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Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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2-Jun-2021 22:46:49 Quality: 0.

Not Heb, I'm not being a grammar or spelling critic. I have no ground to stand on there, I'm terrible at spelling. Just wanting to see how you react when somebody points out your spelling/grammar errors. Because you used to correct word in the same post in one of the paragraphs about where you messed up.
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
2-Jun-2021 23:46:27 Quality: +1.

No, MoD, I didn't click any links you posted, because I just don't trust that someone who believes Trump is a good person has any discernment or credible sources.

Also, if you posted a picture of Obama (or whoever) engaging in pedophilia, I don't want to see that. If that's true, that's disgusting, and whoever is involved should be brought to justice.

But Trump obviously wasn't the person to bring that justice... according to the McCain Institute and the Institute for Human Trafficking, the amount of federal child-!@$trafficking cases rose under Obama and dropped under Trump (360 cases in Obama's last year, 73 in Trump's last year). I think it's safe to say that the numbers didn't drop because the amount of !@$trafficking dropped.

But again, does this make Obama a hero? No. But when you just look at the cold hard facts, Trump isn't a hero by any stretch either.


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 00:18:00 by Pez (#324) -- ]

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 00:03:04 Quality: 0.

I'll just never understand how Americans can celebrate a POTUS that systematically tried to dismantle any power structure that threatened his own power.

How many people were fired because they were critical of the POTUS?

Former head of CIA had his security clearance revoked because he criticized Trump.
Trump’s son-in-law, who had over 100 contacts with foreign nationals that he did not disclose, still had security clearance.

He called for the firing of an NFL player for not standing for the flag. June 14, 1943 - Supreme Court ruled it’s illegal to force citizens to perform patriotic rituals.

Bragged about firing a FBI director.

Without any proof or evidence whatsoever, he continually cried, "Fake news!" to any criticism he received by the media. Yet, politifact, who is equal-opportunity in busting the balls of politicians, tallied ~70% of his statements as being "mostly false or worse", and only 17% "mostly true" or better.

And his promises, which of them did he keep? How about that wall, and when exactly is Mexico sending the money for it? When exactly was he going to reveal that "amazing" healthcare plan he had and dismantle Obamacare? He promised to "drain the swamp", then appointed the richest cabinet in history.

Among that cabinet, an EPA head that was a career big-coal executive and lobbyist. A guy whose entire career was dedicated to lobbying against environmental protections and whose biggest accomplishments were suing the EPA was placed in charge of the Environmental Protections Agency. The head of education didn't even have an education in education - she was a student loan shark. A secretary of Energy who didn't know the Department of Energy was responsible for nuclear reserves. FCC head who while working for Verizon actively lobbied to kill net neutrality, and an Attorney General who thinks pot is “nearly as bad as heroin” and asked Congress for permission to go after legal pot businesses in states where it is legal.

There's more, but these are just off the top of my head. He literally put the swamp monsters in charge.

Anyone that can just ignore all of this (and much, much more), and believe that Trump was "fighting the good fight" is clearly hypnotized by some very serious propaganda. And that's why I'm not interested in your "sources", MoD. Because you're willingly eating up a fantasy that is so far from reality I can't even begin to try to dismantle your illusions.

The sad part is, I know there are some truths mixed in with the illusion, but I just can't be bothered to sift through it all to determine which is which. Any truth you do have to share is completely lost on anyone that isn't on your same wavelength. You'll never reach an audience that has a bit more discernment because it's just too much work to filter out the noise.

As I said, good luck.


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 00:16:54 by Pez (#324) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 00:18:03 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
No, MoD, I didn't click any links you posted, because I just don't trust that someone who believes Trump is a good person has any discernment or credible sources.

Also, if you posted a picture of Obama (or whoever) engaging in pedophilia, I don't want to see that. If that's true, that's disgusting, and whoever is involved should be brought to justice.

But Trump obviously wasn't the person to bring that justice... according to the McCain Institute and the Institute for Human Trafficking, the amount of federal child-!@$trafficking cases rose under Obama and dropped under Trump (360 cases in Obama's last year, 73 in Trump's last year). I think it's safe to say that the numbers didn't drop because the amount of !@$trafficking dropped.

