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heblm3 (#40142)
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3-Jun-2021 22:58:02 Quality: +1.

lol I love you Yuri
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 23:23:09 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
lol I love you Yuri

Well at least somebody does. To bad you're a guy. I don't dig guys. I only go for women.

heblm3 (#40142)
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3-Jun-2021 23:23:11 Quality: 0.


When you going to realize I'm not the only one saying this. read the posts we are all saying the same thing.

You deflected like always. Nothing you said matters because as always you where wrong about everything. You are wrong because you assume things because you cannot process the information.

So I say again. answer my questions and I will show you proof.

Because as you said you got all the information from here. So where did I ever say 20 years? Where did I say How I helped children.

Show me where you came up with all that information from the information given to you here.

It should be easy for you. since you are telling the truth based on things I said in this post. Show it to me. just quote it. show me where I said anything that you are saying i said.

Since you don't lie.

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 23:34:55 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:

I don't know why you don't think that's a credible story. Now I didn't read the article on the site, just what you posted. But it seems fully credible. I mean, there is a saying that states "the truth is stranger than fiction" and "you just can't make this stuff up."

Of course, whether that site's article is true or not, I don't know. But from what you posted it was a funny read. I could see something like that happening because weird stuff happens all the time. Does it change how I live my daily life if it is true or false? Nope. Because if it's false, it's funny satire. If it's true, then it just shows how much the media hides stories from the people. Which I think the four of us can all agree that the media does hide things from the people. The question is, how much of the truth are they hiding, and why?

It's not a credible story because it's completely ridiculous and there are no credible sources to actually back up the story. If you just take the story at face value, you have to believe that Mike Pence is wanted by the military for crimes, and instead of just easily apprehending him at one of his many public or private engagements, they decided the best course of action was to break into his hotel room and kill a secret service member who was sworn to protect him (I didn't mention that, but they said they killed one of his bodyguards). So, we've got Special Forces that made a plan to break into Pence's hotel room and remove him forcefully, knowing that he's protected by Secret Service, thus they put service members' lives in danger rather than just walk up to the SS guards, show them the warrant and say, "Hey, we're taking Pence in now."

Then, after killing a secret service member and shooting Pence in the chest, they decided all they really need him to do is sign a confession and in return, Pence will face zero consequences. So, that ties a neat little bow around this story - we'll never actually hear about Pence's confessions to his crimes because him signing the confession that will never be released to the public was his punishment for his crimes. You do see what the author did there, yes?


The fact is that no military commander would sign off on such a hair-brained scheme and put the lives of Special Forces members and Secret Service members in danger when there are dozens of safer alternative. And no one that was seeking justice would shoot someone in the chest while trying to apprehend them and then decide, "You know what, just write a letter of apology admitting to what you did wrong and we'll just call this water under the bridge. No one will ever have to know about any of this."

The only reason it's relevant is because this is the source MoD gave for his wild assertions. Does the media lie? Sure, all the !@$#ing time. But that doesn't mean we should just accept as a reliable source just because it's not mainstream. Like Mal said, I may as well make a geocities news site and start making up whatever I want.


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 23:44:59 by Pez (#324) -- ]

heblm3 (#40142)
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3-Jun-2021 23:35:57 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Also, I wanted to address this -

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

You spread nothing but democrat talking points that amounted to gossip and you claimed it as fact because you heard it on tv.
I trumped that by showing his enemies are pedos caught in the act and posted REAL PROOFS,not gossip.

It's clear that it's difficult for you to decipher what you know from what you think you know, but please at least try, especially when it's what you think you know about someone based on a point they've made or thought they've shared.


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 04:36:59 by Pez (#324) -- ]

This MoD 100% this. you do this to everyone. You are attempting to do it to me simply because I said the queen didn't sale anything and because I wish the pedo ring would end after spending a decade working to help stop it.

From those two points you lost !@$# and called me a pedo.

You then changed 100% of what I said to fit your own world.

That is your mental illness.

