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Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account

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12-Oct-2020 17:30:44 Quality: 0.

The entire world went to !@$# once Kama stopped updating the yearly Happy New Years posts.
Coincidence? I think not.

Kama caused the current state of the world. Change my mind!

Calm Blue Ocean..

~Hidalgo~ (#102)
TEQ Game Account
16-Oct-2020 00:17:30 Quality: 0.

--reload 2020--

This version has a bug!

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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15-Dec-2020 18:33:49 Quality: 0.

Trump being reelected is certainly going to be a high point in your life mal.
Enjoy the next few weeks.
Can you say contingent election with me...
These are epoch times we live in and I actually thought of teq and you to give a heads up on
what is about to happen in the coming weeks.
Q sent me
Ringmasta (#28493)
TEQ Game Account
16-Dec-2020 22:43:24 Quality: 0.

The math checks out.
Yrroth (#22)
TEQ Game Account

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22-Jan-2021 13:16:34 Quality: 0.

Can't argue with that

Back from the dead..??

Maybe, but I doubt it

Kakarot (#1873)
TEQ Game Account
24-Jan-2021 13:18:15 Quality: 0.

I think it's about time for the end.
Vincent Foo (#93)
TEQ Game Account

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26-Jan-2021 08:40:28 Quality: 0.

just dropped by when I saw the riot news in Netherlands, it reminded of TEQ..
loque (#452)
TEQ Game Account
27-Jan-2021 11:28:45 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Vincent Foo (#93) wrote:
just dropped by when I saw the riot news in Netherlands, it reminded of TEQ..

eyy vince still in penang?

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

31-Jan-2021 22:50:18 Quality: 0.

well... it's not really on topic, but it kinda is:

Group server ended a day early..... not sure why it set the wrong end date, but it did.
Actually it only said the wrong end date, the system that ends/resets/starts the whole thing was scheduled correctly.

But also turns stopped, so I kicked the end mechanism anyway. So.

End of times... kinda...

Yeah it is Kama

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

31-Jan-2021 22:51:52 Quality: 0.

I just noticed that I haven't touched that end/reset/start mechanism since 2013... This game runs itself....

This small font is unreadable btw... Is that my screen resolution or eyesight?

Yeah it is Kama

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