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Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 20:21:08 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Start with this premise. They are very sophisticated and commit sophisticated crimes. They plan and execute 20 and 50 years out.
ok back to the original narrative and why it is impossible to disprove a lie.

In order to prove something true, scientifically, you must be able to prove if the hypothesis is wrong.
If it is a lie, it cannot be proven.
You cannot disprove a lie, it is impossible.

Okay, that premise is fine, but if it's impossible to disprove a lie, then what are we even talking about here? You're just making assumptions and running with them because they fit the premise you've accepted. There's nothing scientific about that.

Also, people disprove lies all the time, I'm not really sure what you mean when you say it's impossible to disprove a lie. That's just not how reality works.

I like that you made a prediction for fall. We'll see if anything comes to pass, or like many of your other predictions, the fall comes to pass and instead of addressing yet another failed prediction, you just tangent off into another wild story and prediction for the future.

Thanks for at least keeping that response mostly on the topic and only making a few personal assumptions about me in order to make your point.


[ -- Message edited on: 5-Jun-2021 00:22:17 by Pez (#324) -- ]

Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 20:25:04 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:

All the proofs you ask for were in the posts I made that were completely removed.
Democracy in action.

Hahaha, I can assure you all, there's not one credible source linked or proof given that a data scientist would accept. If the ramblings of someone who knows they are right, but cannot articulate why he's right counts as "proofs", then yeah, they're in the posts I deleted.

"Democracy in action" - spoken like someone that supported a guy that rallied a mob to goto the Capitol to interrupt the democratic process. Fascism isn't the answer, MoD.


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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4-Jun-2021 20:27:51 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

We can breath water.
I can jump off earth.
I can see through the sun.
I can walk on the sun.
I have a 100 foot dick.

Since a lie cannot be disproven, I will accept this as truth, or maybe I should take the MoD approach and make up a completely different story that cannot be disproven and accept that. I'm not sure how this whole thing is supposed to work?


Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account
4-Jun-2021 20:52:04 Quality: +1.

Oh, I missed the, "Do you know what it means to be an x potus and have a wrinkled flag draped over the coffin?" question.

I googled it, and there are theories that range from "Omg, he's a traitor!" to "I had an uncle who had a flag that was sentimental to him, we didn't think to press the flag, so it was wrinkled at the funeral."

I suppose if we're just going off the premise, then it's the former. But if we're using discernment, one recognizes that there are a multitude of possible explanations.

For the record, I think GHWBush and every POTUS in my lifetime was a traitor and a war criminal. But just because I believe that doesn't mean I'm just going to accept without evidence that a 94-year old POTUS who lived free until the day he died was tried and executed for crimes he committed almost two decades previous. It's just practicing discernment and taking my personal feelings out of the equation.

Also, MoD, if you keep your posts respectful, I won't delete them. Contrary to your assertions, you aren't being censored, you're being moderated.


heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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5-Jun-2021 01:30:56 Quality: 0.

 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
dude, I started there

ok back to the original narrative and why it is impossible to disprove a lie.

In order to prove something true, scientifically, you must be able to prove if the hypothesis is wrong.
If it is a lie, it cannot be proven.
You cannot disprove a lie, it is impossible.

So as long as you spend all your time on a falsity you can never be proven wrong.

What are you seeing?

That is your mental illness again. It is very easy to disprove a lie it happens all the time. If you couldn't disprove a lie then everything you believe in is already a waste. No one can be charged with any crime because all they have to do is say they didn't do it "lie" and it can never be disproven.

You lie all the time to get your way and we proved here, it easy. Just keep you talking long enough and things slip out.

Next, go with simplicity I can lie all day and you can prove me wrong.

We can breath water.

I can jump off earth.

I can see through the sun.

I can walk on the sun.

I have a 100 foot dick.

bush was killed in secret.

people are being tried and killed and then replaced by lookalikes.

I just told 7 likes. Starting with complete trash and ending with what you believe in.

