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Alien (#110)
TEQ Game Account

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15-May-2023 06:10:49 Quality: 0.

 Quote: DragonMaster (#149) wrote:
Are MoD still going on about falseflags

Mal putting his paperbag-head on fire

Alien braggin about him "being" a tks'er

LMO and Weber arguing

Is Casper out of jail yet?

Wookie, drunk, going up and down in an elevator 6am making calls to all the TKS'ers

Liths still cheating

Harman7 still think he is important

borat whorat

i still remember Wookie ringing me at like 4am blind haha

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
25-May-2023 16:14:07 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Why you trying to start things MoD?

Miserable people will always do miserable things
I'll just be over here not giving a !@$# what's in peoples pants nor what you wanna call yourself as long as you're not hurting people because lifes too darn short for that nonsense.

I had a good giggle at this tho

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

It is sad what happened to the vaxxed though.

Yup. Living. What a fkn shame. Also a shame MoD hasn't collected their (no ones ever proven MoDs gender so I will refer to them as a gender neutral "they" henceforth, out of respect obviously) Herman Cain award yet.. but it is what it is

Hi Yim! Life is doing all right my dude. Hopefully things are going great for you! It has been a million years!! Haha..

I love checking in every few months and seeing who else has had a tinge of nostalgia and logged in to say Hi! What a time we had here..

Calm Blue Ocean...

Why so triggered Mal?
You would think that having a Bud light giving away for free and Target carrying onesies bathing suits with tuck friendly stitching in the crotch would cheer you up.
I am still male. Will always be male.
Which means I am not female, the other gender.
My pronouns are macho and manlyman.

The depopulation tool that is the gene modifying program that is still in it's testing phase is going as scheduled sad to say.
We are down from 350 million to somewhere under 330 million since the 2018 census.
The homeless just keep disappearing from the streets and we actually have more jobs than workers to fill them now. And we lost jobs since COVID shutdowns.

And all the sterility.
Most will not even know of it for another 10 years or so.

Now that you came out of the closet Mal maybe you can share with the class your gender and preferred pronouns.
For the record Bud light tastes like piss


Crime of the century.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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27-May-2023 17:16:35 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
 Quote: Mal Kavian (#47) wrote:
 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
Why you trying to start things MoD?

Miserable people will always do miserable things
I'll just be over here not giving a !@$# what's in peoples pants nor what you wanna call yourself as long as you're not hurting people because lifes too darn short for that nonsense.

I had a good giggle at this tho

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

It is sad what happened to the vaxxed though.

Yup. Living. What a fkn shame. Also a shame MoD hasn't collected their (no ones ever proven MoDs gender so I will refer to them as a gender neutral "they" henceforth, out of respect obviously) Herman Cain award yet.. but it is what it is

Hi Yim! Life is doing all right my dude. Hopefully things are going great for you! It has been a million years!! Haha..

I love checking in every few months and seeing who else has had a tinge of nostalgia and logged in to say Hi! What a time we had here..

Calm Blue Ocean...

Why so triggered Mal?
You would think that having a Bud light giving away for free and Target carrying onesies bathing suits with tuck friendly stitching in the crotch would cheer you up.
I am still male. Will always be male.
Which means I am not female, the other gender.
My pronouns are macho and manlyman.

The depopulation tool that is the gene modifying program that is still in it's testing phase is going as scheduled sad to say.
We are down from 350 million to somewhere under 330 million since the 2018 census.
The homeless just keep disappearing from the streets and we actually have more jobs than workers to fill them now. And we lost jobs since COVID shutdowns.

And all the sterility.
Most will not even know of it for another 10 years or so.

Now that you came out of the closet Mal maybe you can share with the class your gender and preferred pronouns.
For the record Bud light tastes like piss


Crime of the century.

I find the Herman Cain reference interesting.
How does it relate to me?

Sad to say but from what I know, Herman Cain was too close to the Franklin Boys Town child trafficking saga and had his military tribunal and was put to death.

Pay close attention as the Epstein client lists are coming out and the entire pizzagate WikiLeaks pedovore pedophile global institution is being exposed right after the false flag (shout-out to Alien) transgender psyop is runout.

That is where they think they can blame the obvious self victimization on the Right claiming MAGA extremism when the left is setting up the slaughter and orchestrating and executing it themselves.
It is all so obvious.
Nobody cares at all for .07% of the population.
But they know there is a response when they target children.
Hence the very effective boycotts.
But violence isn't a Right thing.
It is a Bolshevik leftist thing.

And there are FF's planned to victimize the trannies.
They are to be used as cannon fodder.

All to stop the Great Awakening.

It will not work.

The pedovore/ child trafficking 6000 y.o. death cult is being destroyed.
The transgender religion was the goal all along since the beginning of the alphabet acronym psyop.

The worship of Asherah and her transgender court of high priests is getting thrown under the bus by her consort moloch for these end days theatrics.

The trannies are to be used and discarded by the cult of Moloch.

Both cults are targeting Christianity for these end times.

The sacrices on the Temple Mt. are set to begin as the Jews have a red heifer without blemish coming of age now.

History being made by revisiting the past.
Buckle up buttercups.
This is happening fast.
If you do not own XRP Ripple by now you soon will.
The Petro dollar simply no longer exists.
What happened January 1 is big.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
27-May-2023 17:17:41 Quality: 0.


[ -- Message edited on: 27-May-2023 17:22:25 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]
Yuri (#3268)
TEQ Game Account

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1-Jun-2023 14:32:42 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

The sacrices on the Temple Mt. are set to begin as the Jews have a red heifer without blemish coming of age now.

From what I understand, the temple won't be ready for at least a year if not closer to three years. So they have to hope the red heifers they have, which I heard was only a handful right now (I think I remember hearing it was like 3 or 4), don't have something done to them before the temple is ready to be dedicated.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
2-Jun-2023 05:39:51 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Yuri (#3268) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

The sacrices on the Temple Mt. are set to begin as the Jews have a red heifer without blemish coming of age now.

From what I understand, the temple won't be ready for at least a year if not closer to three years. So they have to hope the red heifers they have, which I heard was only a handful right now (I think I remember hearing it was like 3 or 4), don't have something done to them before the temple is ready to be dedicated.

I am glad you pointed that out.
I misspoke speaking of the temple sacrifices.
It will be in a tabernacle where the tears and breaches are mended.
There were 2 tabernacles in the old testament.
Moses and David each had one.
For particular reasons it will be Davids Tabernacle that will be erected.
It will be up in a matter of weeks once they pull the trigger.
They have always been waiting on the ashes from the unblemished red heifer
Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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17-Jun-2023 02:39:08 Quality: 0.

 Quote: DragonMaster (#149) wrote:

LMO and Weber arguing

Where is LMO? Has he graced this massive thread?


master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
1-Aug-2023 03:35:49 Quality: 0.

Did this place die?
Wonka (#27069)
TEQ Game Account

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5-Aug-2023 08:07:02 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
Did this place die?

Not entirely depending on the month

Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
13-Sep-2023 08:20:46 Quality: 0.

 Quote: DragonMaster (#149) wrote:
Are MoD still going on about falseflags

Mal putting his paperbag-head on fire

Alien braggin about him "being" a tks'er

LMO and Weber arguing

Is Casper out of jail yet?

Wookie, drunk, going up and down in an elevator 6am making calls to all the TKS'ers

Liths still cheating

Harman7 still think he is important

borat whorat

And you are..?

Man, that paper bag stunt nearly set our apartment on fire ahahha .. what a time to be alive.

Calm Blue Ocean..

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