Written by
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 23:49:06 Quality: 0.
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That doesn't mean you're gonna stop talking to Heb and I are you? We get a little missile happy when people don't talk to us. And by we, I mean me.
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 23:52:49 Quality: +1.
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Hahaha, I'll still play with you guys.Speaking of play... I feel like if Kama just wrapped a GUI with pictures of panzers and fighters, etc on this game, it could be the next big (medium-sized?) mobile game. I've been doing software engineering since the pandemic hit, and the thought to do exactly that has crossed my mind more than once. ---Pez
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 00:05:27 Quality: 0.
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I personally like the way the game looks now. Not saying that some features wouldn't be nice to have added, but overall I think the GUI looks nice. However I know I'm in the minority on that. So many people now-a-days have forgotten the K.I.S.S. method of design. K.I.S.S. of course means Keep It Simple Stupid. I've always liked simple sites. As for mobile games, I don't play them anymore, but when I did, it was more tower defense and turn-based strategy games. But my current phone is almost 7 years old, so I can't really play any mobile games on it. Plus I broke my app store on it. I was bored one day and curious what would happen if I started disabling different programs, and uninstalling updates on others. Turns out you can break the app store and can't update it. Well, I probably could if I really wanted to work on it, but I don't. I just think it's kind of funny that it won't update on it's own if I open the app store. One would think it would, but it just tells me that my version is out of date. It doesn't bother me, I only call and text on it anyway, don't need to play games or watch videos on it. I hate how so many people just stare at their phones all the time and don't pay attention to what's going on around them. Probably how I'm able to walk up behind people at work and scare/startle them. They've lost their ability to pay attention to their surroundings.
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 00:13:32 Quality: 0.
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I agree 100%. I don't play mobile games at all. I always liked the simple, straight-forward GUI of TEQ, but I just know that without the graphics, it's hard to grab new users.---Pez
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 03:32:12 Quality: 0.
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Did anyone hear that? ... Me either.---Pez
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 04:00:15 Quality: 0.
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weak sauce
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 04:14:33 Quality: 0.
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I forgive you Pez. I understand more than you know...literaly
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 04:25:29 Quality: +1.
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Oh look, I remembered I have mod powers and can hide the ramblings of madmen to keep the board free of toxic drivel.---Pez
Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 06:05:46 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote: Oh look, I remembered I have mod powers and can hide the ramblings of madmen to keep the board free of toxic drivel.---Pez |
Doing this is exactly how I lost my moderator role lol.. I have absolutely zero regrets about it. I'm pretty sure it counts towards community service! I harbor no ill will towards the fool I just wish he'd get some help. These conspiracy rants used to be mildly amusing, unfortunately people much smarter than them got a whiff of how much money it could bring in and really started ramping up the ridiculous nature of it all for profit. If they could just follow a single thread of this convoluted mish-mash of nonsense through there'd be a little bit of credibility. Unfortunately it's all smoke and mirrors and long winded rambling rants and dodgy !@$ geocities looking anyrandomnews sites..  Also hi Pez! I've thought about doing a sneaky mock-up for the TEQ4 design several times before as well. I too think it would have been an incredible mobile game with just a little bit of a polish. Most of the game is already done, you'd just need a new section to communicate without forums (which lets face it no ones used the prez forums in years lol) to declare your teams intent and recruit etc.. There's a lot of untapped potential there. !@$# you could even have a pay to win server to attract whales, or "skins" for your units lol.. A small flash-style animation of an accumulation of your units vs theirs and boom! You can sell your idea to TenCent for a few million bucks so they can run it into the ground xD  Calm Blue Ocean...
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 06:36:29 Quality: +1.
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Hahaha, I didn't realize that's why you lost your mod role.And yeah, I don't have any ill will towards the dude either. If he'd just stick to the conspiracy rambles, I'd let it go and just ignore him. But he always makes it personal - I've only been participating in the last 3-4 pages of this thread and already he's made four (one is hidden) assumptions about me in order to make his point. And accusing heb of some vile stuff without any proof is just over the line. Can't have a respectful discussion, then you can't have a discussion at all as far as I'm concerned. I just wish I'd remembered I'm a mod sooner. If this costs me my mod powers, that'd be funny. But yeah, TEQ mobile would be awesome. ---Pez