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The end times are nigh
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heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jul-2021 17:22:20 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote: Didn't you say here that you believe Epstein is still alive? |
Yes I did and do. I used it as a reference to security. |
Just a little confused on how it can be used as a security reference. If he wasn't killed then nothing happened. That would leave a higher probability that he was never in a prison at all.
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jul-2021 03:36:55 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote: Didn't you say here that you believe Epstein is still alive? |
Yes I did and do. I used it as a reference to security. |
Just a little confused on how it can be used as a security reference. If he wasn't killed then nothing happened. That would leave a higher probability that he was never in a prison at all.
Don't let it confuse you. I am beginning to believe this guy is alive as well. They are saying he was just about to blow the vaccine hoax apart with what he was leaking. If so it would be EXACTLY like the Epstein security. Mcaffee as well. Whitehats at work. None of this looks normal. Kind of like what a ww1 german counterstrike might look like using Sun Tzu tactics. Hunter Bidens laptop Arizona, Penn., Georgia Forensic Audits and claims of irrefutable evidence of massive fraud Fauci cdc WHO door to door vaccine push, threats of lockdowns all on bidens head. Bidens obvious dementia Food crisis looming. Hyperinflation It looks like a storm is coming. Imagine what it looks like when we find out Assange, Mcaffee, Epstein, Weinstein, Kappy, Haiti's President and his wife, and others are singing and testifying against hundreds of high profile politicians, celebrities, military, judges, media, ceo's, etc., of high crimes against humanity, child trafficking, murder, foreign interference in our elections and seditious conspiracies, treason. It should be obvious by now you will never see yesterdays normal. Things are not normal. And all these lapses in security for these high profile murders is not normal. But there does seem to be patterns
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jul-2021 04:04:03 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote: Didn't you say here that you believe Epstein is still alive? |
Yes I did and do. I used it as a reference to security. |
Just a little confused on how it can be used as a security reference. If he wasn't killed then nothing happened. That would leave a higher probability that he was never in a prison at all.
Don't let it confuse you. I am beginning to believe this guy is alive as well. They are saying he was just about to blow the vaccine hoax apart with what he was leaking. If so it would be EXACTLY like the Epstein security. Mcaffee as well. Whitehats at work. None of this looks normal. Kind of like what a ww1 german counterstrike might look like using Sun Tzu tactics. Hunter Bidens laptop Arizona, Penn., Georgia Forensic Audits and claims of irrefutable evidence of massive fraud Fauci cdc WHO door to door vaccine push, threats of lockdowns all on bidens head. Bidens obvious dementia Food crisis looming. Hyperinflation It looks like a storm is coming. Imagine what it looks like when we find out Assange, Mcaffee, Epstein, Weinstein, Kappy, Haiti's President and his wife, and others are singing and testifying against hundreds of high profile politicians, celebrities, military, judges, media, ceo's, etc., of high crimes against humanity, child trafficking, murder, foreign interference in our elections and seditious conspiracies, treason. It should be obvious by now you will never see yesterdays normal. Things are not normal. And all these lapses in security for these high profile murders is not normal. But there does seem to be patterns |
But here is what I don't like. We have seen this all before. This all happened in the late 70's early 80's. The 50's, the 20s to the late 30's. Every time the same things happens. The people that get taken down get replaced by new people. Or new things are made. The people that ran the charge get old and retire or die.
rise and repeat.
Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jul-2021 06:10:23 Quality: 0.
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I'm with you heblm, conjecture and imaginative things behind the scenes doesn't work anymore, at least not for me. I'm not waiting for someone to come save anyone, it's up to each of us to do our own part big or small and to personally prepare ourselves and others as best as possible for the hard times that always accompany fourth turnings.Yes things are getting insane for what is happening and being normalized, but to me it just looks like controlled chaos post coup and not some white hat movie.
[ -- Message edited on: 14-Jul-2021 06:11:35 by Ripper (#5) -- ]
Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jul-2021 06:20:39 Quality: 0.
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By the way, CPI (bogus inflation numbers but it's the official one) clocked in at 5.1% for June YOY and silver got smacked down. Can't make this stuff up. I bought the dip, comex will run out of rope eventually.
[ -- Message edited on: 14-Jul-2021 06:24:50 by Ripper (#5) -- ]
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jul-2021 07:34:46 Quality: +1.
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| Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote: I'm with you heblm, conjecture and imaginative things behind the scenes doesn't work anymore, at least not for me. I'm not waiting for someone to come save anyone, it's up to each of us to do our own part big or small and to personally prepare ourselves and others as best as possible for the hard times that always accompany fourth turnings.Yes things are getting insane for what is happening and being normalized, but to me it just looks like controlled chaos post coup and not some white hat movie.
