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master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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19-Jun-2021 01:17:50 Quality: 0.

Every article in the Nuremburg code was broken from the covid vaccine push

Informed consent

There was no informed consent

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
19-Jun-2021 06:35:17 Quality: 0.

Forwarded from
EO 13818
EO 13848
If you are new, I would recommend looking up those two executive order numbers.

Trump started whooping [their] !@$ a long time ago.
Future Proves Past.

Election Interference = Treason.

Covid = Crimes Against Humanity

Elon Musk made a deal me thinks. He gets to live but it looks like he lost all his assets. He is living in a 50k in Texas. Something about simplifying his life or something.
Others did not get off as easy

This easily balances the trillions of debt we took on.

These 2 EO's are checkmate.
We already won.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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19-Jun-2021 16:13:41 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
In exposing pesos in higher government I posted proof that Obama diddled Sasha in front of the other daughter watching it.
They were all fully clothed and in public, but obvious molestation.

In response you claim I posted child porn.

Prove it.
I did nothing of the sort.
I am not an idiot. I do not watch nor have I ever posted anything at all that would be considered CP by anyone.

So in exposing Obama you feel you need to project that filth onto me.

Obama is a pedo as well as Biden.
In proving this you claim I am a pedo by doing so.
But you asked me to prove it.
Obama in a photo.
Biden in that his own daughter claims it in her memoirs in a recently printed book that is public.

So in doing so you claim I am guilty because I exposed this, because you asked for proof.

We all have to ask "what are you hiding?"

My proof I posted is of Obama publicly diddling Sasha
Pedo Joe's own daughter airing it all out.

And your answer is orange man bad and claims I did something wrong exposing it.

I am not a racist, pedo or did I post any cp.

In fact almost everything you have said about me is lies you make up.
Which is obvious

Are you a pedo?

Joe is
Obama is
Hillary is
Orange man bad is not
I am not.

Are you a pedo?

If you have pictures of a child being molested that is child porn.

You claim that it is child porn.

You looked at it and then posted it.

It is still child porn.

So you do in fact watcha nd post child porn.

the end.

if it is not molestation there is no problem.

But it is molestation so it is child porn and you are preading it.

I like how you try to justify it by saying they have clothes on. You know that is the same thing pedos say about sites that have little kids in bathing suits right? That it isn't child porn because they are not naked.

So which is it?

did you post material of a child being molested which is child porn.

or not?

you pick.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
19-Jun-2021 16:15:49 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
None of the things you say I said, I said.

You need 15 pages to explain to everyone I meant to say something else.

I posted that to prove there were marxists (racists) and you have done that in spades spinning yourself into a hole.

The reason I asked you over and over if you are a pedo is because you are a N P C.

It did not go unnoticed you never, not once denied it.
What you did do is attempt to make me the topic and claim I say things I never said or meant to say which is requiring you to argue with everyone over simple definitions.
It takes volumes of word salad for you to do this.

You claimed I was racist.
My answer was simply "no, I am not. Because I am not.

Are you a pedo?

That is what you are on about. You have yet to answer. That fact never got past me.

Cancel culture you even brag about.
You and your Marxist buddies are a plague that declas will completely obliterate.
Darkness to Light.
Light always overcomes darkness.
Darkness does not even exist.
Darkness is a label to explain an absence of light.
You can measure light. Darkness flees the light.
All that is left is reeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

If you reject intelligent people for intelligent thought where does that leave you? In darkness.
Your entire hypothesis from the very beginning was you had all these degrees and graduated with honors there for you were right.
But now here you are pretending to be intelligent by long and endless word salads that take pages and pages explaining away simple equations.
You just spent days of thought and pages of gibberish attempting to sell the idea that if you thought of it it must be true no matter who says it or what are common definitions.....because you have these degrees.
My guess based on the fact you cannot grasp logical explanations is that you are most likely the racist, most Marxists are. Your promotion of Marxist ideals like cancel culture defines this quite well.

I did not need pages and pages of convoluted to tell you if I am a racist
No, I am not.

Are you a pedo? (Notice you needed prodding to answer. Telling that it took prodding to answer if you do)

Are you a pedo?
Or just an N P C?

awww poor baby.

You don't like it when people act like you do you?

So that a long hard think about this.

What you currently don't like right now. Is what you have done to everyone in this thread.

I am acting like you nothing more.

If you didn't want to be called a racist you shouldn't have said racist things. But I wouldn't expect much more from a guy that has been watching child porn for 25 years.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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19-Jun-2021 16:29:02 Quality: 0.

