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Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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16-Jun-2021 04:46:15 Quality: 0.

Genghis Khan was blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Roughly 8% of Asian men can trace their DNA to Khan. It's clear to see which ones - the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Asians, of course.

Follow this thread for more alternative historical fiction and to see white people who are afraid of other white people having !@$with brown people!


Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
16-Jun-2021 06:06:42 Quality: 0.

Wow, this thread is something!
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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16-Jun-2021 06:09:33 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Genghis Khan was blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Roughly 8% of Asian men can trace their DNA to Khan. It's clear to see which ones - the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Asians, of course.

Follow this thread for more alternative historical fiction and to see white people who are afraid of other white people having !@$with brown people!


He would keep the women and kill the men.
I may be wrong but it is 8% or more for the planet.
He spread his dna bigly.

Marco Polo said it not me. He was blonde blue eyed Scythian.

So while you are with me. Re you even aware of the blonde and blue eyed asians?
Alot in China.

He had lots of kids man

Josephus said there was a contingent of descendants of Jacob in Palestine, The 10 tribes stayed in Asia

[ -- Message edited on: 16-Jun-2021 06:14:29 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
16-Jun-2021 06:16:44 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote:
Wow, this thread is something!


How you doing?

You better have done some big things.
I expected you to be a world beater.
Thought poker might have been a vehicle for you maybe

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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16-Jun-2021 16:38:36 Quality: 0.

Here is a Q primer to how it was done

This one Q drop is being discussed alot now.
What it will show is how long this election sting was active.

A 350,000 2018.

They were allowed to steal the House but not the Senate allowing them only 2 years to prepare and steal the presidency which was obviously their focus.

Biden won Arizona by 11,000 votes.

If the forensic audit in Arizona shows anything close to 350,000 vote swing from bad, fraudulent and non-existant ballots you can see how they operate this sting.

These people are stupid.
Evil is stupid.

There is absolute total panic in Pennsylvania from all this.
9 people given subpoenas.

A total of 14 States have visited the facility in the Az audit now.

They are in the final stage of the audit now.
The lease on the facility ends on the 31st.

As for the 14th that was the day it was said was given to Biden to come clean with the American people.

The contents of Hunters laptop has been released.
Joe knew about all of Hunters business in Russia, Ukraine and China.

Toresays has released it all at her lookingglass website.

The book of Joes daughter Ashley releasing her memoirs decllaring Joe took inappropriate showers with her when she was a kid and worse.

Tell me...

What will Joe say in response to Arizona showing a landslide victory for DJT in Arizona???????
Oh and China?????????????????????
And Ukraine???????????????????
And Russia???????????????

And since Putin has already brought up Ashley Babbit being assasinated by a cop.

Who murdered her?
Wasn't she unarmed?
What is the name of the cop that killed her?
That's weird

And Fox news caught in a sting?
Nope. There is a delay in all live feeds.
It had to go through editors and management before it could air....Another movie released by whitehats to redpill more people.

How in the world can anyone expect PedoJoe to carry a conversation with Vladimir Putin for 4 hours?????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hunters laptop has been released
Nothing can stop what is coming

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
16-Jun-2021 16:56:58 Quality: 0.

Important financial info

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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16-Jun-2021 16:58:51 Quality: 0.

''We thought they were white''

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
16-Jun-2021 17:17:18 Quality: 0.

I came here to this thread for one reason..... To drop red pills and Truth Bombs.

''the end is nigh'' could not be a more fitting topic for this thread.

Yuri and Pez were spot on about the weather.

The storm is upon us.

You will be hearing things now that will be difficult.

I will not gloat.
I am not going to say I told you so, haha...

I do and will forgive.

There are false flags being setup to blame Q as the 1000's of hours of footage is being released and the truth that the fbi planted agent provovateurs on Jan. 6 to foment riots is now out.

I have avoided this topic for the right time.
It is time.

This might be my last topic I will address for awhile as I have to focus on getting final preps done.

Fill your gas tanks and have some food and water for at least 10 days.
Remember what I said about meat?
Watch Texas. You have to have electricity if you have a freezer.
And empty shelves will suck.
Non perishables a must.

This is not a drill

[ -- Message edited on: 16-Jun-2021 19:48:20 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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16-Jun-2021 21:44:24 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Ripper (#5) wrote:
Wow, this thread is something!

Hey Ripper. Good to see you on the thread.
Did you actually read the entire thing or just skim it?
How are Kat and little Panzer? He's probably not that little anymore I bet.

EDIT - Grammar

[ -- Message edited on: 16-Jun-2021 21:45:12 by Yuri (#3268) -- ]

Ripper (#5)
TEQ Game Account
17-Jun-2021 01:15:40 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:

Hey Ripper. Good to see you on the thread.
Did you actually read the entire thing or just skim it?
How are Kat and little Panzer? He's probably not that little anymore I bet.

EDIT - Grammar

[ -- Message edited on: 16-Jun-2021 21:45:12 by Yuri (#3268) -- ]

Hey Yuri, haven't been to the site in ages. I read a majority of the thread though. Kat is doing well, she is remarried now. Panzer is great, he's 14 now so not so little Our other kids are 11 and 9 now.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:


How you doing?

You better have done some big things.
I expected you to be a world beater.
Thought poker might have been a vehicle for you maybe

Well I survived being zero'd out and have been rebuilding steadily. Quit a dead end job of 10 years and work in IT now. No world beating but still doing my part to make it a better place! Haven't played poker in forever.

Been awake for awhile now and see through all the nonsense, but not in anyway optimistic like you. I've done the Q dd and there is some truth there but also some intentional hamster wheeling. End conclusion for me is that it was a psyop to keep people complacent. I'd love to be wrong.

Some observations/opinions on the conversations:

- I agree with you that peace is the prize.

- Human trafficking/crimes against children should be the thread that unites us all. These people are indeed sick (and protected). If people knew the raw truth about what goes on and why then we wouldn't be arguing over the minutia.

- Hunter's laptop seems legit, I believe the mac repair guy and Bobulinski as well. It's a sad thing that people hate the orange man so bad they aren't at least open minded enough to demand answers for these things.

- Our media (US and global) is political propaganda (does anyone doubt this anymore?) and has ironically become the enemy of free people.

- You are correct on the election fraud in 6 major cities, might have been a few more as well. The mail in ballot either gave the cover or served as smoke and mirrors. Whoever orchestrated this thing was not stupid and the media helped and our institutions don't seem to want transparency.

- Don't forget that the bankers are the real government now and money printer goes brrrr. I'm long physical silver, gold and commodities (overweight on Uranium stocks).


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