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Yuri (#3268)
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18-Jun-2021 15:48:09 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote:

Read the definition above. Even if someone thought the races shouldn't mix for whatever reason, that isn't racism that is simply an opinion/preference. If you disagree, go start telling any white women that don't date black men and any black women who don't date white men that they are racist. Believing it is racist is due to the propaganda moving goal posts to push an agenda.

As a white guy who has tried to date black women, I can tell you there are a lot of black women who won't date a white guy. I've also seen white women who won't date white guys but only date black men. Neither case bothers me if they don't find the other race/color attractive/desirable. Because let's be honest, nobody finds everybody else desirable. So no big deal. Now if it they won't date somebody just because the color of their skin, or will only date them because of the color of skin, then yeah, that would be bad. I've met some people like that, but that's on them.

In regards to racism today, Ripper is correct. The goal posts are always moving. That's why you can't ever be woke enough for woke culture. What is acceptable today may not be tomorrow. And you've spoke that same idea yourself Heb. Not the exact words, but the intent behind them.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
18-Jun-2021 16:24:21 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
 Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote:

Read the definition above. Even if someone thought the races shouldn't mix for whatever reason, that isn't racism that is simply an opinion/preference. If you disagree, go start telling any white women that don't date black men and any black women who don't date white men that they are racist. Believing it is racist is due to the propaganda moving goal posts to push an agenda.

As a white guy who has tried to date black women, I can tell you there are a lot of black women who won't date a white guy. I've also seen white women who won't date white guys but only date black men. Neither case bothers me if they don't find the other race/color attractive/desirable. Because let's be honest, nobody finds everybody else desirable. So no big deal. Now if it they won't date somebody just because the color of their skin, or will only date them because of the color of skin, then yeah, that would be bad. I've met some people like that, but that's on them.

In regards to racism today, Ripper is correct. The goal posts are always moving. That's why you can't ever be woke enough for woke culture. What is acceptable today may not be tomorrow. And you've spoke that same idea yourself Heb. Not the exact words, but the intent behind them.

And I agree with that fully. However, when I am calling MoD racist it is from the true old school type of racism. The belief that the races should not mix. should not have children together. to view having mixed children as an attack on the white man. These are among some of the fundamentals of racism. Starting points and arguments of racism ideology.

He is speaking the same way many predominate racist have. He is speaking the pure blood line talk of Hitler.

Liking a type and having a preference is not racist. making the claim that white and black people having babies together is an attack on white people is.

Certainty you can see the large difference between the two.

heblm3 (#40142)
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18-Jun-2021 16:35:52 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

I would say that diversity of thought is one thing. Believing that white and black people should not be allowed to have children because it is an attack against the white race is not diversity of thought.

Nobody said this.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

But even if it was the thought alone even though harmful in ways is nothing next to the groups of people that take diverse thoughts like that and turn them into actions.

Nobody is doing this.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

For example: if the diverse thought that white and black people should not have children because it is an attack against white people. The response to the attack when need to be defense. This diverse thought creates racism. It has no choice but to be an even unwanted outcome.

reasons: how is it an attack on the white race?

Read the definition above. Even if someone thought the races shouldn't mix for whatever reason, that isn't racism that is simply an opinion/preference. If you disagree, go start telling any white women that don't date black men and any black women who don't date white men that they are racist. Believing it is racist is due to the propaganda moving goal posts to push an agenda.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

the outcome would split into the debate of which race was better. and what the outcome of a mixed race would be. These are literally core concepts in the arguments on both sides, black and white, about race. one is genetically superior to the other.

So what we are talking about here is real racism. even by your definition and the fact that Mod supports true racism.

None of that is true.

I'm not going to go back and forth with you. all of it happened. and yes it would because that is exactly how it happened in history. If you don't know the history I can't help you, spend time looking it up yourself before you talk on a subject.

He posted a man that believes the mixing of races is an attack on white people.

with that post he stated a question. "he must be an idiot right?" that question is him supporting that man. he furthers his support by stating that he has a 200 IQ.

