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master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 07:29:47 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Hahaha, so for good entertainment, I'm reading that Pence article.

"Former Vice President Michael Pence took a bullet to the chest on April 14 as he and an unidentified male companion tried to elude U.S. Special Forces that had been tasked with apprehending him under terms described in a sealed indictment."

Yet, he's made at least two public appearances since then. I mean, okay, doctors are really good these days, let's assume they just fixed him up real nice after getting SHOT IN THE CHEST and he just appeared healthy ~two weeks later. WHY DIDN'T THE !@$#ING MILITARY ARREST HIM WHEN HE MADE HIS PUBLIC APPEARANCE?!?! LOL! Or better yet, why didn't they arrest him when he was, you know, undergoing surgery for the gunshot wound?

Here's the article's explanation -
"Gasping for air with his hands clasped over a sucking chest wound, Pence reportedly apologized for having betrayed Donald J. Trump, saying with what he must have thought would be his last breath, “Tell Donald I’m sorry. They made me do it.”

“The dead guy and Pence were quickly taken from the hotel. After consulting Trump, Pence was airlifted to the hospital. As he fought for his life, Trump and his people began cooking up a cover story to avoid a media circus. It was generally known that Pence had heart trouble, and they went with the pacemaker story. If he died, they would have said he died due to surgical complications. After he was out of the woods, he got a telephone call in the hospital from Trump,” our source said.

Trump gave Pence an ultimatum: either sign a written confession naming his Deep State co-conspirators and agree to wear a monitoring anklet while JAG decides whether to send him before a military tribunal or have his crimes at once laid bare to the American public, including evidence of him cavorting with young men."

Okay, so first they break into his hotel room, shoot a former VP, then they decide to just give him an ultimatum that he just needs to write a confession (where is that confession, btw?) or face military tribunal.

There are real people that believe this story? No sane person looks at a source like this and say, "Oh, yeah, that's legit."

MoD, you're out of your !@$#ing mind. I rest my case.


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 06:34:47 by Pez (#324) -- ]

you mixed up timelines.
Pence raped 156
children, choking to death 78 (more or less) according to sworn testimony.
He was running.
There are comparison pics of Pence before and Pence after showing body double or mask.
That site might be more truth than you can handle.

What we will probably find from that site as this plays out is the timelines will change to more accurate times when they actually occured.
It is not who but WHEN that is going to blow everyones mind.

Remember this key fact.
The military has zero obligation or reasonto tell you anything they are doing.
Their obligation would be to clean it up and as soon as possible restore civilian government.
Repealing the Smith-Mundt act is swinginging the pendulum on the other side.

They are all actors.
It is a movie.
Their goal is no civil war

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 07:50:33 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
I chose to focus on your hero-worship and complete fantasy of Trump to illustrate the microcosm of the macrocosm.


But it is not hero worship.
I see him as a champion for the fight.
I actually see him as a King Cyrus archetype or possibly the antichrist or possibly the forerunner for him.
He looks to be of the order of the golden dawn, who has issued the divorce papers to the child trafficking, torturing baby eating adrenochrome consuming Order of the Phoenix.

Dude, I see that as a good thing.
But Trump is one of many in this war.

You don't just get rid of a 4000 year old death cult without many champions and decades of planning without any trouble and because DJT is president.
He is one of many that played his part better than I could have imagined.
If you look at the EO's, just like Peter Nygard found out Trump trapped them.

They never thought he would win in 201ÿ....
They certainly never thought he would let them steal that they did now what?????
They are fuc ked.
It was a sting.

I love this movie...but
it is getting really real now as showtime has some scary !@$ crap. The reset basel3, hyperinflation(i think it is revaluation 40%)
The blackout coming
WWWIII (scare tactic. DJT, Modi, Xi and Putin working together destroying deepstate that exists in every country)

So if he is the antichrist, for this moment I support his actions.
They worship Molech and Tanit. They require the blood and torture of children.
I take a stand with Trumps and others I listed.
I believe most of Congress has been arrested and replaced with whitehat actors, not just Pence.
The military is using the repeal of the Smith-Mundt act in order to avoid civil war.
You are watching a movie

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 08:03:58 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
I mis-spoke. Not lawsuits, allegations. 20+ allegations of sexual assault.