[ -- Message edited on: 14-Jul-2021 06:11:35 by Ripper (#5) -- ] |
Once they begin declas it will all make sense. If declas never comes then yes, we have been had once again. Timelines mean different things at different levels. Teq and this show are both turn based games. Way too much involved to expect 1 event that brings closure. How do they take the Rothschilds global terrorist threat in the nuclear reactors they threaten to blow? There are said to be 24 reactors just in the 3 gorges dam. I was wrong in 08 when I said the reset was coming from Basel3. Then I was wrong about it for 2010. And again in 2012. How was I to know about credit default swaps, Quantative Easing and other central banking tricks to delay things. We started in 2007 before all this with $650 billion in the money supply. They kept printing money to delay things and moved everything around to avoid inflation. Now there is tens of trillions in the money supply and it wasn't until recently we began to feel any inflation because of these tricks nobody ever knew about but them. Now we will suffer hyperinflation and the reset is here and happened last week from what I understand. So I was right about the reset in 07 but wrong until today. The competing opposition to the globalist reset is N.E.S.A.R.A./G.E.S.A.R.A. I think the latter is what we got. So I am quite happy I was wrong all those years...till I was right but we got enough time for something good in its place. I am still full of and running on hopium, I admit it.
But this is a very complicated event. Very complicated. You just do not take out a death cult that secretly runs the world for 4000 years overnight. My fears are based on the military not giving power back. Not in Pelosi or biden anymore. ESPN completely blocked out the reaction at ufc 246 the other night and did not even mention potus was there. When he entered the place 20000 people cheered and began chanting U S A, U S A. and Espn neither mentioned it or covered it. What are they afraid of? The entire place erupted in cheers and chants as he seated himself on the front row next to 3 powerful billionaires and espn wouldn't even put a camera on him but he was bigger than life right there on the front row. I bet none of you knew this happened. They are scared to death, literally So what are they afraid of? Once the paper market folds silver resetsto its true price somewhere north of 200. I made that claim in 2007 also. I was wrong for almost 14 years until I was right...hopefully.a
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jul-2021 18:13:30 Quality: 0.
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I have been seeing these kind of ''mistakes'' recently.We are in the reset. I have not been into crypto at all. But this blockchain thing is swaying me. Crypto backed by heavy metals looks to be the coming solution to central banks and fiat. Bitcoin to zero. Ripple and Doge to the moon
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jul-2021 22:05:12 Quality: 0.
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I heard that Trump was at the UFC match, but as I don't watch sports, nor pay attention to ESPN, I was unaware that ESPN ignored that he was there. But it doesn't surprise me. The media 'hates' him.
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
15-Jul-2021 05:45:25 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
| Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote: I'm with you heblm, conjecture and imaginative things behind the scenes doesn't work anymore, at least not for me. I'm not waiting for someone to come save anyone, it's up to each of us to do our own part big or small and to personally prepare ourselves and others as best as possible for the hard times that always accompany fourth turnings.Yes things are getting insane for what is happening and being normalized, but to me it just looks like controlled chaos post coup and not some white hat movie.
[ -- Message edited on: 14-Jul-2021 06:11:35 by Ripper (#5) -- ] |
Once they begin declas it will all make sense. If declas never comes then yes, we have been had once again. Timelines mean different things at different levels. Teq and this show are both turn based games. Way too much involved to expect 1 event that brings closure. How do they take the Rothschilds global terrorist threat in the nuclear reactors they threaten to blow? There are said to be 24 reactors just in the 3 gorges dam. I was wrong in 08 when I said the reset was coming from Basel3. Then I was wrong about it for 2010. And again in 2012. How was I to know about credit default swaps, Quantative Easing and other central banking tricks to delay things. We started in 2007 before all this with $650 billion in the money supply. They kept printing money to delay things and moved everything around to avoid inflation. Now there is tens of trillions in the money supply and it wasn't until recently we began to feel any inflation because of these tricks nobody ever knew about but them. Now we will suffer hyperinflation and the reset is here and happened last week from what I understand. So I was right about the reset in 07 but wrong until today. The competing opposition to the globalist reset is N.E.S.A.R.A./G.E.S.A.R.A. I think the latter is what we got. So I am quite happy I was wrong all those years...till I was right but we got enough time for something good in its place. I am still full of and running on hopium, I admit it.
