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master of disaster (#15067)
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23-Jun-2021 17:37:51 Quality: 0.

And the nano in the vaccines is crazy. How can anybody know of the harm?

They passed self assimilating nano carbon in the swabs and the cheap masks.
These nano carbon self assimilate once body heat is added. And they added luciferase and luciferen to vaccines in order to be able to track the entire bloodstream. Star trek scanner stuff. But obviously it can be used for tracking the indivual bypassing the need for facial recognition. This was the reason for masks since the science is solid that masks do not work.
They are training AI with the mask mandates (agenda 21).

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
23-Jun-2021 22:07:43 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

How can Fauci and Bill Gates have this much clout and credibility?

It's not so much that Fraud, I mean Fauci and Gates have so much clout and credibility. It's that people have been trained/brainwashed to believe whatever the MSM reports, sorry I mean repeats to them. And we all fall for it sometimes. And that includes every one of us on this thread. We are all human and part of us wants to trust others and believe they are telling the truth and wouldn't harm us, even when we know otherwise.

master of disaster (#15067)
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24-Jun-2021 01:12:29 Quality: 0.

I went looking and finally found something on Sterling David Allen.

This guy was connected and when he got picked up by the Utah fbi he sang like a bird and was why Justice Scalia got murdered.
What happened was the guy was a mormon and got a repentant heart.

He ran the server for an international c p ring tied to government officials.

I saw the info come out in rt back then. Alot erased now.
Actually suprised I found this much.
He gave the administrative passwords to the fbi who secretly monitored and managed it for over 6 months before they took it down.

It is this info that ties Obama to Scalias blackmail to push obamacare through

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
24-Jun-2021 01:48:03 Quality: 0.

madyson is a survivor who has testified at over 100 military tribunals so far.
She recently outed another big name trafficker.
T.D. Jakes, a mega church pastor (potters house)

master of disaster (#15067)
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24-Jun-2021 05:14:10 Quality: 0.

@johnheretohelp just named William J. Walker as the go between for Pelosi and the shooter to orchestrate the event that killed Ashli Babbit on 1-6.

This is Lin Wood whistleblower

[ -- Message edited on: 24-Jun-2021 05:17:03 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
24-Jun-2021 05:46:42 Quality: 0.

Interesting thoughts, glad you also have a difficult time reconciling Trump and the vaccines and it isn't just me.

Personally, I saw my Dad get Covid right after he got the first Moderna shot. He was bed-ridden, lost weight and got so weak that I thought he might not make it (mind you he is tougher at his age than anyone you'll meet). He ended up getting an antibody infusion and was given HCQ which turned it around. My Mom was sick too, but not as bad. I became sick after a few days as well and quarantined. I had been taking zinc, vit C and D3 daily and symptoms were mostly fatigue and head/body aches. Work required me to test in order to return unfortunately, so had 2 tests. First was positive and four days later tested negative.

There have been so many reports that people only got sick after getting the jab that it doesn't pass the smell test for me after seeing it firsthand. My parents decided not to get the 2nd shot after their experience. I couldn't believe they did in the first place after all the information I had shared that our news was not divulging.

Trump gave these clowns free reign to bypass normal processes and push experimental biotech on us and it pisses me off. At best he had poor judgment in trusting Fauci and company to be ethical. At best...

After Jan 6 and the way regular, patriotic people were immediately thrown under the bus, lumped in with agitators and false flag operatives and labeled domestic terrorists, I began to entertain the idea that Trump was the polarizing figurehead needed to split people enough to usher in the new era in the Military-Industrial complex. The 'war on terror' appears to now be the 'war on you'. Bring on the surveillance state. That's where I'm at, but hopefully I'm wrong.

Ripper (#5)
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24-Jun-2021 06:01:49 Quality: 0.

Also seems that McAfee, as crazy as he is and a man that said he would never suicide, pulled an Epstein over in Spain. Might be an interesting few days.
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
24-Jun-2021 06:26:36 Quality: 0.

There is info we do not have.

Yuri is correct in that we are very trusting by nature

I believe Trump proved almost everyday that there were options to a vax.
There is no reason they got the exemption.
That falls to the fda.

Trump lead by example and it might have been all he could do being it up to us inevitably.

I think we had to be shown. It is obvious alot of people worship these dr's and taking their sacrement gives them feelings of virtue.
This is the exact scenario they did to us with the polio vax.

I believe it is a big net cast and the fda's days are numbered.

As Prez I have to believe he had some power over it but I do not know what.
Isuspect there were demands Trump required on the vaccine like what he said publicly.
''the vax cannot be worse than the virus''.

Even if he had info it was a killer he had a protocol to follow.
Even if he interceded and stopped it early they would spin it calling Trump a mass murderer.

He not only had the 2 institutions that colluded with polio, media amd modern medicine, he also had big tech and social media censoring and deplatforming every dissenting voice.

And the medbeds are here also.
I am hearing dna is needed for them to program the beds for individual application.
And these vax are changing and damaging original dna so it will not repair vax damage.
That would be so sad.
So if you can convince someone about to get the vax have them save their dna before.
Then they will be able to program the medbed to the correct dna and hopefully restore health

[ -- Message edited on: 24-Jun-2021 06:31:51 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
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24-Jun-2021 06:30:31 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote:
Also seems that McAfee, as crazy as he is and a man that said he would never suicide, pulled an Epstein over in Spain. Might be an interesting few days.

His 1st post after he died was a Q.


heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
24-Jun-2021 08:08:20 Quality: 0.

I'm going to tap out of the convo for a bit. My uncle just passed away from covid last month. He was a good guy. We used to train together. he was retired marine sniper SF.

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