But again, does this make Obama a hero? No. But when you put down the Qool-aid and just look at the cold hard facts, Trump isn't a hero by any stretch either.


You spread nothing but democrat talking points that amounted to gossip and you claimed it as fact because you heard it on tv.
I trumped that by showing his enemies are pedos caught in the act and posted REAL PROOFS,not gossip.

Dude John Mcain was put to death for Treason, Seditious Conspiracy and crimes against children.

AND those are not facts but lies from an institute that traffics children.
I would not be surprised Trumps EO is/has been used to confiscate all their assets...just EXCTLY like what just happened to Peter Nygard.
Your source is lying because McCain trafficed children
Talk about delusions.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 00:33:14 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
I'll just never understand how Americans can celebrate a POTUS that systematically tried to dismantle any power structure that threatened his own power.

How many people were fired because they were critical of the POTUS?

Former head of CIA had his security clearance revoked because he criticized Trump.
Trump’s son-in-law, who had over 100 contacts with foreign nationals that he did not disclose, still had security clearance.

He called for the firing of an NFL player for not standing for the flag. June 14, 1943 - Supreme Court ruled it’s illegal to force citizens to perform patriotic rituals.

Bragged about firing a FBI director.

Without any proof or evidence whatsoever, he continually cried, "Fake news!" to any criticism he received by the media. Yet, politifact, who is equal-opportunity in busting the balls of politicians, tallied ~70% of his statements as being "mostly false or worse", and only 17% "mostly true" or better.

And his promises, which of them did he keep? How about that wall, and when exactly is Mexico sending the money for it? When exactly was he going to reveal that "amazing" healthcare plan he had and dismantle Obamacare? He promised to "drain the swamp", then appointed the richest cabinet in history.

Among that cabinet, an EPA head that was a career big-coal executive and lobbyist. A guy whose entire career was dedicated to lobbying against environmental protections and whose biggest accomplishments were suing the EPA was placed in charge of the Environmental Protections Agency. The head of education didn't even have an education in education - she was a student loan shark. A secretary of Energy who didn't know the Department of Energy was responsible for nuclear reserves. FCC head who while working for Verizon actively lobbied to kill net neutrality, and an Attorney General who thinks pot is “nearly as bad as heroin” and asked Congress for permission to go after legal pot businesses in states where it is legal.

There's more, but these are just off the top of my head. He literally put the swamp monsters in charge.

Anyone that can just ignore all of this (and much, much more), and believe that Trump was "fighting the good fight" is clearly hypnotized by some very serious propaganda. And that's why I'm not interested in your "sources", MoD. Because you're willingly eating up a fantasy that is so far from reality I can't even begin to try to dismantle your illusions.

The sad part is, I know there are some truths mixed in with the illusion, but I just can't be bothered to sift through it all to determine which is which. Any truth you do have to share is completely lost on anyone that isn't on your same wavelength. You'll never reach an audience that has a bit more discernment because it's just too much work to filter out the noise.

As I said, good luck.


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 00:16:54 by Pez (#324) -- ]

wow. There is no way that came out of your brain.

There is nothing but liberal twists and falsehoods in everthing you just posted.

You have to be plagiarizing it is that bad.

I will only let you choose just 1 of those you posted and I will certainly educate you on the facts and not the propoganda leftist twists that make it all lies after it is reinterpreted.

DO NOT pick the John Brennan one.
Rumour has it he isn't able to defend himself anymore. Defiant he was...

What about Gina Haspel....she still here?

You do know the SeeEye aye was removed from the security apparatis in 2020...because of Brennans treason.
This one was low hanging fruit showing how bent your source is in this plagiaristic endeavor.

Pick 1

Talk about delusions.

You just spouted deep state talking points.
Your source ....looks desperate...continued...

I had this written but not posted. I came back and you had posted so I will go from here.

The EPA are terrorists and needs to be completely removed and demolished. They are the cause of almost every catastophe.

Trump promised to get rid of it. I hope he can finish what he started.
The EPA is a private corporation and does not have anyones interest in mind but the globalist bankers.