I don't care about that mans IQ< I don't care about MoD thinks. The man thinks things that do indeed make him an idiot.

MoDs support of that makes him a racist.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
18-Jun-2021 16:39:36 Quality: 0.

heblm3 (#40142)
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18-Jun-2021 16:41:19 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
A lot of court cases get thrown out of court immediately by a judge because" a failure in logic"

I would have no idea on how to respond to such great leaps in logic.

Then a bunch of stuff that you said I said because what I really meant to say was completely opposite of what I actually said the definition provided to you of what racism is, isn't because what you believe racism is,is because you said I was racist.
And you said I said something that I never said but you say I said because you couldn't understand what I said.

I never said blacks and whites should not marry and have babies. You said that.
I said critical race theory causes division, not UNITY and that the quote I gave here by the smartest man on the planet with an iq of 200 explains what the marxists are up to by demonizing whites in media and PROMOTING the breeding out of the white race.
I then brought up Genghis, Attila and Mohammed as being blonde and blue eyed based upon historical records.
And you called that racist.

Then Per helps me out by pointing to the fact that even though 8% of Asians claim DNA from Genghis, they all look Asian proving my point tyvm.

I almost had mixed babies.
If I loved them I probably would have but I didn"t.
You are right in this respect. It was very sexual.
They were hot and I found it very exciting.

And I can assure you I treated them like !@$# just like all my other girlfriends.

Game came naturally to me.
It was not till the inet and all the info shared about mgtow pickup artists did I even know it was game that got me laid so much.
Being an intj I do not pair bond easy.
I stay pretty distant in relationships.
So there were many.

Now we all know you are calling me different labels to get back at calling you out as a pedo.
I can make a pretty good case for it just from this thread.

But I am positive I could make an easy case proving you are a NPC

You do not seem to have your own life.
Like both you and your memories are solely based upon me and my life and expressions. You seem to be an adversarial script inert till activated

[ -- Message edited on: 18-Jun-2021 01:06:22 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

MoD buddy, The difference between me and you is that I am right. Every time I say something about you you admit to being that later.

I said you are the type of person that is horrible to woman.

now you admit that you are horrible to woman.

How did I know you are horrible to woman? because of you shared traits of mental illness to people I have worked him. You are a very sick man. who so far has shown that he.

Watch and posts child porn

treats woman horribly

is emotionally detached in relationships and distant

detached from reality

make up your own information when you read things

god complex

like I said bud you are a horrible person.

but here lets play another game. use this thread to prove I'm a pedo.

once again claims without proof.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
18-Jun-2021 17:07:45 Quality: 0.

None of the things you say I said, I said.

You need 15 pages to explain to everyone I meant to say something else.

I posted that to prove there were marxists (racists) and you have done that in spades spinning yourself into a hole.

The reason I asked you over and over if you are a pedo is because you are a N P C.

It did not go unnoticed you never, not once denied it.
What you did do is attempt to make me the topic and claim I say things I never said or meant to say which is requiring you to argue with everyone over simple definitions.
It takes volumes of word salad for you to do this.

You claimed I was racist.
My answer was simply "no, I am not. Because I am not.

Are you a pedo?

That is what you are on about. You have yet to answer. That fact never got past me.

Cancel culture you even brag about.
You and your Marxist buddies are a plague that declas will completely obliterate.
Darkness to Light.
Light always overcomes darkness.
Darkness does not even exist.
Darkness is a label to explain an absence of light.
You can measure light. Darkness flees the light.
All that is left is reeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

If you reject intelligent people for intelligent thought where does that leave you? In darkness.
Your entire hypothesis from the very beginning was you had all these degrees and graduated with honors there for you were right.
But now here you are pretending to be intelligent by long and endless word salads that take pages and pages explaining away simple equations.
You just spent days of thought and pages of gibberish attempting to sell the idea that if you thought of it it must be true no matter who says it or what are common definitions.....because you have these degrees.
My guess based on the fact you cannot grasp logical explanations is that you are most likely the racist, most Marxists are. Your promotion of Marxist ideals like cancel culture defines this quite well.

