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Yuri (#3268)
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15-Jul-2021 21:55:52 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

I consider the ongoing battle of light vs. darkness as being inevitable till the kingdom age when Mashiach will reign here on earth with us for 1000 years.
There are only approx. 15% of those among us at any point in time that are faithful and thus made righteous.
There is approx. 33% that are left at all times that serve belial.

Where do you get those percentages? While I know that Jesus said the road to destruction is wide and many are on it, and the road to life is narrow and only a few find it, but I've never seen those percentages. So in the words of a classic TV show, "Lucy, you got some splainin to do."

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
16-Jul-2021 05:26:18 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

I consider the ongoing battle of light vs. darkness as being inevitable till the kingdom age when Mashiach will reign here on earth with us for 1000 years.
There are only approx. 15% of those among us at any point in time that are faithful and thus made righteous.
There is approx. 33% that are left at all times that serve belial.

Where do you get those percentages? While I know that Jesus said the road to destruction is wide and many are on it, and the road to life is narrow and only a few find it, but I've never seen those percentages. So in the words of a classic TV show, "Lucy, you got some splainin to do."

Jubilees and the book of Enoch.
We need to look to the Enochian Calendar as well in order to understand the true Holy days, the festivals.

Yuri (#3268)
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22-Jul-2021 21:11:22 Quality: 0.

While I've never read the book of Enoch, I think there might have been a reason it wasn't included with the rest of scripture.
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
23-Jul-2021 05:12:01 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
While I've never read the book of Enoch, I think there might have been a reason it wasn't included with the rest of scripture.

Or a very bad reason

Yuri (#3268)
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23-Jul-2021 15:40:53 Quality: 0.

Without using the book to explain why, why do you think it wasn't included?
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
23-Jul-2021 18:36:43 Quality: 0.

For the same reasons the Catholic church removed 13 days from the calendar, changed the Sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day to honor baal and dictated that we call its head "father"i.e. pope (papa).

Have you ever done word studies?

The ancient Hebrews have a saying
"All translators are liars"

Their control mechanisms and institutions are being removed.

The Holy Spirit is our teacher not man. ( Ruach Ha Kodesh)

If I were to tell you "they have returned", how would you interprete that without knowledge of who "they" are? Would you call them aliens? Instead of the fallen sons of god

[ -- Message edited on: 23-Jul-2021 18:41:21 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

What an awesome short video

[ -- Message edited on: 23-Jul-2021 18:55:13 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

Yuri (#3268)
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27-Jul-2021 22:04:16 Quality: 0.

I don't think you are, but are you saying that we shouldn't be using translations of the ancient texts? Because if so, then I would say there are less than 15% of faithful people alive.

And I don't agree with the Catholic church following the pope.

Lukers (#24784)
TEQ Game Account
27-Jul-2021 22:22:36 Quality: 0.

Love to see how many still come back to discuss at least!
master of disaster (#15067)
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28-Jul-2021 02:26:29 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
I don't think you are, but are you saying that we shouldn't be using translations of the ancient texts? Because if so, then I would say there are less than 15% of faithful people alive.

And I don't agree with the Catholic church following the pope.

First, Hey Lukers...

And no I am not dissing translations but inspire what I see you do in seeking scripture for proofs just as the Bereans.

You know that it is a supernatural work and appeals to all levels of spiritual maturity depending on the individuals personal needs and ascent.
In the beginning when one first reads scripture a true seeker finds fresh milk as if nursed by a mothers care. Step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept.
Until more mature and the meat of the word can be digested.
This takes work. I would say time as well but Rusch HaKodesh quickened many and slows others.

I have been finding deeper meanings and Truth in just the little bit of study on the Ancient Hebrew Pictographs. Especially in comparison to the deeply occultic foundations in the creation of the English language for the sole purpose of casting spells upon the masses.
Hebrew, Chaldean and Aramaic and all early language was written right-left for example. I wonder if this is significant in how we process it by which direction. Would we be more spiritually adept right-left?
Everything is symbols and phonetics.
This is where it began...the Phoneicians (Canaanites).The sea peoples.

There was a scene in the Pirates of the Carribean 3 movie where they were trapped in a desert dimension and once at sea it was discovered that they were upside down and trapped and to escape back to reality they had to tip the boat over in order to right their condition.

Everything has been turned upside down and backwards where right is left and up is down.
We need to recognize this before we can understand the deception.

Language is a weapon used against us.

As for the pope.
He has a new video circulating where a hot Mic catches him claiming "whiskey is the true holy water"

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
28-Jul-2021 22:01:02 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Lukers (#24784) wrote:
Love to see how many still come back to discuss at least!

Hello Lukers old pal.
Now join the conversation.

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