was published in 2010, so maybe it only details things up till 2009, but still). But after reading it, it made me dislike/not trust the CDC and put a dislike towards vaccines in general in me. Which is not likely the intent of the author, because the book is suppose to be pro vaccine. Funny how that happens. I did like how the book doesn't deny that there are negative side effects of vaccines, that include death. I think all people who are pro vaccines should have to read it.

Ripper (#5)
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6-Aug-2021 01:20:09 Quality: 0.

I haven't heard of that one; thanks, I'll put it on the list to order. Ironically, when I was a kid I wanted to go into microbiology and go work for the CDC. I'm not anti-vaccine personally but these covid 'vaccines' are experimental and because of the way all of this has been handled it really doesn't matter to me if they ended up being 100% safe (obviously the surpressed feedback is there are some very bad reactions). These institutions, politicians, and companies have embraced medical tyranny and destroyed trust.

Inquiring minds want to know why they have yet to isolate the sars-cov2 virus. Isn't this needed to create a traditional vaccine? No news on a traditional vaccine timeline that I have heard. Pfizer and Moderna posting big numbers though, stocks killing it and boosters revenue has wall street giddy. Makes you go hmm...

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
6-Aug-2021 22:04:49 Quality: 0.

Shhh!!!! You are speaking the truth out loud.

Why would they isolate the sars-cov2 virus? Like you said, they are making big bucks doing what they are now. While I'm not against them making money, it seems like they have gotten greedy and decided that money was more important than people's lives and health.

When it comes to this current vaccine being safe, I find it funny how when the media does mention a side effect, they say it's very rare. Like bull!@$#, it's only rare that you report on it. And the simple fact they even talking about side effects is totally hush-hush and puts you on the naughty list should be huge red flags to anybody who has the ability to think.

I'm curious, MoD, are you still alive? You haven't given any update about the AZ audit or anything else for a while.

EDIT - Grammar/word usage.

[ -- Message edited on: 6-Aug-2021 22:23:37 by Yuri (#3268) -- ]

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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12-Aug-2021 15:01:44 Quality: 0.

Heb, you still reading this? How are things going for you?
Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
13-Aug-2021 04:22:31 Quality: 0.

Uranium charts are tightening up, looks like a nice move coming
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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13-Aug-2021 16:09:22 Quality: 0.

You know, every day I wonder how long before we restart the war in Afghanistan, seeing that from one report I've heard the Taliban has recaptured many, if not the majority, of the lands they were kicked out of during the War on Terror. While I'm not for war as a whole, I heard that the Taliban have began taking single women, and girls as young as 12, to become their wives/!@$slaves. I don't like that, and since one of the topics all of us in this thread have agreed on is that !@$slavery is wrong, I think fighting to get those women and girls free from that life is worth going to war again.

I'm also wondering when Iran, China or South Korea will launch a nuke on USA or one of our territories. Because let's face it, all three hate us and would gladly team up to wipe us off the face of the map. I don't think Russia would do a first strike like that because they know without us China would target them instead. Plus we (USA and Russia) have a sort of symbiotic relationship.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
18-Aug-2021 21:04:15 Quality: 0.
I thought I lost this when he got deplatformed.

There is more in this short video than I can elaborate on in forever.
Where is Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen Watnick?

I am here to tell you this fact.
When their names are spoken of openly again you will know truly what is happening and be rest assured declas has begun on EVERYTHING.
And I think that is now. This was/is the "most complex military operation in the ENTIRE history of this country" Chris Miller.

I so much miss Thomas Wictor and his meme videos

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