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 02:22:54 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 00:45:55 Quality: 0.

Sure, let's start with the EPA head, Scott Pruitt. Did he not sue the EPA multiple times for the coal industry?


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 00:51:50 Quality: 0.

Also, seriously, if you're going to make completely unsubstantiated claims like, "John Mcain was put to death for Treason, Seditious Conspiracy and crimes against children," how do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

You realize that sounds like the ramblings of a complete madman, yes? And that saying such things without a single shred of evidence makes your credibility drop to less than zero?

And you don't understand why I won't engage in your fantasy...


heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 01:52:00 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Not Heb, I'm not being a grammar or spelling critic. I have no ground to stand on there, I'm terrible at spelling. Just wanting to see how you react when somebody points out your spelling/grammar errors. Because you used to correct word in the same post in one of the paragraphs about where you messed up.

I would say the same thing that MoD should have. I made mistake, as any human I have flaws; I appreciate you pointing it out because it means I need to work harder and stay focused on what I am doing. Because seeing a flaw in me gives me a chance to grow and become a better me.

I'm certainly not going to lie about. Nor Am I going to try to deflect it and then belittle you because I made an error. with that in min don't forget I called him out on it because he says he is perfect. While also using it as an attack. He was wrong, it also shows how well he does research.

Now as for the dangerous side. All mental illness has the potential to be dangerous out side of the simple act of hurting yourself or others psychically. lets take trolling which he has admitted openly he does. That doesn't come from a positive place. the purpose of trolling is to hurt others, mentally and emotionally. No matter how harmless of an act it seems or how many people do it. People that are in a good place in their lives do not do such things. This itself doesn't make you a horrible person mind you, but it shows a lack of something in your life. Here is why MoDs mental illness is dangerous. he spreads lies and false information, which is dangerous to the collective. He is so far trapped in a fantasy world he believes high ranking officials have been secretly killed for justice but then replaced with lookalikes to keep doing their work. This level of delusion is only a short step away from very real and very harmful acts. How long until he thinks he has been called on to do the same work? To help end the pedo ring by "bringing justice" in a type of sabotage or even worse murder.


He claims that he has pictures of people caught engaged in pedophile acts. this says two things.

1. he believes that there is photographic and cinematic evidence of this and somehow nothing has been done. Or that something has been done and these people have been put to death and doppelgangers have taken their place.

but the most important

2. He is spending his time looking at and watching pics and videos of pedophile acts. Which means he is actively engaged in a type of pedophilia himself. Where he is going as far to not only watch it himself but spreading it trying to get others to watch it.

So in this regard he allowed his mental illness to hurt himself, the child victims, and the people he is showing it.

It is not a guess that MoD is mentally ill, that is a fact proven just by the few things that I have shown. The speculation that it is dangerous is based on the fact that the acts he is engaging in are becoming increasing criminal while at the same time even more wildly delusional.

This is not a snap judgement call. It is one based off the current evidence.

He believes officials are being killed and replaced with fakes, for engaging is pedophile actions that he has been watching a spreading.

Do you now see how this is not just mental illness but dangerous mental illness?

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 01:56:46 by heblm3 (#40142) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 02:29:27 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Also, seriously, if you're going to make completely unsubstantiated claims like, "John Mcain was put to death for Treason, Seditious Conspiracy and crimes against children," how do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

You realize that sounds like the ramblings of a complete madman, yes? And that saying such things without a single shred of evidence makes your credibility drop to less than zero?

And you don't understand why I won't engage in your fantasy...


John McCains daughter, Mehgan McCain admitted as much live on camera and John Kasich admitted he was put to death, not less than 48 hours ago’" on camera as well. He was worse than Benedict Arnold the treasonous !@#$**.

Also the flag on his coffin and presented to his family was wrinkled...which means he died a dishonorable death.

He was the 1st to be tried for Treason.
GHWB was the 2nd.
same with the flag, dishonorable.

both republicans if you are keeping score

GHWB bush went down for 911 and crimes against humanity.
it was said he sang like a bird and threw them all under the bus.

hence ''the envelopes''

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 02:33:38 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 02:35:06 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 02:52:16 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Not Heb, I'm not being a grammar or spelling critic. I have no ground to stand on there, I'm terrible at spelling. Just wanting to see how you react when somebody points out your spelling/grammar errors. Because you used to correct word in the same post in one of the paragraphs about where you messed up.

