master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
9-Jun-2021 19:54:18 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
| Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote: So you are telling me you can't figure out how to do something so simple? Sad reallyagain I say prove it. Show it on a reputable place where you can actually buy it. Where you can make an offer. Any place at all. Since it is for sale it also has to be listed and open to the public. also, mr. great at research.
there are 2,755 billionaires marked currently in the world. Of them those that could afford to pay outright and those that could make payments after a large down payment are a lot higher than 50. there is a big reason why that is important. But you will not understand why. |
I did prove it using your source. What you seem to be asking of me is to prove it in a way that a retard can understand it. So, I need you to go there and look. We will talk more when you get back. While on your journey contemplate the bigger point I was making where I used BP for a proof. Tje queen has no more business in London City. The Crown and its 3 sovereign states have been defeated. The queen leaving is proof |
That is not proof I said prove it. So either prove it or you are wrong. My source clearly says that it was never for sale. So either you can't read or you are the one that is retarded. So prove it. stop talking trash and just prove it for once in your life. how me a place where we can make an offer. If it is on the market that means anyone can attempt to buy it. So prove it. Stop trying to get out of being wrong and just prove it if you are right. |
No, your source clearly links to it being for sale. Your source clearly says that there is a reason other than tje obvoious and states what that is in their opinion. Their opinion is wrong but their source clearly shows it for sale. Now BP was not the topic but 1 of the proofs that the Crown i.e. the corporation is defeated. The cosmopolitan artcle I linked even declares this as the reason the queen is leaving London and BP. Her business is done there so no reason to reside there. You cannot see the forest for the trees and have overlooked te entire point in my statement. It is emptied and te royal emblems removed but you believe the smokescreen because of reasons provided by ërd and 4th hand sources. You are missing out on the greatest movie ever played. Your reasons are not facts. In this case your reasons are 3rd hand reasons at best......and once examined they completely counter your reasons you provide your reasons for. Someone mentioned circular logic back a ways.. i am sure it was meant for me but projection is the rule here
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
9-Jun-2021 23:54:49 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Yeah, I understand that JS, in particular, is constantly updating/changing. I've run into that a bit in my learning process - learning the "old way", then finding out there's a new and improved way. I now look for the date that an article/book was published before reading it. But it's good to know the old way just in case I run into legacy code, but I realize that having to know all the different iterations of a language in order to work in it is a bit daunting. I suppose I just haven't had enough experience with it yet to have it frustrate me - it's all still pretty new to me at this point, and for the most part, everything I've worked on has been my own project, or I've been in charge of one side or the other (front/back end), so I've been able to choose my own route.I'm literally hours away from releasing the beta version of my blog-space meets Reddit website. Woot! It's my first big full-stack application that I hope will serve as the crown of my portfolio that I can show potential employers/clients to say, "Look, I can build Facebook, one job pls!" ---Pez
[ -- Message edited on: 8-Jun-2021 23:40:58 by Pez (#324) -- ] |
By no means am I trying to make you give up on it or to have you feel discouraged. Just wanted to share my experience. When you release the beta of your site, let us know the address.
| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
All conspiracy links aside; Isn't it strange to you that being anti-fascist is a negative thing in your mind? Pretty sure we had a world war about this a little while ago. Also that Black Lives Mattering is so offensive to you you have to buy into a narrative that makes it an underground anti-democracy thing some how?Don't you think if POC's had that sort of power, funded by some liberal (I assume? idk) mastermind or not.. they wouldn't need to worry about simply existing or surviving an encounter with law enforcement..? 
I understand your point Mal, but you're wrong. BLM doesn't care at all about black lives. Plus, the police kill more white people then black people every year in America. Now I can't say about Australia, but BLMs opinion isn't true here. And even if you account for there more white people in America than black, still the lie isn't true. Black people make up roughly 13% of our population, yet they commit 50% of the violent crime. However the MSM won't report that, because they could take the focus off the police and onto the culture/community of black people. One only has to listen to the music black people like, and you would hear about them talking positive about killing each other, robbing each other, having kids outside of marriage (and never marry the woman you got pregnant), etc.. Now just committing violent crimes doesn't mean they should be killed. However if you ever see body-cam footage from those events, you will see that the police gave instructions and they criminal didn't comply. Of course this happens with white people, now just black people. The difference? White people will generally say "what did you expect, the cop told you to drop the weapon." Of course this issue isn't something that can be fixed with laws. It has to be fixed by the black community by changing their behaviors. Because if you notice Hispanics, Asians, and Indians, they don't complain about cops being racist towards them. They tell the ones doing bad things to stop and follow the law. Of course you can find examples where that statement isn't true, however overall it is true. The black community doesn't want to follow the same set of rules others follow, then complain when bad things happen to them. I don't expect this to change your opinion, just hope to give you some something to think about. | Quote: Drayton (#24586) wrote: More than 20 years after I first started playing and probably 10 years since I last logged in, it's a great relief to see that my sign-on still works. It's comforting to know that some things only change very little... or not at all.Like the fact that Mal still stirs !@$# with people on this site. Lol. I've missed you, Mal. I hope all is well. |
Hello Drayton. Glad you remember your login. Heb can't remember his. ** EDIT - Fixed quote tag.
[ -- Message edited on: 9-Jun-2021 23:55:30 by Yuri (#3268) -- ]