Also, going up and kissing someone non-consensually is not called "having game", it's called assault.

Stop being a !@$#ing tool and making dumbass assumptions. I'm in a happy relationship with the love of my life, your inference that I don't "have game" because I think talking about women like objects and non-consensual touch isn't cool is !@$#ing moronic. Now I see why you like Trump so much. "Alpha male" is code word for "a misogynist I can finally be proud of". "Alpha male" that can't sip water without two hands, and had to pay 6 figures to a porn star. HAHAHA... and you hero worship that? Geez... that's not beta level, it's omega level. Misogynistic hero worship, from a so-called Christian... and you wonder why your religion is dying.

I noticed that you fixate on the 'grab by the pussy', but you have nothing for the childish behavior - making fun of handicapped, calling congresspeople and media members infantile names, re-tweeting racists... What about GHWB VOTING one month before his death?
You just cherry-pick something that you think you can defend and disregard the rest.

The cognitive dissonance is so palpable.

The rest of your !@$# is drivel. You make claims, you provide ZERO evidence to back it up. You link a random news site that literally any idiot could have made and expect what? That I'm just going to start reading every article to try and find the proof that you cannot point to?

An article headline from that wacko website - "Pence shot while fleeing military arrest." THIS IS YOUR SOURCE?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... ahhhhh, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... what man, get a grip.

MoD, this has been fun, but you're !@$#ing delusional. Get help.


No, it is not one of my sources.
But it might be someday. We will see how it plays out.
I can find you good sources that military tribunals most certainly are taking place though. Kind of a no brainer once you see all the rendition flights to Gitmo and the massive increas in buildings in 4 years.

But remember. They have no concerns about what you know or allowed to know if they are happening. They do not play politics, they adjudicate.

I think you misunderstand what cognative dissonance means.
It is more like you projecting it from truth bombs that you simply cannot register.

Adrenochrome harvesting and the sheer numbers of it is so staggering I will bet you cannot accept it as real.
I have to wonder what answer you would give me if I asked you how many genders there are???

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 14:54:01 Quality: 0.

Again MoD you are mentally ill.


I'll prove it right now.

Since you don't make up things. Since all your facts can be backed. Since all your facts are able to be proven. Prove it right now.

You said I was exposed in this tread. Your claim is that I admitted to watching child porn. you claim that I said I did so for 20 years.

Show me the proof of this from this post. Show me the evidence of this and prove that you don't read things and just make up your own delusional world. If you can't you will only be left with one option you are mentally ill that makes up delusions to feel right.

I'm a trained professional. end of story. I know it hurts to be confronted with that truth. But out of the two of us the only person that has admitted to viewing any child porn is you.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 14:59:21 Quality: 0.

I said I worked in the field for a decade. that's not years.

Your delusion: makes it 20.

I said that I worked in the field and was a part of many OPs to save children for 10 years.

Your delusion: he sat around watching child porn. further delusion: for 20 years again.

I have done my work. maybe you hate that the most. That I actually went out into the world and helped. That I shut things down. That I actually saved children. While you a person that claims to care so much just sits around doing nothing. It is not me you hate but yourself for being a coward and doing nothing.

you are the person that has just sat around watching child porn for 20 years. spreading it to other and feeling like he has a made a difference. You are sick, most likely evil, probably gay, and seemingly a pedo.

Best part is I can back my work up. Show us what you have done big guy. Not what other people have done, what you have done.

We know you watching child porn and spread it to other. Outside of that what do you do?

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 15:43:40 Quality: 0.