So you believe that you can't disprove any of my lies? That's you man thesis right?

Also, allow me to educate you on the scientific method since you clearly do not understand that as well.

You do not test the hypothesis you test what is call the null. A counter. So you can in fact very easily set you a test rage for lies. If the null is false then the hypothesis would be right.

in that regard if you are bias you can come up with whatever answer you want. That is what you do. You have the answer you want before the test is ever stated. So of course you always get the answer you want. because you want it.

All the proofs you ask for were in the posts I made that were completely removed.
Democracy in action.
You keep judging me by restricting me and censoring me and you are convinced all you need to be right is to have more reprobates that agree with you....and here you are talking about the scientific method.
you have to be able to test that a hypothesis is false, A lie cannot be tested to be truue or false.
You just chase your tail with endless possibilities.

If you test a fact, then you try to prove it false.
If it keeps pointing back to your hypothesis you know to keep going.
Attempting the reverse by accepting the lie as fact FIRST you just get psychology
Your proving my point in your post and agreeing with me unknowingly.
In proving a lie all you do is add to the lie in attempts to prove yourself right.

''let me help with your creativity'' said no psychiatrist/psychologist ever

[ -- Message edited on: 4-Jun-2021 16:37:46 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

everything I say has to be true. because even if it is a lie you can't disprove. that is your logic. So if you cannot disprove a lie it has to be true.

Also, psychology is not a pseudo-science. It a laboratory science.

Understanding the brain and the chemicals of the body has been around for a very long time. The fact that you call it a pseudo-science proves you nothing at all about science.

but the real fact is you are just saying whatever you want to try to keep fighting.

I told you I wont fight with you or talk about what you want. You are mentally ill and everyone here is done with your games. You are not only mentally ill but you treat people horribly.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
5-Jun-2021 01:38:49 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

We can breath water.
I can jump off earth.
I can see through the sun.
I can walk on the sun.
I have a 100 foot dick.

Since a lie cannot be disproven, I will accept this as truth, or maybe I should take the MoD approach and make up a completely different story that cannot be disproven and accept that. I'm not sure how this whole thing is supposed to work?


it is getting fairly tricky. He doesn't even understand what he did to himself by saying that you cannot disprove a lie. That would mean every lie has to be counted as truth. Since it can't be disproven it can be right.

But he doesn't understand a lot of things so we will just have to keep watching as he keeps changing everything he says at anytime he feels like it.

notice how he has not addressed anything any of the 4 of us (2 if you are MoD) have said outside his illness need. He refuses to even see it.

he thinks he is only talking to 2 people not 4.

he believes everything he says is right. even though everything everyone says has to be right according to him.

its a cluster !@$# that is for sure.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

Click to set your personal icon.
5-Jun-2021 04:35:22 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
Oh, I missed the, "Do you know what it means to be an x potus and have a wrinkled flag draped over the coffin?" question.

I googled it, and there are theories that range from "Omg, he's a traitor!" to "I had an uncle who had a flag that was sentimental to him, we didn't think to press the flag, so it was wrinkled at the funeral."

I suppose if we're just going off the premise, then it's the former. But if we're using discernment, one recognizes that there are a multitude of possible explanations.

For the record, I think GHWBush and every POTUS in my lifetime was a traitor and a war criminal. But just because I believe that doesn't mean I'm just going to accept without evidence that a 94-year old POTUS who lived free until the day he died was tried and executed for crimes he committed almost two decades previous. It's just practicing discernment and taking my personal feelings out of the equation.

Also, MoD, if you keep your posts respectful, I won't delete them. Contrary to your assertions, you aren't being censored, you're being moderated.


It was a State Funeral. Your uncle never got one
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
5-Jun-2021 04:41:19 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

We can breath water.
I can jump off earth.
I can see through the sun.
I can walk on the sun.
I have a 100 foot dick.

