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Kakarot (#1873)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Feb-2021 13:32:13 Quality: 0.

It's quite easy to see this site and notice how web development has changed over the years. Totally not responsive to screen size so almost impossible to use on a phone.

Still feels cool as a relic of the past.

~Hidalgo~ (#102)
TEQ Game Account
19-Feb-2021 15:15:25 Quality: 0.

And yet, if we can do an upgrade ... it still has the potential!
zGwpn (#60)
TEQ Game Account

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22-Feb-2021 02:51:23 Quality: 0.

I know I'm old when someone talks about doing an internet thing on their phone and my eye twitches.

These !@$# kids and their new-fangled devices! The internet was made to be used from dark rooms lit by big screens and I'll hear nothing otherwise.

- zG [FUSE]

Neo (#54)
TEQ Game Account
22-Feb-2021 23:04:32 Quality: 0.

back when the internet was mostly web forums like this one. I know there was a game somewhere on this site too, but the forums is where the real good stuff was. Jeez, was that really 20 years ago now?


~Hidalgo~ (#102)
TEQ Game Account

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23-Feb-2021 09:00:18 Quality: 0.

I entered in May 2000.... I was 16 at the time... Man, I feel old!
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
2-Mar-2021 00:37:39 Quality: 0.

behold it is I. how has everyone been? I see a few faces from my past. to think, has it really been 20 some odd years. I sure did miss the old times. the wars. the fights, the friendships. killbots, TnA, the list is endless.

MoD, looking forward to our first argument ^-^ love ya buddy.

Kama, how you holding up old man? I haven't stopped by in a while because of life. degrees, kids, etc.

I want my old account back please?

Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account

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25-Mar-2021 09:35:22 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
Trump being reelected is certainly going to be a high point in your life mal.
Enjoy the next few weeks.
Can you say contingent election with me...
These are epoch times we live in and I actually thought of teq and you to give a heads up on
what is about to happen in the coming weeks.
Q sent me

This aged well
Like milk.

Calm Blue Ocean...

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
27-Mar-2021 20:47:48 Quality: 0.

Bu....but.. he is never wrong. So trump must have been elected in the shadows and controls Biden like a robot.

I want my old account back please?

Neo (#54)
TEQ Game Account

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28-Mar-2021 17:44:06 Quality: 0.

What's the current theory? That's not really Biden, but a lookalike actor? Trump lost the election by design but will step in later and save the world? I can't keep up anymore...I'm still mostly impressed there was little election tampering. But, I guess it's not like Russia and China weren't busy...


Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
28-Mar-2021 18:14:00 Quality: 0.

Little election tampering? I hope you are being sarcastic. There were loads of tampering, but the MSM didn't want to report on it, and the judges were either liberal, and didn't want Trump in office anymore, or were blackmailed into not taking the case.

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