I would say the same thing that MoD should have. I made mistake, as any human I have flaws; I appreciate you pointing it out because it means I need to work harder and stay focused on what I am doing. Because seeing a flaw in me gives me a chance to grow and become a better me.

I'm certainly not going to lie about. Nor Am I going to try to deflect it and then belittle you because I made an error. with that in min don't forget I called him out on it because he says he is perfect. While also using it as an attack. He was wrong, it also shows how well he does research.

Now as for the dangerous side. All mental illness has the potential to be dangerous out side of the simple act of hurting yourself or others psychically. lets take trolling which he has admitted openly he does. That doesn't come from a positive place. the purpose of trolling is to hurt others, mentally and emotionally. No matter how harmless of an act it seems or how many people do it. People that are in a good place in their lives do not do such things. This itself doesn't make you a horrible person mind you, but it shows a lack of something in your life. Here is why MoDs mental illness is dangerous. he spreads lies and false information, which is dangerous to the collective. He is so far trapped in a fantasy world he believes high ranking officials have been secretly killed for justice but then replaced with lookalikes to keep doing their work. This level of delusion is only a short step away from very real and very harmful acts. How long until he thinks he has been called on to do the same work? To help end the pedo ring by "bringing justice" in a type of sabotage or even worse murder.


He claims that he has pictures of people caught engaged in pedophile acts. this says two things.

1. he believes that there is photographic and cinematic evidence of this and somehow nothing has been done. Or that something has been done and these people have been put to death and doppelgangers have taken their place.

but the most important

2. He is spending his time looking at and watching pics and videos of pedophile acts. Which means he is actively engaged in a type of pedophilia himself. Where he is going as far to not only watch it himself but spreading it trying to get others to watch it.

So in this regard he allowed his mental illness to hurt himself, the child victims, and the people he is showing it.

It is not a guess that MoD is mentally ill, that is a fact proven just by the few things that I have shown. The speculation that it is dangerous is based on the fact that the acts he is engaging in are becoming increasing criminal while at the same time even more wildly delusional.

This is not a snap judgement call. It is one based off the current evidence.

He believes officials are being killed and replaced with fakes, for engaging is pedophile actions that he has been watching a spreading.

Do you now see how this is not just mental illness but dangerous mental illness?

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 01:56:46 by heblm3 (#40142) -- ]

yes you tied all together in your last question.
and you still walk free for now, not caught yet so you got away with it?
Typical psychological projection after you yourself got busted as a pedo right here in this thread.

you most certainly do express yourself as dangerous around children and others as you act seriously deluded and fixated on men and children.
I suspect 15-20% are part of the death cult that permeates our society and as their crimes become exposed I expect the low level reprobate useful idiots act out on the crimes just like you are here.

EXACTLY like you are doing here.
I posted a pic of Obama diddling sasha fully clothed from a pic on the net making the rounds.
I told of Ashley Bidens printed memoirs accusing her father of showering ''inappriatly'' and that he molested her frequently at night in bed.

I told of Hunters !@$tapes on his harddrive that chinese inet porn sites show Hunter brutally raping and torturing a girl approx. 12 y.o.

I told of Lin Wood whistleblower publicly releasing his testimony that Mike Pence has murdered dozens of children while raping them. The whistle blower has been posting on the net as JohnHereToHelp, JHTH. It looks to be James Clapper but we will see soon enough.
This testimony has been given and we will see what happened to Pence.

You have admitted to watching child porn for 20 years.....doing research.

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 02:57:28 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

One thing nobody can deny. You sure do not like the topic of this corruption against children being exposed. a
And we are a far cry away from where you started when you claimed to be an operative busting pedos....or something like that....dude you are no hero and most assuredly guilty of stolen valor in those claims. You are not military or cop or private investigator and pretend nda's buy you cover.
The facts add only to you watching child porn for 20 years

[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 03:04:28 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

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