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Lechajíem (#216)
TEQ Game Account

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16-Nov-2023 13:37:16 Quality: 0.

dit is goffer lang geleden.
ik zie dat er nog steeds mensen aanwezig zijn...


Lord Mad One (#437)
TEQ Game Account
22-Nov-2023 03:07:55 Quality: 0.

u wot m8?
EC (#347)
TEQ Game Account

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27-Nov-2023 10:33:23 Quality: 0.

Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
2-Dec-2023 14:56:10 Quality: 0.

!@$#, Lechie! It has definitely been a very long time. Hopefully you are doing well my dude!

Calm Blue Ocean..

MaVeRiCk (#262)
TEQ Game Account

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16-Dec-2023 06:13:54 Quality: 0.

Caedus (#145)
TEQ Game Account
18-Dec-2023 15:59:37 Quality: 0.

So, when is someone going to make an app for this? Maybe we can GPT it together?

Why does my signature always disappear!

Meti (#20646)
TEQ Game Account

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2-Jan-2024 19:11:18 Quality: 0.

Happy New Year!

Can't believe I guessed my password correctly to log in here

Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
10-Jan-2024 05:14:39 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Caedus (#145) wrote:
So, when is someone going to make an app for this? Maybe we can GPT it together?

Why does my signature always disappear!

Haha, true. It'd probably be a really easy GPT concept to clone honestly.. I'd still rather have Kama involved directly tho..
Hope things are going well for you Caedus Are you still in Australia these days or are you finished up here and back home now?

Calm Blue Ocean..

GMMTC (#10)
TEQ Game Account

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12-Jan-2024 04:49:43 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Meti (#20646) wrote:
Happy New Year!

Can't believe I guessed my password correctly to log in here

Haha, same here. Took me two tries.

Good to see everyone still kicking around. Happy 2024

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
19-Jan-2024 07:49:43 Quality: 0.

What's up Heb?
Sometimes I wonder if some of you are actually seeing these same events unfold that I am seeing.
How do you enter evidence into the courts?
You are watching a master class on how to restore the Republic.
Biden is what is refered to under the Law of War Manual as a puppet.
An acor placed to carry out a specific purpose.
Almost all the economic chaos we have come to experience in the last few years and now escalating quickly as we lead into this election year is because of what Trump did.

The fall guy.

Not Obamas 3rd term, but Trumps policies
The trade agreements and treaties as well as signing off on Basel 3 began January 1, 2023.
It becomes enforced in the next few months.
I forget exactly.
This is why you are seeing new banks pop up recently and BofA practically disappearing.
The stress tests to be Basel3 compliant will shutter banks overnight.
The QFS has begun and will be fully rolled out by 2025.
They have begun the optics phase of introducing to the public who has been the CIC this entire time.
Starlink is ready for QFS as a go.

This is the counterstrike. Bombers and panzer.

Epstein island.
Hunters laptop.
Pelosis treasonous Insurrection.
Bidens graft and payoffs from China and Russia.
Ukraine money laundering and human trafficking and the 56 biolabs and Chyna ukraine-cdc-who-fort detrick bioweapon source.
Pay real close attention to the individual State Legislatures.
That is who is active in what is about to come out with election fraud and foreign collusion.
There are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
many military age men coming through our porous borders now.
This will soon be including from Canada in the coming months.
You had all better hope and pray the military have this covered when it goes down.
I know I am counting on them.

They are going to threaten ww3 on us all this year over Ukraine.

Loyd Austin died there about a month ago.

Treasonous !@#$**.

Even the alien invasion will get pushed out.
Klaus Schwabb can eat ze bugs though. The globalist lost already.

Pretty much everything if not all of this is because of QFS and the new trade agreements and tarrifs and the end of the FED.
The FED is dead.
It has been absorbed into Treasury.
The US petro dollar does not any longer exist.
SWIFT rejected the cbdc and so did the America's.

This is all theater.
Scripted and staged.
Everything is being exposed.
The greatest Intel drop in history is happening.
Welcome to The Great Awakening.

So it turns out.
Trump is Templar Royalty as is Melania.
Barron is the guy to watch

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