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Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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18-Aug-2021 22:14:12 Quality: 0.

You've been gone for a while MoD. Where did you go?
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
19-Aug-2021 17:10:30 Quality: 0.

I have been very very busy preparing for the transition to GESARA.
Supply chains will be dramatically altered as new trade agreements come into full effect.
Expect blackouts especially inet/cyber before skynet and FWD is activated.
That video I just posted from Thomas is 8 months old so factor in that part.
Then consider Mike Lindell's cyber symposium was a hacker-honeypot with the military identifying all traffic.
They attempted to run the E B S those days and 88% of tech and tv/radio blocked it.
That activates the Stafford act.

China closed the third most active port in the world.

Maricopa about to shake it all up this week.

Declas has begun.
Buckle up!
Ezra Watnick is key

Oh btw...Melania and Putin are related.
They are Romanov's. Does that make her Queen? I think it does (Anastasias' grand daughter).


Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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20-Aug-2021 16:00:01 Quality: 0.

You know I went to Frankspeech before the symposium started, like a week before it started just to check out the page. Then I went the day after it started, I think it started on the 10th, so I went on the 11th.

As for China closing the third most active port. Yeah, I thought it was a little overboard to close the entire port just because 1 person 'tested' positive for the 'virus'. The actions world leaders are taking make it really easy to believe conspiracy theories. Because things don't add up if it's just the little bit of information they have released.

EDIT - Grammar/word usage.

[ -- Message edited on: 20-Aug-2021 16:05:05 by Yuri (#3268) -- ]

Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
30-Aug-2021 04:55:03 Quality: 0.

Refiners now buying physical silver off the COMEX to satisfy demand. Suppressed paper derivative price won't continue much longer.


[ -- Message edited on: 30-Aug-2021 04:55:20 by Ripper (#5) -- ]

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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30-Aug-2021 16:36:21 Quality: 0.

It can't be game over yet. We haven't had a physical fight with the final boss yet.
Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
30-Aug-2021 23:32:43 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
It can't be game over yet. We haven't had a physical fight with the final boss yet.

I'm ready for Jeff Christian, let's go! lmao

Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Sep-2021 03:04:56 Quality: 0.

Uranium market goes boom! SPUT eating up physical inventory everywhere they can get it. Multi-year bull cycle is confirmed!
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
3-Sep-2021 16:30:58 Quality: 0.

Well with all the crap happening right now, let's hope the stock market doesn't crash as well. I wouldn't be surprised at all after this year is over that the total amount of suicides exceeds the amount from 2020.
Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Sep-2021 01:27:40 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Well with all the crap happening right now, let's hope the stock market doesn't crash as well. I wouldn't be surprised at all after this year is over that the total amount of suicides exceeds the amount from 2020.

When there is a correction I believe it will come as a result of the debt market. The FED is fully supporting this everything bubble in an attempt to control everything, so for the time being stocks are going up. When there is a correction, commodities will bounce back much more quickly than other sectors, as capital seeks value companies and those tied to real assets. We are already seeing some rotation out of growth and into commodities. Now there is a lot of chatter about how trash bonds are as well.

Keep an eye on TLT, DXY, FED monthly purchases and overnight repos/reverse repos, and crude oil.

[ -- Message edited on: 4-Sep-2021 01:28:39 by Ripper (#5) -- ]

Raymond Bourque (#217)
TEQ Game Account
9-Sep-2021 03:20:10 Quality: +1.

I still remember my login credentials!

Hello everyone, hope you are all well!

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