Written by
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
2-Mar-2024 17:10:09 Quality: 0.
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March 11 is the end of the extension given for Basel 3 enforcement when the bank runs began 1 year ago. Now you know why bit coin is growing. But it will crash also. All on Bidens watch
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
7-Mar-2024 09:49:33 Quality: 0.
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Never really trusted Bit coin or any other digital "currency". Even if one doesn't believe in the Bible, and even if they think it's stupid, it does warn about a true physical cashless society. And that should scare everyone. While it might seem good in one way, might make it harder for people to physically rob you, but at the same time, if there is a data hack or even if you piss off the government (i.e. like China treats it's people) then you see the complete downside to no physical cash. I know us 1st world countries have had credit cards for decades, not sure when they actually started, and I don't really feel like doing a quick google search for it, but I know they have been around for at least 50 years. And I've heard that when credit cards first came out people were claiming it was the beginning of a cashless society. Some people mocked them. But let's be honest, it was the beginning of the transition to a cashless society. I'm not against credit cards, I use them to buy things with online. Better protection on them then on my bank card. [J30!]
Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
27-Mar-2024 17:48:44 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
| Quote: BlaqkMage (#346) wrote:
i come check this site for the first time in decades, and youve got the top post in general. wtaf is going on. |
There are few things in this universe that remain constant. Mal having the most active post in TEQ General Discussions is one of those things. ---Pez |
Teehee, oh you!  Calm Blue Ocean |Pirobo|
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
27-Mar-2024 18:02:06 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
| Quote: BlaqkMage (#346) wrote:
i come check this site for the first time in decades, and youve got the top post in general. wtaf is going on. |
There are few things in this universe that remain constant. Mal having the most active post in TEQ General Discussions is one of those things. ---Pez |
Teehee, oh you!  Calm Blue Ocean |Pirobo| |
I wonder if this being the most active post has something to do with the fact that we all messed up and let The Real Blabby Thread go unactive for to long and it went away. It's a shame that we really screwed up and let that go away. I bet there was some solid funny things said in it.
[ -- Message edited on: 27-Mar-2024 18:02:30 by Yuri (#3268) -- ]
Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
28-Mar-2024 15:29:53 Quality: 0.
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"No, you can't have my cheese flavoured snikkel!"The real blabby thread was also mine tbf I hope Blabby has had a nice life.. I often think about her and Beeblewokiba and some of the other quieter cool kids from back in the day.. I hope they've also had nice lives ^_^ But yeah.. That thread being deleted made me very sad indeed. That, and the [MAAS] thread were legendary in their longevity.. Calm Blue Ocean
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
29-Mar-2024 13:27:48 Quality: 0.
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I totally understand thinking about some of the past players. There are several I wonder how their lives went.[J30!]
Passionsfrucht (#192)
TEQ Game Account
5-Apr-2024 20:50:29 Quality: 0.
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however this forum is still active, i keep checking once per year
Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
8-Apr-2024 16:22:01 Quality: 0.
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Heya Passionsfrucht Grats on legalisation! You should get high and watch some Die Kartoffelkooperative to celebrate! heheheI'm wondering if I got raptured today, I'm in Australia so idk what timezone heaven is technically in, but it's the 9th here now so I'm just assuming this is heaven now because the rapture is a real and totally normal thing that's going to happen.. What a time to be alive! Calm Blue Ocean
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
29-Apr-2024 05:21:24 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote: Heya Passionsfrucht Grats on legalisation! You should get high and watch some Die Kartoffelkooperative to celebrate! heheheI'm wondering if I got raptured today, I'm in Australia so idk what timezone heaven is technically in, but it's the 9th here now so I'm just assuming this is heaven now because the rapture is a real and totally normal thing that's going to happen.. What a time to be alive! Calm Blue Ocean
I really appreciate that we agave opposite ideals and our opinions reflect it as so. After decades of biblical study I do not believe in a pre-trib raprure myself
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
5-May-2024 06:35:05 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote: "No, you can't have my cheese flavoured snikkel!"The real blabby thread was also mine tbf I hope Blabby has had a nice life.. I often think about her and Beeblewokiba and some of the other quieter cool kids from back in the day.. I hope they've also had nice lives ^_^ But yeah.. That thread being deleted made me very sad indeed. That, and the [MAAS] thread were legendary in their longevity.. Calm Blue Ocean
Beeblewokiba! !@$#, yeah, she was awesome. ---Pez