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Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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9-Jul-2021 17:03:25 Quality: 0.

Since you brought up the Haitian President, why do you think he was assassinated?
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
10-Jul-2021 01:23:16 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Since you brought up the Haitian President, why do you think he was assassinated?

What came out at first it was because of the ongoing trials and he had dirt and was whistleblowing on the Clinton Foundation.

Now it is being said it was his wife that was and is the whistleblower. And she is in protective custody in the U S
Laura Silsby back in the news as a result of this assasination.

Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account

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10-Jul-2021 01:31:24 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Since you brought up the Haitian President, why do you think he was assassinated?

What came out at first it was because of the ongoing trials and he had dirt and was whistleblowing on the Clinton Foundation.

Now it is being said it was his wife that was and is the whistleblower. And she is in protective custody in the U S
Laura Silsby back in the news as a result of this assasination.

"Everyone knows, of course, Hillary has believed that it takes a village, which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti, where she has taken a number of them"

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
10-Jul-2021 06:00:59 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Since you brought up the Haitian President, why do you think he was assassinated?

What came out at first it was because of the ongoing trials and he had dirt and was whistleblowing on the Clinton Foundation.

Now it is being said it was his wife that was and is the whistleblower. And she is in protective custody in the U S
Laura Silsby back in the news as a result of this assasination.

"Everyone knows, of course, Hillary has believed that it takes a village, which only makes sense, after all, in places like Haiti, where she has taken a number of them"

no kid'ding.

It is estimated 800,000 children are missing from Haiti after the equake.

That is 1 of 4.5 of the total children population for all of Haiti.

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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10-Jul-2021 19:55:10 Quality: 0.

Let's hope that estimate is wrong, very wrong. And I don't mean that it should be higher, but lower, much much lower.
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
11-Jul-2021 00:02:50 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Let's hope that estimate is wrong, very wrong. And I don't mean that it should be higher, but lower, much much lower.

The hitmen were so good they have no clue how it was done.

Like killing Epstein in his jailcell good.

I am not sure why they are so sure they were foreign hitmen.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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11-Jul-2021 00:22:59 Quality: 0.

Didn't you say here that you believe Epstein is still alive?
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
11-Jul-2021 02:46:52 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
Didn't you say here that you believe Epstein is still alive?

Yes I did and do.

I used it as a reference to security.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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11-Jul-2021 02:54:49 Quality: 0.

This video details what I have been waiting for from DJT.
When it begins it will be fierce
So the FBI released a bunch of the Seth Rich files where it looks like Mueller admits in correspondence that he hired the hitman used by him before to hit SR.
It looks like it has begun.
If Thomas Wictor is correct, and I believe he is, this is going to be fierce and relentless immediately once the counterstrike begins

(Remove the 3 periods after bit)

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
11-Jul-2021 21:36:56 Quality: 0.

I do hope that they do find the real killer of Seth Rich.

While you look forward to the counter-strike, I 'fear' the counter-counter-strike. Because let's be honest and real, the powers that be won't like having their power taken from them, and they will strike back. The Empire will Strike Back, and we the ones who don't like the current powers that be, will feel the need to strike out and attack the lowest people on the totem pole.

But I would like to hear your all opinions on Biden's door-to-door vaccine pushers. One report I saw claimed they already started out east around Colorado. But who knows if that's really them or just some people playing around to mess with people.

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