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master of disaster (#15067)
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13-Jun-2021 17:08:04 Quality: 0.

They made Trump denounce White Supremacy 37 times.
Now that his son has a recording of him using the N-word numerous times...out in the public sphere...
Should we just accept it as a reality?
Clearly it isn't that big a deal since blacks use the word all the time.
We need to end this type of virtue signalling.
It is just a word

[ -- Message edited on: 13-Jun-2021 17:24:16 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jun-2021 17:22:45 Quality: 0.


Josh Barnett is saying that the "actual number is way off" from the 2.1 million ballots that are supposed to be there.

Christina Bobb said that they will likely find “substantially less” than 2.1 million ballots.

Boris Epshteyn said that 25% or more of the boxes are missing ballots.

In other words, Maricopa County's election officials fought a court ordered-subpoena for 5-months, then refused to turn over their election routers, didn't turn over chain of custody documentation, deleted an election database, don't have their admin passwords for their voting machines, didn't properly seal their ballots, and they are also missing a substantial amount of Maricopa County's 2.1 million ballots.

All in a state that was decided by 10,475 votes.

Am I missing anything else about how Maricopa County ran their "most safe and secure election ever" in American history&#10067;


Pez (#324)
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13-Jun-2021 19:18:58 Quality: 0.

This is a perfect example of why it's pointless to engage with you. You're living in a fantasy.

The election is over and all of the many dozens of lawsuits that the Trump team pursued were thrown out due to lack of evidence of voter fraud. The rest of your statements look like alternative history fiction, as there is literally nothing to back them up except for more unsubstantiated wild claims. Everyone regurgitating this fantasy fails to produce any evidence, but then think making even more wild claims somehow makes the others valid. Without any substantiating evidence, no one that practices an ounce of discernment is going to take these claims seriously.

45 was as polarizing as it gets - he lost the popular vote in 2016, and he caused many Republicans to turn their support away for him in his four years as POTUS. There's no reality where he was actually going to win in 2020, and there's no reality where he's behind the scenes, fighting to overturn an election that is long past. Anything that Congress is doing that is serving "Trump's agenda" is a mere coincidence that you're just connecting to the overall fantasy you've chosen to accept. You're just playing connect-the-dots, without any substantiating evidence.

Maybe I'm wrong, but there's definitely been nothing tangible presented to make me believe that at this time.


[ -- Message edited on: 13-Jun-2021 19:58:26 by Pez (#324) -- ]

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jun-2021 21:12:31 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Jesus, MoD, you broke the thread with that incredibly long link that everyone is going to ignore. I'm hiding that post, but here it is below, if anyone wants to actually follow the link, just copy/paste each line.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
I think it is doltish to think they will entertain the thought that you are a credible perspective buyer.
But here is the phone number


That is a very MoD like defense. You do no have to be a credible buyer to get information on a listed property. I do not need to give any of my information either. However, it is easy enough to check the credibility of the certified agent. Which makes the claims easy to prove or disprove.

He is not able to proved us with a certified agent to fact check this information.

the only source this was ever posted on by a certified agent, the agent himself said that it was never for sale.

Between that information that we already have, and me calling the number given from the link is more than enough to prove that he was wrong the palace is not for sale.

So now the next question comes into play. since the queens palace being for sale was a huge part of your proof for the forward momentum of the your purposed movement. Where do we stand now? Some of your information has been proven to be false and unreliable. A huge part of your proof for the success of the movement has now also been proven false.

The queen moved out she said, because she no longer has any business in London.
The royal crests removed.
Boarded up windows.

But HEB says he believes something he read on the net

I even gave you a number to call.
Oh well, you can be gullible if you choose

Lol comical

Again never paying attention big guy. You gave me a link not a number. the link took me to a place where I could find the number. As I stated in my other post about it I did in fact call the number. It was confirmed that the palace is not up for sale.

It is under heavy renovations until 2027 tough. And I can take tours of the palace and the royal garden.

I have the prices for that as well if you wish?

You and your sources are wrong.

So I say again..

Now that the palace has been confirmed that it is not up for sale what does that do to the rest of your story? What does it do to the credibility of your sources?

I used your source to confirm that it wasn't for sale. Maybe you should have done that yourself before spreading lies?

You know fact check? It was super easy to do like I said before.

Yuri (#3268)
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13-Jun-2021 21:56:36 Quality: 0.

Heb, when you called them, how long were you on hold?
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jun-2021 21:59:26 Quality: 0.

Also, I'm glad this thread is still going.
Sort of like the new Blabby Thread. Gee, I miss that one. Wish we didn't let it get auto-deleted.
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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14-Jun-2021 17:25:09 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:


Josh Barnett is saying that the "actual number is way off" from the 2.1 million ballots that are supposed to be there.

Christina Bobb said that they will likely find “substantially less” than 2.1 million ballots.

Boris Epshteyn said that 25% or more of the boxes are missing ballots.

In other words, Maricopa County's election officials fought a court ordered-subpoena for 5-months, then refused to turn over their election routers, didn't turn over chain of custody documentation, deleted an election database, don't have their admin passwords for their voting machines, didn't properly seal their ballots, and they are also missing a substantial amount of Maricopa County's 2.1 million ballots.

All in a state that was decided by 10,475 votes.

Am I missing anything else about how Maricopa County ran their "most safe and secure election ever" in American history&#10067;


yeah, you are missing the part where the outside contract that they did for counting votes in PA turned up nothing wrong. Then they manipulated their response to try to show that there could still possibly be wrong doing. But they couldn't.

Lets remember MoD if voter fraud in built on lies it can't be disproven anyway. So there is no way to catch anyone for this so it wont matter according to you.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jun-2021 17:25:19 Quality: 0.

12 June 2021 It's official, there's no stopping the truth!

The United States Senate announced today:

- Establishment Corona Narrative is a lie
- The media is covering up the truth
- Big tech censors
- Big Pharma and the WHO are being held accountable
- HCQ/ Ivermerctin effective against Covid and withheld.
- China is guilty

it is your birthday

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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14-Jun-2021 17:29:28 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
I knew of the fraud before the election took place.
I knew Trump won by a landslide long before it was exposed.
None of this was a surprise to me.
I am disappointed it still isn't settled but if I examined recent events and I had to decide who his Chairman Xiao bai dehns puppet master between Xi, Obama or Trump it has to be Trump pulling on the strings
Did you see what just came from Congress?
It looks like White hat control across the board.
Congress, White House and Military all looks to be White hat controlled serving a Trump agenda.
This to avoid civil war..

I do find it interesting that you think Xiao is the most popular president ever even far outwinning Obama's popularity even.

So you think Xiao is that special huh?

I can understand based upon the visuals due to the enormous crowds he draws and his social media prominance.
(Sarcasm off)

This is not a real comment. Not possible that anyone that is intelligent would ever say anything in this post.

also, prominence is with an e not an a.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jun-2021 17:30:52 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
They made Trump denounce White Supremacy 37 times.
Now that his son has a recording of him using the N-word numerous times...out in the public sphere...
Should we just accept it as a reality?
Clearly it isn't that big a deal since blacks use the word all the time.
We need to end this type of virtue signalling.
It is just a word

[ -- Message edited on: 13-Jun-2021 17:24:16 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

So back to the part where I called the number provided by you and confirmed that the palace is not for sale.

meaning you and your sources are wrong.

let us talk more about that.

what does that mean now that your sources are wrong?

what does it mean for the rest of your set up that required the palace to be for sale as proof?

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