I did not need pages and pages of convoluted to tell you if I am a racist
No, I am not.

Are you a pedo? (Notice you needed prodding to answer. Telling that it took prodding to answer if you do)

Are you a pedo?
Or just an N P C?

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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18-Jun-2021 17:10:12 Quality: 0.

Women love me. Once again you misinterpreted what I actually said.


You must need money to get laid

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
18-Jun-2021 17:42:55 Quality: 0.

In exposing pesos in higher government I posted proof that Obama diddled Sasha in front of the other daughter watching it.
They were all fully clothed and in public, but obvious molestation.

In response you claim I posted child porn.

Prove it.
I did nothing of the sort.
I am not an idiot. I do not watch nor have I ever posted anything at all that would be considered CP by anyone.

So in exposing Obama you feel you need to project that filth onto me.

Obama is a pedo as well as Biden.
In proving this you claim I am a pedo by doing so.
But you asked me to prove it.
Obama in a photo.
Biden in that his own daughter claims it in her memoirs in a recently printed book that is public.

So in doing so you claim I am guilty because I exposed this, because you asked for proof.

We all have to ask "what are you hiding?"

My proof I posted is of Obama publicly diddling Sasha
Pedo Joe's own daughter airing it all out.

And your answer is orange man bad and claims I did something wrong exposing it.

I am not a racist, pedo or did I post any cp.

In fact almost everything you have said about me is lies you make up.
Which is obvious

Are you a pedo?

Joe is
Obama is
Hillary is
Orange man bad is not
I am not.

Are you a pedo?

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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18-Jun-2021 18:00:52 Quality: 0.

Yahshuwah was accused of doing the works of belsubub.
He answered "A house divided is sure to fall"
You cannot serve 2 masters.

Can you agree with me we each serve another master than the other?
I am cool with that.
I spend every day upon awakening trying to be better.
To serve Him better.

You serve belial as is apparent in every post you make.
Now Google to find out what I just said.
Every single true disciple of either Light or Darkness encounters another just like you and I encountered each other.
This is an eternal battle.
Light always wins.
Light exposes what thinks is hidden in darkness.

I am beginning to believe you have no choice in being who you are.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
18-Jun-2021 23:09:27 Quality: 0.

Now we know why the chinese lab leak narrative completely changed lately

Confirmed - Chinese Defector Identity WOW
This is going to blow up and might explain why the narratives are changing in the last month.

RedState’s sources confirmed that the defector is, in fact, Dong Jingwei, that he was in charge of counterintelligence efforts in China, and that he flew to the United States in mid-February, allegedly to visit his daughter at a university in California.

Dong has extremely embarrassing and damaging information about our intelligence community and government officials in the “terabytes of data” he’s provided to the DIA.

In addition, Dong has provided DIA with the following information:

- Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2
- Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the US and the world
- Financial records detailing which exact organizations and governments funded the research on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare research
- Names of US citizens who provide intel to China
- Names of Chinese spies working in the US or attending US universities
- Financial records showing US businessmen and public officials who’ve received money from the Chinese government
- Details of meetings US government officials had (perhaps unwittingly) with Chinese spies and members of Russia’s SVR
- How the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications system, leading to the death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA

I know for an absolute fact who gave the intel on who our spies were(were because they are all dead).
It was Joe Biden. And now Dong Jingwei is verifying, has verified it.

I knew this weekend was "suicide weekend".

This Is Not A Drill.

Get your supplies and top off your tanks with gas.

This is why all military went into lockdown.

This is so big.

We will soon know who the traitots in our government are.
Every single mayor, Every traitorous Governor. Every businessman, every University.

Military Tribum
nals have been ongoing but will become known. Nuremburg trials publicly hung the Dr's and Nurses first, then the complicant media.

If you took CCP money and sold out your country, you will hang.

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