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Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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13-Dec-2022 21:49:34 Quality: 0.


Get your butt back here and play again.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jan-2023 16:48:18 Quality: 0.

Hey Meti.
Hope you are doing well.
How are you?

I heard Mal changed his pronouns?
Any word on that?

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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13-Jan-2023 20:45:10 Quality: 0.

Why you trying to start things MoD?
Wonka (#27069)
TEQ Game Account
20-Jan-2023 18:25:03 Quality: 0.

Do I spy Kama playing on one of the servers?
Yim (#7)
TEQ Game Account

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6-Feb-2023 22:26:59 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
The entire world went to !@$# once Kama stopped updating the yearly Happy New Years posts.
Coincidence? I think not.

Kama caused the current state of the world. Change my mind!

Calm Blue Ocean..

Hey Mal! Hope you're well!

Can someone summarise 73 pages for me? lol

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Hey Sir Robin.

I think Mal's the only Aussie that still pops in semi-regularly that I know of. The Euros seem less frequent.


*waves* hello. Guess I am not regular enough though...

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
7-Feb-2023 21:10:31 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yim (#7) wrote:

Can someone summarise 73 pages for me? lol

Umm... a lot of pages were used with people arguing with MoD.

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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22-Feb-2023 00:10:04 Quality: 0.

Hey Yim! Teach me how to breadie!


Neo (#54)
TEQ Game Account
6-Mar-2023 00:31:22 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
 Quote: Yim (#7) wrote:

Can someone summarise 73 pages for me? lol

Umm... a lot of pages were used with people arguing with MoD.

You mean to say it's been 20 years and nothing has changed?


Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account

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19-Apr-2023 16:50:11 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Why you trying to start things MoD?

Miserable people will always do miserable things
I'll just be over here not giving a !@$# what's in peoples pants nor what you wanna call yourself as long as you're not hurting people because lifes too darn short for that nonsense.

I had a good giggle at this tho

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

It is sad what happened to the vaxxed though.

Yup. Living. What a fkn shame. Also a shame MoD hasn't collected their (no ones ever proven MoDs gender so I will refer to them as a gender neutral "they" henceforth, out of respect obviously) Herman Cain award yet.. but it is what it is

Hi Yim! Life is doing all right my dude. Hopefully things are going great for you! It has been a million years!! Haha..

I love checking in every few months and seeing who else has had a tinge of nostalgia and logged in to say Hi! What a time we had here..

Calm Blue Ocean...

DragonMaster (#149)
TEQ Game Account
13-May-2023 23:58:03 Quality: 0.

Are MoD still going on about falseflags

Mal putting his paperbag-head on fire

Alien braggin about him "being" a tks'er

LMO and Weber arguing

Is Casper out of jail yet?

Wookie, drunk, going up and down in an elevator 6am making calls to all the TKS'ers

Liths still cheating

Harman7 still think he is important

borat whorat

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