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Displaying posts with quality votes -3 or better. Number of posts hidden: 0. Click here to show all posts.

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master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 07:03:01 Quality: 0.

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 07:14:37 Quality: 0.

^ Case in point.


master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 08:26:58 Quality: 0.

snowflake generation
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 08:33:26 Quality: 0.

"General Discussions
Talk about anything here! (Except politics and religion)"

It's not a violation of free speech. I'm just moderating the board properly. I really should go through and remove all the political posts on this entire thread (mine included). If you could actually be respectful, and not throw a childish temper tantrum and accuse people of ridiculous !@$#, I'd ignore your political nonsense. But, instead, I'm going to do my job as moderator. So you can continue to whine, while ironically calling me a snowflake. And I'll continue to remove all of your tasteless and disrespectful posts.


[ -- Message edited on: 4-Jun-2021 08:37:59 by Pez (#324) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 08:45:16 Quality: 0.

there are 3 people posting you dolt.
I told you already you are justifying it in your mind.
You aint lying to me, you are lying to yourself.
I already know of the depths you can go.

No virtue

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 08:45:56 Quality: 0.

Mal, do you do web development? I wonder if Kama would consider licensing the bones of TEQ to us to build a new TEQ. Hahah, I am planning to do a browser-based game as a side project soon, I just haven't nailed down which direction I want to go with it. Your idea of selling skins is exactly the route I'd go. I hate pay to win models as a gamer, and I think it's an unsustainable business model as well.

Look at Rocket League - went free to play and they sell $20 skins left and right. That's the future of much of the gaming industry. Get players hooked on solid gameplay, get them to sink hundreds of hours, then give them little ways to support you while giving them their online cred. Profit.

Even myself, who literally NEVER buys fluff content for games, has put money into Rocket League fluff content. Why? Well, after 1000+ hours, I figure I should probably support the developer more than the $14 sale price I initially bought the game for.


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 08:46:56 Quality: 0.

"You ain't lying to me, you are lying to yourself."

Haha, the irony.


master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 08:52:45 Quality: 0.

Non Player Character
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 08:56:29 Quality: 0.

Also, I am fully aware that what I said above is complete lawyer bull!@$#. Technically, I'm right, there is no political discussion allowed in GD. But let's be honest, I'm just using my power to silence you because I don't like your disrespectful, toxic !@$#ing tone.

Oh, that, and you're !@$#ing insane. Let's shelve your hero worship of Trump and talk about this -

"GHWB bush went down for 911 and crimes against humanity.
it was said he sang like a bird and threw them all under the bus."

Yet he voted a month before he died. What's the explanation there? He went down as a traitor, yet he lived free and voted along the rest of the free Americans up until the day he died. Gotta ijustmadethis!@$ site for that one?


master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 09:12:17 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Also, I am fully aware that what I said above is complete lawyer bull!@$#. Technically, I'm right, there is no political discussion allowed in GD. But let's be honest, I'm just using my power to silence you because I don't like your disrespectful, toxic !@$#ing tone.

Oh, that, and you're !@$#ing insane. Let's shelve your hero worship of Trump and talk about this -

"GHWB bush went down for 911 and crimes against humanity.
it was said he sang like a bird and threw them all under the bus."

Yet he voted a month before he died. What's the explanation there? He went down as a traitor, yet he lived free and voted along the rest of the free Americans up until the day he died. Gotta ijustmadethis!@$ site for that one?


Military tribunals take a few days most of the time.
30 days after found guilty of crimes punishable by death you die.
There are no appeals, ever

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