But this is a very complicated event. Very complicated. You just do not take out a death cult that secretly runs the world for 4000 years overnight. My fears are based on the military not giving power back. Not in Pelosi or biden anymore. ESPN completely blocked out the reaction at ufc 246 the other night and did not even mention potus was there. When he entered the place 20000 people cheered and began chanting U S A, U S A. and Espn neither mentioned it or covered it. What are they afraid of? The entire place erupted in cheers and chants as he seated himself on the front row next to 3 powerful billionaires and espn wouldn't even put a camera on him but he was bigger than life right there on the front row. I bet none of you knew this happened. They are scared to death, literally So what are they afraid of? Once the paper market folds silver resetsto its true price somewhere north of 200. I made that claim in 2007 also. I was wrong for almost 14 years until I was right...hopefully.a
I can agree with most of that but I will say again that it is far older than 4,000 years. That is almost public knowledge at this point. !@$# Solomon was handed down his rituals, the temple with is a star regulus, alchemical scripts that where older that 7000 years ago. But let me ask you in all honestly. What do you hope the reset does? People will still hate. murder will still happen. children will still be kidnapped and trafficked. people will still rape. Because the cult is small compared to the worlds population of those that do these actions. Which was my main point many pages ago. Most people just don't care. and even if you remove all them number. run the numbers on mental illness into a population of 10 billion. Tell me what that leaves you with. just the numbers for murders, rapists, and pedos alone will be staggering. The power vacuum takes hold. New evil will take the place of the old. As it always has. Because again evil is subjective. just because me and you agree it is evil does not mean others do. So they don't care what you think. lines get blurred. People look at the world now and see chaos right? Think things are bad right? But if the group you speak of has been in power doing the same things for thousands of years. It is nothing new. nothing different. They have been at war they have been beaten only to be restarted. again and again. Because in a perfect world human nature is to rebel. So peace becomes war. Love becomes hate. etc. It the sad fact of what we currently are. which ends with my main point of it all. For what you want to happen to actually happen and last we as humans have a long evolution still. emotionally and mentally. A very very long way to go. I mean just look here at us. and go inside yourself. We end up fighting over simple words. You are not able to disagree without becoming the very same monster's you speak out against.(not a rapist or pedo ) That is in no way a dig at you. Just something that is seen. You will drop down to the mud get angry and say the most horrible things ever. If even you are not able to bring yourself to be above that. What do you expect from people that care even less than you?
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
15-Jul-2021 17:33:34 Quality: 0.
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I am busy and in a hurry. I want to come back and address this post deeper. But as for the reset. The entire reset phenomena as 2 competing facets it seems. The globalist reset and the nationalist nesara/gesara. I actually fear both but nesara is packed with individual freedoms and the globalist reset is absolute and total feudalism FOREVER. So I champion nesara and I am almost certain that is what we got. In nesara corruption must be removed first in order to stop this cycle you present as inevitable. I consider the ongoing battle of light vs. darkness as being inevitable till the kingdom age when Mashiach will reign here on earth with us for 1000 years. There are only approx. 15% of those among us at any point in time that are faithful and thus made righteous. There is approx. 33% that are left at all times that serve belial. The eternal battle is played out within each of us daily. In the garden of truth and lies i.e., our hearts. There is a micro and a macro in which we participate as our collective can raise and lower the planetary vibration (think schuman resonance). This is where the phrase ''evil prospers when good men do nothing'' has great truth and meaning. It is up to just 15% to raise the vibration in order to sway all those in the middle to overcome their base animal instincts and rise above themselves where virtue of men and all the virtuous fruits are enjoyed by all as we can live in peace. The alternative is to allow evil to prosper and greed and avarice rule and only pleasing and serving our temporal flesh bodies for the moment is our guide. Basic physocs. If I stand upon a table and try to pull others up onto it with me it takes alot of effort. It needs the help from the one being raised up. Ot is quite easy though to be pulled off the table by the one you are attempting to raise up. The secret to a good life is to understand that it is all in the struggle. We fill ourselves daily with endless decisions of right or wrong. Lineal symmetry. The battle within each of us, in the garden of truth and lies.
I believe we ate living in unprecedented times. A Jubilee like no other. I cannot prove it easily as I believe it is both absolute within mathematical certainty wrapped within clues of mystery in biblical models provided us. The first great Jubilee took place beginning when Noah was born and ended when they exited the ark. This for the separation of the first 2 dispensations from Creation (2000years) and The Law and Moses. The 2nd Great Jubilee took place starting 400 years b.c. when the prophets ended (400year dark period before Mashiach) and was the end of the 2nd dispensation of Moses (2000years) and the beginning of the 3rd dispensation of Grace. We are at the end of the 3rd dispensation and the 3rd and final Great Jubilee leading us into the Kingdom age where Mashiach establishes his Kingdom here on Earth for a time and dwells among us. These Jubilees are meant for rest and preparation at both macro and micro. The evil seems to understand these times better than the righteous. We have been brainwashed to sleep. They want to trick us right back into servitude. That is their unique power. They have the right by law to trick and fool us into accepting their rule. Thus the reset based upon their rules. The slaves are freed and all debts forgiven and all lands restored by eternal law is what is here for us. NESARA. Nothing can stop what is coming
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The end times are nigh
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