Dude. You have been asked to prove yourself from the beginning of your claims.
Everything I know about you came from this thread.
your mistake here is that you assume anyone gives a !@$# about you.
You just want to glorify yourself at my expense.
That you do not like the topic to the point of 100% full time deflection trying to change the subject and demonizing me as your ONLY topic tells the entire story.

Like now. You claim you are a professional.
I think you expressed that so well that I am convinced you live in your mothers basement watching porn all day.

DO NOT think for one moment I give a fluck about any discourse with your reprobate activities.
I can only go by what I read from you in this thread from those posts I read at the moment.
I have no intention of wasting braincells on suspected pedos trying to divert my attention from exposing pedos.

You are sooooooooooooo insignificant I cannot imagine how small your world must be to fixate and obsess over me on an obscure website on a thread sponsored by mal.

I do my best to ignore you but the fact that you are sooooo offended by the topics of systemic pedovorism and your exposing yourself I guess we need to address your pathologies and recognize you have reasons.
Are You A Pedo?
it sure looks like it

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 15:52:24 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 16:01:42 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
I said I worked in the field for a decade. that's not years.

Your delusion: makes it 20.

I said that I worked in the field and was a part of many OPs to save children for 10 years.

Your delusion: he sat around watching child porn. further delusion: for 20 years again.

I have done my work. maybe you hate that the most. That I actually went out into the world and helped. That I shut things down. That I actually saved children. While you a person that claims to care so much just sits around doing nothing. It is not me you hate but yourself for being a coward and doing nothing.

you are the person that has just sat around watching child porn for 20 years. spreading it to other and feeling like he has a made a difference. You are sick, most likely evil, probably gay, and seemingly a pedo.

Best part is I can back my work up. Show us what you have done big guy. Not what other people have done, what you have done.

We know you watching child porn and spread it to other. Outside of that what do you do?

Dude, I have been asking you for 20 pages to ''back your !@$# up"'.
After accusing you of stolen valor, a horrible social crime, I would expect more than''i caanot say because of NDA's.
Nope.....crickets. Just deflection after deflection with obscure references and appeals that everyone knows who you are and I am supposed to know your entire history and take your word for it.
But you lie, lie, lie.
You simply display ZERO virtues.....ZERO

I read you as a psychopath.
I truly think you harm children and are capable of justifying it. The stolen valor is my best clue, which 1000% came from your posts.

Dude, you spend all your time engaging in gossip trying to deflect from the topic

Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 18:52:41 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
 Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
Trump being reelected is certainly going to be a high point in your life mal.
Enjoy the next few weeks.
Can you say contingent election with me...
These are epoch times we live in and I actually thought of teq and you to give a heads up on
what is about to happen in the coming weeks.
Q sent me

This aged well
Like milk.

Calm Blue Ocean...

it was supposed to be done by April.

what should be evident to everyone there is nobody in the WH or the capitol.

Military Tribunals have begun.
Simply ask yourself who is missing.
Rule by EO?
What happened to Congress? Holliweird?
They are all actors now as this plays out globally and the arrests are made.
Alot of what I thought was coming out by Easter has been suppressed either by whitehats or blackhats.

Who is missing?
Why are so many Not doing photo ops at the border? Because they cannot.
We won. We are not trying to win. We already won.
The goal is peace.
These institutions are being destroyed as the control mechanisms that enslave us are exposed for what they are/were. Contrast is necessary. The people have to be shown.
The empire of the city has been destroyed. The head of the snake cut off.
Can you see it? Buckingham Palace is empty and put up for sale.
Vatican City bank accounts and gold vaults emptied and confiscated.
Washington DC is being turned into the worlds largest open air prison and is now considered a hostile foreign country/entity.
The act of 1871 is over and the Corporation with DC as its capitol is over.
Trump nor Biden is President atm and Congress is mostly under house arrest and has no role in our countries affairs till after the election to come.
Pay attention. The States and their legislatures are the governing authorities for civilian control till this gets sorted out and the military relinquishes control BACK to civilian authority.
Pay attention to what has happened in the Suez canal.
You have no idea how big this is.
Rumor is Hillary just went in front of the m. tribunal in gitmo

notice how active the congress critters are lately? Almost absent huh?
Crimes against humanity
Trafficing children at an industrial level. Trafficing in human fluids derived through torture, especially children... These people are sick and it is being brought to an end.
Most cannot handle the truth and it must be exposed strategicly but it is being exposed.

