Written by
King Orbital (#359)
TEQ Game Account
29-May-2024 04:36:17 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote: "No, you can't have my cheese flavoured snikkel!"The real blabby thread was also mine tbf I hope Blabby has had a nice life.. I often think about her and Beeblewokiba and some of the other quieter cool kids from back in the day.. I hope they've also had nice lives ^_^ But yeah.. That thread being deleted made me very sad indeed. That, and the [MAAS] thread were legendary in their longevity.. Calm Blue Ocean
Beeblewokiba! !@$#, yeah, she was awesome. ---Pez |
How old is everyone now? Man. A lifetime ago. I played this in middle school. Now my kid is hitting middle school next year. I turn 40, and a lotta you guys were older and helping me to grow up back then, so you's guys must be like. Ancient. 45, or something. I saw someone with a name that reminded me of Mal, and I was like well FK me time to go see if the old chap is still kicking. Love that these forums are still here. Miss you all. Wish this game had an app so I could bring myself to play it
Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
8-Jun-2024 14:34:11 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: King Orbital (#359) wrote:
| Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote: "No, you can't have my cheese flavoured snikkel!"The real blabby thread was also mine tbf I hope Blabby has had a nice life.. I often think about her and Beeblewokiba and some of the other quieter cool kids from back in the day.. I hope they've also had nice lives ^_^ But yeah.. That thread being deleted made me very sad indeed. That, and the [MAAS] thread were legendary in their longevity.. Calm Blue Ocean
Beeblewokiba! !@$#, yeah, she was awesome. ---Pez |
How old is everyone now? Man. A lifetime ago. I played this in middle school. Now my kid is hitting middle school next year. I turn 40, and a lotta you guys were older and helping me to grow up back then, so you's guys must be like. Ancient. 45, or something. I saw someone with a name that reminded me of Mal, and I was like well FK me time to go see if the old chap is still kicking. Love that these forums are still here. Miss you all. Wish this game had an app so I could bring myself to play it  |
Dude that's wild that your kids in middle school now. I still remember being like 17ish and trying to play Quake2 deathmatch with you via my !@$#ing dialup internet in rural Australia, hahaha.. Good times.. (absolutely !@$#ing painful times.. but they were still somehow good )
And yeah.. 40 now. Insane. This time thing needs to !@$#in' stop already! Hope you're doing well my friend xo Calm Blue Ocean..
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
16-Jul-2024 12:38:00 Quality: 0.
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So what a weekend. Don't care how anyone leans politically, it's not cool to try to kill a political candidate.
Yim (#7)
TEQ Game Account
14-Sep-2024 11:51:41 Quality: 0.
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Hey Hey.Been over a year since I popped in around page 73. I guess I should do it more often.  | Quote: Pez (#324) wrote: Hey Yim! Teach me how to breadie!---Pez |
Make Bread. Sell Bread. Find another Breadie. Have team mates buy up all the bread. Start a war and kill the Breadie. Profit?
| Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
Hi Yim! Life is doing all right my dude. Hopefully things are going great for you! It has been a million years!! Haha.. I love checking in every few months and seeing who else has had a tinge of nostalgia and logged in to say Hi! What a time we had here.. Calm Blue Ocean...
Good to hear! And yup, the nostalgia is hitting hard! | Quote: DragonMaster (#149) wrote: Are MoD still going on about falseflagsMal putting his paperbag-head on fire Alien braggin about him "being" a tks'er LMO and Weber arguing Is Casper out of jail yet? Wookie, drunk, going up and down in an elevator 6am making calls to all the TKS'ers Liths still cheating Harman7 still think he is important borat whorat
Soooo. Same old. lol.
Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
31-Dec-2024 12:43:04 Quality: 0.
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Happy new year you beautiful !@$#ers xoCalm Blue Ocean..
IceDawg (#221)
TEQ Game Account
31-Dec-2024 19:50:31 Quality: 0.
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Happy New Year all. Stay safe whether you drink or not, cause someone out there will be doing it.
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
1-Jan-2025 16:04:49 Quality: 0.
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I'm sure some of you, well probably most of you, wouldn't say this, but I'm curious were MoD went to. Wonder if something bad happened. Figured he would have came back and posted something after Trump won the USA election again.
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jan-2025 14:03:12 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote: I'm sure some of you, well probably most of you, wouldn't say this, but I'm curious were MoD went to. Wonder if something bad happened. Figured he would have came back and posted something after Trump won the USA election again. |
All is well Yuri. I am not one to gloat. I leave that for our lesser brethren. I am farming my !@$ off making deals to surf the apocalypse to finance and stock my cave.  I am thinking Greenland. Since it is a given fact that the magnetic poles are about to flip I think Greenland is going to be green again with a tropical climate. Bigger caves too. But as for America...well, that includes Greenland now, and Canada too... welcome to the New Republic. The Crown is dead, long live the New Republic and The Greater America. Bur first, gotta eat. Every day. Real food.
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jan-2025 14:12:05 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote: So what a weekend. Don't care how anyone leans politically, it's not cool to try to kill a political candidate. |
Trump semi admitted it was all staged and acted out. Smith-Mundt act. Fair I guess. Brilliant actually regardless of me not liking it, but appeal to the lesser minds and those oblivious to MK Ultra conditioning.
But the next attempt, a real one will include explosions. The next few weeks are dangerous and "the Purge" has already begun in California. If you are not armed to protect yourself ask yourself "why not?"
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jan-2025 20:36:40 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
Brilliant actually regardless of me not liking it, but appeal to the lesser minds and those oblivious to MK Ultra conditioning. " |
So sound like you don't like MK Ultra, like it's something bad the CIA did right under everyone's nose and basically said '!@$# You' to the world population. Because let's be honest, I really doubt nobody they messed with didn't go to other countries and are just waiting to unleash something crazy.
| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
The next few weeks are dangerous and "the Purge" has already begun in California. If you are not armed to protect yourself ask yourself "why not?" |
You don't need quotes around the purge. I think it's safe to say everyone in the world can see the leaders in California messed up big time. Can't even hide it if they tried. They are really trying to purge freedom and land "ownership" out there.