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heblm3 (#40142)
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12-Jun-2021 04:11:05 Quality: 0.

"Republicans who sought to undercut or overturn President Joe Biden’s election win are launching campaigns to become their states’ top election officials next year, alarming local officeholders and opponents who are warning about pro-Trump, “ends justify the means” candidates taking big roles in running the vote."

They have long since given up on trying to overturn the election. They are focused on running the next election. The least you could do is have up to date information.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
12-Jun-2021 07:40:08 Quality: 0.

The forensic audit in Arizona is the first ever forensic audit of its kind.
Setting the standard hopefully able to combat the systemic corruption rampant in our elections as HEB has pointed out.
With the EO's inititiating homeland security in 2018 to take over all election security they started by issuing all the paper for ballots to all the States encrypting the paper with microdots.

From there the individual States were mandated to add their own watermarks on their ballots and envelopes verifying their States ballots as it is the States job to have them printed.

So this election had both microdots for the paper.
And watermarks for state printed ballots.
For all mail-in ballots.
This was a sting

They still have more to do after this last pallet.
But the counting is done.
Said to be missing 400000 ballots.
But no leaks so just heresay.

They are getting toured at this facility by a different state almost everyday now that they are almost finished.

It is the State legislatures job to certify and de- recertify.
I suspect at first the States that find fraud will flip their house and Senate seats if this pans out.
The federal election will follow possibly needing SC but maybe not. It is the State Legislatures job.

Biden's doj stepped in today and threatened to confiscate ballots and machines to stop the audit.
An Arizona Senator threatened if he took one ballot or machi e he would end up in an Arizona prison.
He said that to AG Merrick Garland (corrupt).

Georgia is looking at this forensic Audit as they had 2 Senate seats blatantly and obviously stolen.

The State Legislatures in 9 key States are gearing up.
Only two States have to be flipped.

Supreme court precedence, "Fraud Vitiates Everything ".

A storm is coming.
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

[ -- Message edited on: 12-Jun-2021 07:58:27 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

Mal Kavian (#47)
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12-Jun-2021 08:31:26 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Drayton (#24586) wrote:
More than 20 years after I first started playing and probably 10 years since I last logged in, it's a great relief to see that my sign-on still works. It's comforting to know that some things only change very little... or not at all.

Like the fact that Mal still stirs !@$# with people on this site. Lol.

I've missed you, Mal. I hope all is well.

G'day Drayton! All's well here my dude, how's it going mate? I have thought of you often over the years and hoped you were doing well! I'm reminded of you whenever I hear The Living End haha

Me? Stir !@$#? How dare you sir

@Yuri, I understand your response but am disappointed by it nonetheless. !@$# is definitely unbalanced, a small amount of acknowledgement and accepting that goes a long way in understanding WHY certain people are more likely to react a certain way in certain situations. My words wont win your mind over though and I'm not feeling preachy enough to try and convince you otherwise.

And of course mods gone off on another tangent again, to the surprise of nobody..

Poor heb trying to get an answer for a single question haha, take a few deep breaths mate you'll be right!

Calm Blue Ocean...

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
12-Jun-2021 20:55:09 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
No one likes talking about the weather, Yuri. ;)


I guess you're right about that. Seems odd to me. North Dakota hotter than Florida. Seems like something we could talk about. Maybe that's just me.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
"Voter fraud is common in America,” Cawthorn said, calling it “an irrefutable fact.”

Here is the devils advocate for you. If this statement was true. IF voter fraud in common in America that would mean that we have had voter fraud in every election. Which would mean every president was voted in with fraud. Which would mean trump won because of fraud as well.

Let's say that Cawthorn's quote is true. Which I agree with it. But because voter fraud is common and an irrefutable fact doesn't mean that Trump won by fraud. Nor does it mean Biden won by fraud. However I do tend to lend towards Biden winning by fraud. The man won like 12% or maybe 13% of the counties in the USA, but somehow won. When Obama won his 2nd term, he won around 22% of the counties, when Obama won his first term, he had around 26% of the counties, and at that time had a record number of votes for him. But somehow Biden won less counties than Obama but got 10 million more votes than Obama got with his first win? Seems fishy to me.