This has to be done first before NESARA GESARA and the release of quantum technology like zero point energy and medbeds. We are getting way more than our country back.
There are over 50 countries military working together in taking down and destroying the deep state that exists within each and all countries.
No simple task so certainly we can be patient....unless you are part of the corrupt.

Really. Where is Adam Schiff? Where is Jerry nadler? AOC? Chucky Shumer? Hillary?
some are still alive but under some type of house arrest awaiting their tribunal. Some are only cgi anf
d deepfakes. Others like actor joe is someone wearing a mask and cgi. Honestly how come Joe had blue eyes his entire public career until now?
How is this not obvious that actor joe is just a place holder?

Look up Thomas Wictor on telegram for an inside look of things if the military is involved....which they most assuredly are.....

or Russia Russia Russia and orange man bad for the NPC crowd.

The things being done right now could never have been accomplished under POTUS Trump.

Dwell on these optics for instance. The capitol grounds were fenced in with Constatina Wire until just a few days ago when they finally took it down and erected concrete barriers around the buildings instead where vehicles are stopped but people easily just crawl over.
All this happened on the day antifa and blm started to gather this last week.
And this strange tidbit. They are also observing sandbags are being placed over the storm drains throughout DC. hmmmmmmm. Which makes one wonder what or who is in the tunnels(remember DC is a foreign entity now). Foreign troops in the tunnels?
I have a hunch about this.
I also have a hunch crazy people, real insurrectionists, are being baited into storming the capitol this week. Can they pass up this invitation? I doubt it.

I think it is the 10th Mountain division dispatched to DC this week.
It looks to me that they actually might redirect the potomac and flood the tunnels driving whatever is there to come up and out. Imagine the optics of this moment. mal's champions of justice antifa (most of them incel's) and other true insurrectionists storming and burning the capitol at the same time some foreign military is flushed out through the last remaining exit left to them. All this is just hypothetical and EASILY could just be fantastical dreaming.
It would make for a great climax to a 5 year long movie at the least.

Imagine the strategy. Something that TEQ players might even understand.
That nobody expected Trump to win
And certainly nobody expected him to lose. Both done on purpose as
War is won by deception. The art of war is deception.
''Never go into battle till you have already won'' Sun Tsu

seriously check out Thomas Wictor on telegram for insight into counter strikes and P.E.A.D.S.

This war is already won.
The goal is peace.

''Walk softly and carry a big stick''

Why would you give this idiot 19 more pages of this garbage?? Wasn't this enough of a red flag to be like "Ohh hoooo that's right... mod's an idiot easily swayed by Russian propaganda aimed at the Fox news crowd" and just go on with your day .. To the surprise of absolutely nobody he bought into the Q bait; hook, line & sinker.

You just can't reason with this level of self deluded idiocy. He thinks he's right. No amount of evidence contrary to that will sway him.. not from any of us anyways.. Maybe if you started some geocities level website with ransomware mines all over it you could convince him it's something different.

Spend your energy better, friends lol

Calm Blue Ocean...

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 19:34:34 Quality: 0.

"Trump being reelected is certainly going to be a high point in your life mal."

How's that high-point treating you, Mal? *insert another "just you wait" line here*

Also, hi!