Finally you answer yes, you are a pedo.
I took a pic passed through the net proving Obama is a sick pedo to prove to you he was a pedo, as per your request for proof.
I guess you did not want proof, just the pic.
It sickens me but must have excited you.
I have a pic of the small child of both the face and scalp of the small child Hillay Clinto tortured where she removed her face with a scalpel. It shows the head before and after along with the removed face and hair after she cut it off the live girl.

She and Huma then took turns wearing the face of the little girl mocking her as she was still alive

It made me sooooooo sick I just have not been able to post it.
But people do need to know how sick these people are.
Sad, you are probably that sick. It is obvious you are a psychopath. Even your chosen profession seems to imply this. Just like Michael Jackson being a hero for being instrumental in taking down a global child trafficking ring, they paid him back by accusing him of their sick pursuits and actions.
It is your sick attempts to project your own fascism and pedophilia onto me because I expose it that is easily recognized by those with eyes to see that buries you in your own sick and twisted projections..
You guys only have a few weapons at your disposal to stop us from exposing you but they are losing their power as more and more are awakened to your sick ways.
Those that worship baal/molech and Tanit and sacrice our children at their altar are being exposed for all the world to see.
You guys are sick as !@$# and are getting exposed for all to see.

The pics in question came from Hillary's 30000 emails

Frazzledrip cannot be unseen.

I highly suggest you just take my word for it. It is the worst images I have ever seen or could imagine because of the fact it is intentional and planned and obvious not a one-off.
I will not post it here but it can be found on whiplash347 telegram channel. This is just the pics. The video is on the darkweb titled "frazzledrip"

Obama putting his hand down a little girls pants is a bit milder way to expose them than frazzledrip but it is all being exposed.
Your sick world is being exposed
You are the one that admitted to watching lots of child porn because you were investigating it.
You are a sick puppy to attempt to project that onto me after allI do to expose creeps like you
A short clip by Robert David Steele that I find enjoyable in how he presents it.

This also takes you to the most informative Twitter out there. A tremendous source for info

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 16:54:09 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 16:58:02 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 17:01:39 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 18:42:23 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
19-Jun-2021 22:16:51 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

I have a pic of the small child of both the face and scalp of the small child Hillay Clinto tortured where she removed her face with a scalpel. It shows the head before and after along with the removed face and hair after she cut it off the live girl.

She and Huma then took turns wearing the face of the little girl mocking her as she was still alive

I understand wanting proof of what evil HC did, but why in the name of the Most High would you have a picture of such an evil event? If the photo is real, then I hope she repents before she dies. !@$# is a place nobody will enjoy being in.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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19-Jun-2021 23:50:00 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

I have a pic of the small child of both the face and scalp of the small child Hillay Clinto tortured where she removed her face with a scalpel. It shows the head before and after along with the removed face and hair after she cut it off the live girl.

She and Huma then took turns wearing the face of the little girl mocking her as she was still alive

I understand wanting proof of what evil HC did, but why in the name of the Most High would you have a picture of such an evil event? If the photo is real, then I hope she repents before she dies. !@$# is a place nobody will enjoy being in.

I could have phrased that better.
I have it in the sense of where to find it.
On whiplash347 telegram.
It was first found on Weiners laptop when he was arrested for sexting teens.

I will not watch the video for sure. It was filmed in Epsteins dungeon on his island.
Did you know the owner of the island closest to Epsteins island, just a few miles away is Joe Biden?

I have to admit I am getting more calloused from all this.

I cried and prayed when I saw the pics a few days ago. The only thing Ii have run into from all this since pizzagate started all the exposure.
The soccerball in Tom Hanks movie castaway has a face depicting this. Ellen Degeneres wore a hoodie with an image of it.
Lady gaga dressed up as it.

I wish I never saw but I am glad I did for the same reason I will witness the public executions.
I never want to spend another day of my life where I might forget what we as a society let happen. I have chosen to take a stand.
I will not allow it to get swept under the rug and forgotten.
What we have allowed to happen right under our noses and even flaunted and even glorified by hollyweird is on our heads.
This happened on our watch and is done on an industrial level. We vote and elect them as our representatives.
We buy tickets to watch their movies. We buy their merchandise.

I wish I took the blue pill but praise Yah that He has blessed me with knowledge and knowing.

I can never turn back. My leisure and plenty as it turns out is at the expense of millions of children who have been trafficed, tortured, raped, harvested and murdered.