This is what you wanted more and more people to fight against. Because it is what you need because you life is sad and you are suffering.

After realizing just how bad your mental illness can't you see I stopped everything? Because I know its not your fault that you are like this. You have an illness and I honest fear for you.

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 23:39:50 Quality: 0.

heblim3, seriously, just walk away. The guy is clearly beyond the point of rational thinking. His accusations amount to nothing but the ramblings of a madman.


heblm3 (#40142)
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3-Jun-2021 23:42:41 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:

I don't know why you don't think that's a credible story. Now I didn't read the article on the site, just what you posted. But it seems fully credible. I mean, there is a saying that states "the truth is stranger than fiction" and "you just can't make this stuff up."

Of course, whether that site's article is true or not, I don't know. But from what you posted it was a funny read. I could see something like that happening because weird stuff happens all the time. Does it change how I live my daily life if it is true or false? Nope. Because if it's false, it's funny satire. If it's true, then it just shows how much the media hides stories from the people. Which I think the four of us can all agree that the media does hide things from the people. The question is, how much of the truth are they hiding, and why?

It's not a credible story because it's completely ridiculous and there are no credible sources to actually back up the story. If you just take the story at face value, you have to believe that Mike Pence is wanted by the military for crimes, and instead of just easily apprehending him at one of his many public or private engagements, they decided the best course of action was to break into his hotel room and kill a secret service member who was sworn to protect him (I didn't mention that, but they said they killed one of his bodyguards). So, we've got Special Forces that made a plan to break into Pence's hotel room and remove him forcefully, knowing that he's protected by Secret Service, thus they put service members' lives in danger rather than just walk up to the SS guards, show them the warrant and say, "Hey, we're taking Pence in now."

Then, after killing a secret service member and shooting Pence in the chest, they decided all they really need him to do is sign a confession and in return, Pence will face zero consequences. So, that ties a neat little bow around this story - we'll never actually hear about Pence's confessions to his crimes because him signing the confession that will never be released to the public was his punishment for his crimes.


That plot would flop at the box office because it's !@$#ing ridiculous. No military commander would sign off on such a hair-brained scheme, and no one that was seeking justice would shoot someone in the chest while trying to apprehend them and then decide, "You know what, just write a letter of apology admitting to what you did wrong and we'll just call this water under the bridge."

The only reason it's relevant is because this is the source MoD gave for his wild assertions. Does the media lie? Sure, all the !@$#ing time. But that doesn't mean we should just accept as a reliable source just because it's not mainstream. Like Mal said, I may as well make a geocities news site and start making up whatever I want.


[ -- Message edited on: 3-Jun-2021 23:36:09 by Pez (#324) -- ]

He wont understand a single thing you said. In fact his ill brain is going to change almost everything you said into something he comes up with on his own. There is no one else just MoD in any toppic and any debate. Unless he worships you, then you can say whatever you want and always be 100% right like he is.

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 23:46:12 Quality: +1.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:

The only reason it's relevant is because this is the source MoD gave for his wild assertions. Does the media lie? Sure, all the !@$#ing time. But that doesn't mean we should just accept as a reliable source just because it's not mainstream. Like Mal said, I may as well make a geocities news site and start making up whatever I want.

Hey now, don't be dissing just like that.
You should totally name your geocites site That way we all know it's you making news for all of us.

Also, the length of your post makes me wonder if you didn't get the sarcasm I used. I tried to set it apart by making the font red.

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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3-Jun-2021 23:47:32 Quality: 0.

I'm not talking to MoD, I was talking to Yuri. When I said, "I rest my case" re: MoD, I meant it. There's no point in having a discussion with someone clearly so delusional. He doesn't address points, he just deflects with one rambling incoherent paragraph after another, making one wild assertion after the next, without ever actually verifying any of it. It's pointless.

So yeah, whatever MoD has to say about what I said to Yuri will end there as far as I'm concerned.


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2021 23:48:33 Quality: 0.

Hahah, yes Yuri, I did indeed miss the sarcasm... sarcasm doesn't read well through text.



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