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heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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27-Apr-2021 13:43:36 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

actor joe?

where is hillary.
I cannot vouch for the authenticity but it was stated a few weeks ago she and bill were arrested.
They said bill went quietly but hillary freaked out so bad she had to be sedated

''Walk softly and carry a big stick''

[ -- Message edited on: 19-Apr-2021 04:05:08 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

You started this by saying you cannot vouch for the authenticity. Yet have defended it as fact anytime I have said it didn't happen. lol

I miss the old crew.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
27-Apr-2021 13:56:01 Quality: 0.

All the information was right in front of you. You are either to stupid to see it or your reading comprehension is trash.

just like now I clearly said a decade, at not point did I ever say 12 years. Yet you keep right on saying 12 years. Then you will act like I said 12 years when I didn't. You cannot get away with anything you are trying.

I started playing when I was 14 in 2000. I played for at least 8 years minimum. I showed you the finishes that are still logged. I was a president of TNA, vice of TDSS, vice of FARM, I played on cock with angrygweedo (might not be right). I was vice of BOT with KillBot, president of BOT when he left. We started the wildly controversial random kill sets. I showed you a fourth place techer finish. I ruined your only good set lol. I played with hundreds of players and on a good amount of teams and groups in my nearly a decade. I am 35 now turning 36 this summer. I hold four degrees graduating summa cum laude. working while doing all of this. Again you have no clue what I do or who I am. The work I do the profession I have.

Unlike you I have no reason to lie. why? because I have actually accomplished things. I have actually worked in these fields. I don't run on speculation as you clearly are willing to do like with the Hilary post.

You can no longer lie and get away with it. You have become to old and to slow.

I miss the old crew.

[ -- Message edited on: 27-Apr-2021 14:01:09 by heblm3 (#40142) -- ]

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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27-Apr-2021 14:16:21 Quality: 0.

"The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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23-Jun-2011 05:31:20 Quality: 0. - Rate Post: Good Post Neutral Post Bad Post
When I used to play this server I would always get top score every set, and I would just BR (bombing raid attack) and missile people like crazy... would get tons of points off of it... just have to hit the right targets at the right time. with practice you can destroy top players and not even get retaled by them. haha
heblm (#17489)
TEQ Game Account
23-Jun-2011 10:43:37 Quality: 0. - Rate Post: Good Post Neutral Post Bad Post
No you tell the truth KING, you would wait till near end then missle the top player with all the land lol. He would get like 150m points from those attacks alone.
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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23-Jun-2011 11:14:15 Quality: 0. - Rate Post: Good Post Neutral Post Bad Post
Well yea that is where I racked up all the points.. in the start of the set I would just kill whoever attacked me haha, then at the end go after the best targets haha
heblm (#17489)
TEQ Game Account
23-Jun-2011 16:34:34 Quality: 0. - Rate Post: Good Post Neutral Post Bad Post
many a time are missles found the same target. Odd how we thought a lot alike back then. Though they were to blame for having so much land in a place with points.
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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23-Jun-2011 19:31:50 Quality: 0. - Rate Post: Good Post Neutral Post Bad Post
Haha, after someone BR'ed a person 3-4 people's missles seeked out points on the poor helpless soul."

after retirement when I would still chat or come in for a set or two to help out and play with old friends. I can keep going all day princess.

I miss the old crew.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
27-Apr-2021 14:19:38 Quality: 0.

And for a blast from the past. I was also there when we started going into other games and calling ourselves TEQ there as well. Like when we became the top players of Fallen sword. Or when TEQ used to be linked with I believe it was earth 2020 (could be off on the year)

step your game up old timer. Your memory is failing you and it isn't cute.

I miss the old crew.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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27-Apr-2021 14:26:38 Quality: 0.

And last point. Do you know what speculation is? Read it again. The queen herself never said she wont return to the palace. It is speculation from other people. The talk has been as follows "highly unlikely" and "here is why I think". Is the speculation reasonable? yes. But do they know for sure? no. The speculation is because her husband died and she is wildly old.

nothing you have said is fact only speculation. deal with it.

I miss the old crew.

Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account
27-Apr-2021 16:36:15 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
And for a blast from the past. I was also there when we started going into other games and calling ourselves TEQ there as well. Like when we became the top players of Fallen sword. Or when TEQ used to be linked with I believe it was earth 2020 (could be off on the year)

I don't remember players from here going to other games and using TEQ as their names. Makes sense. We, the TEQ community, did have a dislike for the other TBS games like this.

However I could be wrong, but TEQ was never linked to Earth2020. That was Utopia. Both of them sucked big time. I remember trying Earth before finding TEQ. Earth didn't make sense to me at all, no instructions or explanations on how to play. At least none that I saw, but that was late 90s when I play Earth. I only found TEQ because a friend of mine in high school had found it and showed it to me. Not sure how he found it. Funny thing is, I don't think he played more then a set or two. Unless you happen to be that guy Heb. Wouldn't that be funny. All this time we would have known each other but didn't know we knew each other.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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27-Apr-2021 17:03:57 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
And last point. Do you know what speculation is? Read it again. The queen herself never said she wont return to the palace. It is speculation from other people. The talk has been as follows "highly unlikely" and "here is why I think". Is the speculation reasonable? yes. But do they know for sure? no. The speculation is because her husband died and she is wildly old.

nothing you have said is fact only speculation. deal with it.

I miss the old crew.

But you are just speculating.
Cynics miss the obvious.
Are you a pedo?

Edit: add the fact that I have not been here for 12 years or so

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
27-Apr-2021 19:54:41 Quality: 0.

For your perusal

Bye bye holliweird

Pics of Hillary before execution of her double and the double of the double after the execution.
A list of those arrested and executed
An escaped witness giving her testimony (not like HEB who pretends, stolen valor. )
She speaks truth. She makes no claims of watching cp for 12 years
doing super secret ops. A very good example of what it would sound like. As opposed to hebs super secret 12 years of ops (research)

[ -- Message edited on: 27-Apr-2021 20:08:09 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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28-Apr-2021 00:01:02 Quality: 0.

Love how you ducked absolutely everything again.

What's the matter got nothing to say now that I showed you everything? Not my fault that you cant keep up with a simple conversation. While you full blown lied and said you didn't have the information.

So you are left with two options now from that.

1. Either you suck at gathering information since you clearly had it all but thought you didn't. Which would mean that all of your information is now up for question. Because just how many other simple things do you miss?


2. You are so full of yourself and so used to talking out of your !@$ that you don't do the level of diligence that you claim.

Because it is pathetic that you where so wrong and I let you go on and on about it just to see the hole you would dig while you act high and mighty. And now when it gets tossed in your face you avoid it out of pure cowardice.

You my friend are about as low as they come. A manipulative leech with mental illness. who cries like a baby when he doesn't get his way.

lol good job old man. Back yourself right into the corner where you belong.

I miss the old crew.

[ -- Message edited on: 28-Apr-2021 00:10:46 by heblm3 (#40142) -- ]

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
28-Apr-2021 00:08:38 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
And for a blast from the past. I was also there when we started going into other games and calling ourselves TEQ there as well. Like when we became the top players of Fallen sword. Or when TEQ used to be linked with I believe it was earth 2020 (could be off on the year)

I don't remember players from here going to other games and using TEQ as their names. Makes sense. We, the TEQ community, did have a dislike for the other TBS games like this.

However I could be wrong, but TEQ was never linked to Earth2020. That was Utopia. Both of them sucked big time. I remember trying Earth before finding TEQ. Earth didn't make sense to me at all, no instructions or explanations on how to play. At least none that I saw, but that was late 90s when I play Earth. I only found TEQ because a friend of mine in high school had found it and showed it to me. Not sure how he found it. Funny thing is, I don't think he played more then a set or two. Unless you happen to be that guy Heb. Wouldn't that be funny. All this time we would have known each other but didn't know we knew each other.

Yeah it was a lot of fun. We would call our clans and guilds TEQ, we used it as a way t recruit to TEQ. Me and TUK got kicked out and banned from a lot of games doing that. But things like fallensword was big time. There was like 100 of us or something crazy. You might be right about Utopia I just remember something happening with Earth2020 but I could be switching it. It could be we played at Earth2020 and was linked to Utopia. But I could swear that we was linked with Earth for a time.

@kama give us insight captain.

I miss the old crew.

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