Their bodies are disposed of into our foodchain and sold at Mcdonalds and elsewhere.(verifiable fact)

The pics have only helped harden my resolve that I will do my part and never ever allow it to go back into the shadows and underground again.

This has been going on for thousands of years and by Yah let us all take a stand and let this generation be the one to destroy it and end it.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
19-Jun-2021 23:58:48 Quality: 0.

According to the Bible, only 2 people gained salvation from their acts as saving faith
Abraham and Phineas.
Today is the same as when they were openly sacrificing their children to Baal/molech.
Abraham was being shown.
The Phineas ministry will take place when it it becomes ''like in the days of Noah''

We might be witnessing such a time.

There is such a thing as ''righteous anger''

[ -- Message edited on: 20-Jun-2021 00:00:33 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

If you want to know how big the market is consider that the art world, fashion industry and bitcoin are methods used for payment and laundering the proceeds. The #1 commodity by far on the planet

[ -- Message edited on: 20-Jun-2021 00:08:04 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 20-Jun-2021 01:03:09 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

Click to set your personal icon.
20-Jun-2021 00:22:58 Quality: 0.

The Aristocrats
This is a movie/documentary about what is considered ''the dirtiest joke in the world''

This joke has been told by top comedians since the 1950's.

What makes it funny?

To you and I it is so absurd and off color that we all think''well that is so crazy and repulsive it must be funny. I guess. It certainly matters who tells it.

And to the aristocrats you have to wonder why it would be funny.....

But here is the joke that makes it especially funny to both the comedians and the aristocrats.

it is all true.

That is what makes it funny to them. Like an inside joke..... These people are that sick.....Every bit of it is true

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
20-Jun-2021 02:28:26 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
Finally you answer yes, you are a pedo.
I took a pic passed through the net proving Obama is a sick pedo to prove to you he was a pedo, as per your request for proof.
I guess you did not want proof, just the pic.
It sickens me but must have excited you.
I have a pic of the small child of both the face and scalp of the small child Hillay Clinto tortured where she removed her face with a scalpel. It shows the head before and after along with the removed face and hair after she cut it off the live girl.

She and Huma then took turns wearing the face of the little girl mocking her as she was still alive

It made me sooooooo sick I just have not been able to post it.
But people do need to know how sick these people are.
Sad, you are probably that sick. It is obvious you are a psychopath. Even your chosen profession seems to imply this. Just like Michael Jackson being a hero for being instrumental in taking down a global child trafficking ring, they paid him back by accusing him of their sick pursuits and actions.
It is your sick attempts to project your own fascism and pedophilia onto me because I expose it that is easily recognized by those with eyes to see that buries you in your own sick and twisted projections..
You guys only have a few weapons at your disposal to stop us from exposing you but they are losing their power as more and more are awakened to your sick ways.
Those that worship baal/molech and Tanit and sacrice our children at their altar are being exposed for all the world to see.
You guys are sick as !@$# and are getting exposed for all to see.

The pics in question came from Hillary's 30000 emails

Frazzledrip cannot be unseen.

I highly suggest you just take my word for it. It is the worst images I have ever seen or could imagine because of the fact it is intentional and planned and obvious not a one-off.
I will not post it here but it can be found on whiplash347 telegram channel. This is just the pics. The video is on the darkweb titled "frazzledrip"

Obama putting his hand down a little girls pants is a bit milder way to expose them than frazzledrip but it is all being exposed.
Your sick world is being exposed
You are the one that admitted to watching lots of child porn because you were investigating it.
You are a sick puppy to attempt to project that onto me after allI do to expose creeps like you
A short clip by Robert David Steele that I find enjoyable in how he presents it.

This also takes you to the most informative Twitter out there. A tremendous source for info

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 16:54:09 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 16:58:02 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 17:01:39 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Jun-2021 18:42:23 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

I would and will never use the link of a psyco that says look here are children being touched.

I mean honestly Mod it is really fkd up that you try to get people to look at the !@$# !@$# you are into.

You are the pedo get help.

Like I said for the last time. Prove it or just stop.

I mean everything. prove everything you have said.

Show me a military court. the dead bodies.

tell me why they killed people and replaced them with body doubles just to have them do the same evil things.

Prove any of it.

You are a lunatic. You don't even think I am real. You have lost touch with reality and are very sick.

I will not engage you about your pedophilia nor will I help you in you sick quest to get others to view the pedo stuff you look up.

I hope you either get caught or get help. I really hope you never hurt kids but with as far gone as you are its more likely you have some locked dup in your basement.

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