Pez (#324)
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12-Jun-2021 21:54:38 Quality: 0.

Jesus, MoD, you broke the thread with that incredibly long link that everyone is going to ignore. I'm hiding that post, but here it is below, if anyone wants to actually follow the link, just copy/paste each line.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
I think it is doltish to think they will entertain the thought that you are a credible perspective buyer.
But here is the phone number


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
12-Jun-2021 22:03:54 Quality: 0.

Also, the Republicans protesting the election didn't protest their own victories that were tallied on the very same ballots that the Dems supposedly used to steal the Oval Office.

Oh, and the "rampant voter fraud" investigation just wrapped up in Florida. A grand total of zero cases were proven.

But yeah, it's all a big cover-up that literally dozens of courts (all the way up to the Supreme Court), all election officials (Republican and Democrat alike) are in on. Yup, a guy that lost the popular vote in 2016 and in four years as POTUS never even reached even 50% approval rating - there is just no way he actually lost fair-and-square in 2020. Obviously, the Dems stole this election, and this Qool-aid is delicious!


master of disaster (#15067)
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12-Jun-2021 22:35:43 Quality: 0.

That is another anomoly.
There were millions of ballots cast for Biden that had no down ballot candidates that received any votes...just for president.

Here is the thing.

They figured out that they only needed to steal 6 counties to steal this election.

So fraud was rampant it is insanely ridiculous fraud in those 6 counties.
Maricopa being one of them.
This forensic analysis is going to show impossible and unexplainable anomalies that cannot be explained away outside of fraud and criminal conspiracy.

I tried, I really tried to wait. But the temptation was too much.
I wanted to wait until after the official release of the results of this audit.

Clark County Nevada....Wait till you here of all of that fraud.
It will make Maicopa fraud look like schoolgirl drama in comparison.
They didn't even try and hide it. They just went ahead and did it

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jun-2021 01:06:39 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Jesus, MoD, you broke the thread with that incredibly long link that everyone is going to ignore. I'm hiding that post, but here it is below, if anyone wants to actually follow the link, just copy/paste each line.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
I think it is doltish to think they will entertain the thought that you are a credible perspective buyer.
But here is the phone number


That link took me to the main for the palace. So I called it just for !@$#s to see what would happen.

I was able to get connected to the tour department. For 60 I can tour the palace, which will allow me to see art work etc.. and this summer I can walk the grounds and enjoy the royal garden which is only open for a few months to the public I guess.

With that said while I had them I did ask about the sale. Of which they said absolutely not.

So thank you for not being able to provide the proof I require which is a certified agent. But thank you for pointing me in a direction which allowed me to come to answer that everyone already knows. The palace is not for sale.

So what's next on your list for us to debunk?

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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13-Jun-2021 01:27:28 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Jesus, MoD, you broke the thread with that incredibly long link that everyone is going to ignore. I'm hiding that post, but here it is below, if anyone wants to actually follow the link, just copy/paste each line.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
I think it is doltish to think they will entertain the thought that you are a credible perspective buyer.
But here is the phone number


That is a very MoD like defense. You do no have to be a credible buyer to get information on a listed property. I do not need to give any of my information either. However, it is easy enough to check the credibility of the certified agent. Which makes the claims easy to prove or disprove.

He is not able to proved us with a certified agent to fact check this information.

the only source this was ever posted on by a certified agent, the agent himself said that it was never for sale.

Between that information that we already have, and me calling the number given from the link is more than enough to prove that he was wrong the palace is not for sale.

So now the next question comes into play. since the queens palace being for sale was a huge part of your proof for the forward momentum of the your purposed movement. Where do we stand now? Some of your information has been proven to be false and unreliable. A huge part of your proof for the success of the movement has now also been proven false.

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
13-Jun-2021 01:39:25 Quality: 0.

Rampant fraud in six counties... that no courts or investigative bodies have been able to find evidence of. Oooookay, sure.

Or maybe, the guy that lost the popular vote in 2016 and never even had a 50% approval rating lost the election. I dunno, I guess we'll just have to decide for ourselves what's more likely.


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