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 19:35:18 by Pez (#324) -- ]

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 22:28:31 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

lets take trolling which he has admitted openly he does. That doesn't come from a positive place. the purpose of trolling is to hurt others, mentally and emotionally. No matter how harmless of an act it seems or how many people do it. People that are in a good place in their lives do not do such things. This itself doesn't make you a horrible person mind you, but it shows a lack of something in your life.

I don't think trolling in and of itself is bad. Sometimes it's just meant as a joke, if it's between friends. Sort of like good nature ribbing. Now some trolling is just people being jerks, and that's just trying to use clean words there.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

And we are a far cry away from where you started when you claimed to be an operative busting pedos....or something like that....dude you are no hero and most assuredly guilty of stolen valor in those claims. You are not military or cop or private investigator and pretend nda's buy you cover.
The facts add only to you watching child porn for 20 years

Now MoD, I can't speak for Heb, but in my state you don't have to be a cop, military or P.I. to help bust child predators. While I know it's wrong to assume, I would think it wouldn't be to far fetched for other states to be like mine. In my state, one can work with the state police, while not being an officer, but a tech worker to help bust child porn/abuse on suspects computers/technology. I know this job exists because I once interviewed for it, but didn't get it. And no, I didn't apply to look at little kids, but to help those kids get the justice they deserve.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:

But, again, that's some powerful hypnotism you're under. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" - Only a man that knows he has his followers by the balls says something like that publicly. That's some dark stuff right there.

I wouldn't let someone like that eat at the same table as me, and I certainly wouldn't hero-worship him.

To be fair, Biden said some stupid things too. Like, "if you don't know who to vote for between me and Trump you ain't black". Now I'm not saying either one should have said either statement, nor am I saying that it's okay to say those things. But I don't recall hearing Trump say that, but let's just say he did and he meant it. By saying it, it doesn't mean that he has his followers by the balls. It just means he knows his followers won't vote for the other Democrats. Which to be fair, not many people switch parties. For better or for worse, a lot of people stay on the same side for life.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:

Okay, so first they break into his hotel room, shoot a former VP, then they decide to just give him an ultimatum that he just needs to write a confession (where is that confession, btw?) or face military tribunal.

There are real people that believe this story? No sane person looks at a source like this and say, "Oh, yeah, that's legit."

I don't know why you don't think that's a credible story. Now I didn't read the article on the site, just what you posted. But it seems fully credible. I mean, there is a saying that states "the truth is stranger than fiction" and "you just can't make this stuff up."

Of course, whether that site's article is true or not, I don't know. But from what you posted it was a funny read. I could see something like that happening because weird stuff happens all the time. Does it change how I live my daily life if it is true or false? Nope. Because if it's false, it's funny satire. If it's true, then it just shows how much the media hides stories from the people. Which I think the four of us can all agree that the media does hide things from the people. The question is, how much of the truth are they hiding, and why?

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

I have to wonder what answer you would give me if I asked you how many genders there are???

Wait, didn't Facebook say there were 57? I say two, but saying that gives you an 'F' on the pop quiz and sent to after-school detention and being labeled a bigot.

 Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:

Why would you give this idiot 19 more pages of this garbage?? Wasn't this enough of a red flag to be like "Ohh hoooo that's right... mod's an idiot easily swayed by Russian propaganda aimed at the Fox news crowd" and just go on with your day .. To the surprise of absolutely nobody he bought into the Q bait; hook, line & sinker.

You just can't reason with this level of self deluded idiocy. He thinks he's right. No amount of evidence contrary to that will sway him.. not from any of us anyways.. Maybe if you started some geocities level website with ransomware mines all over it you could convince him it's something different.

Spend your energy better, friends lol

That's why we miss you Mal. Funny and frank and sort of trollish. But we love you.

 Quote: myself wrote:

I'm not picking sides in this debate. I think it's just interesting to sit back and read what you all say. Makes good source material for book writing.

Why thank you myself. I couldn't have said that better if I stated it instead.

EDIT - Fixed color.

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 22:31:58 by Yuri (#3268) -- ]

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