Since a lie cannot be disproven, I will accept this as truth, or maybe I should take the MoD approach and make up a completely different story that cannot be disproven and accept that. I'm not sure how this whole thing is supposed to work?


You are actually reasoning it out quite well.
It usually requires circle logic proving a lie as truth.
I did not say you cannot try.
I said the scientific method requires the ability to test if it is wrong in order to prove it right, scientifically.

So I used this to explain the power in psyops to always get out the original narrative, Like the single bullet theory or &#7813; men with boxcutters that can drop high rise towers into their own footprint.

What is interesting is the crazier the narrative the better.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

Click to set your personal icon.
5-Jun-2021 04:48:34 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
 Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote:
dude, I started there

ok back to the original narrative and why it is impossible to disprove a lie.

In order to prove something true, scientifically, you must be able to prove if the hypothesis is wrong.
If it is a lie, it cannot be proven.
You cannot disprove a lie, it is impossible.

So as long as you spend all your time on a falsity you can never be proven wrong.

What are you seeing?

That is your mental illness again. It is very easy to disprove a lie it happens all the time. If you couldn't disprove a lie then everything you believe in is already a waste. No one can be charged with any crime because all they have to do is say they didn't do it "lie" and it can never be disproven.

You lie all the time to get your way and we proved here, it easy. Just keep you talking long enough and things slip out.

Next, go with simplicity I can lie all day and you can prove me wrong.

We can breath water.

I can jump off earth.

I can see through the sun.

I can walk on the sun.

I have a 100 foot dick.

bush was killed in secret.

people are being tried and killed and then replaced by lookalikes.

I just told 7 likes. Starting with complete trash and ending with what you believe in.

So you believe that you can't disprove any of my lies? That's you man thesis right?

Also, allow me to educate you on the scientific method since you clearly do not understand that as well.

You do not test the hypothesis you test what is call the null. A counter. So you can in fact very easily set you a test rage for lies. If the null is false then the hypothesis would be right.

in that regard if you are bias you can come up with whatever answer you want. That is what you do. You have the answer you want before the test is ever stated. So of course you always get the answer you want. because you want it.

All the proofs you ask for were in the posts I made that were completely removed.
Democracy in action.
You keep judging me by restricting me and censoring me and you are convinced all you need to be right is to have more reprobates that agree with you....and here you are talking about the scientific method.
you have to be able to test that a hypothesis is false, A lie cannot be tested to be truue or false.
You just chase your tail with endless possibilities.

If you test a fact, then you try to prove it false.
If it keeps pointing back to your hypothesis you know to keep going.
Attempting the reverse by accepting the lie as fact FIRST you just get psychology
Your proving my point in your post and agreeing with me unknowingly.
In proving a lie all you do is add to the lie in attempts to prove yourself right.

''let me help with your creativity'' said no psychiatrist/psychologist ever

[ -- Message edited on: 4-Jun-2021 16:37:46 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

everything I say has to be true. because even if it is a lie you can't disprove. that is your logic. So if you cannot disprove a lie it has to be true.

Also, psychology is not a pseudo-science. It a laboratory science.

Understanding the brain and the chemicals of the body has been around for a very long time. The fact that you call it a pseudo-science proves you nothing at all about science.

but the real fact is you are just saying whatever you want to try to keep fighting.

I told you I wont fight with you or talk about what you want. You are mentally ill and everyone here is done with your games. You are not only mentally ill but you treat people horribly.

Your jump in logic that the lie must then be true shows a complete separation from logic.
You are trying to hard to be right.
You are actually closer to understang but then spend your ammunition on logical fallacies, mostly strawman args, and wander off into the world that is only in your mind.
And you get so frustrated that not even your friends buy into it. They just nod in approval to your consistant defiance.
I think it is a leftist I said, vibration. It really irks me....most unsettling this cynical thing some succomb to.
I have learned the only clear option is just kindly disengage

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
5-Jun-2021 04:52:14 Quality: 0.

 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:
 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
 Quote: heblm3 (#40142) wrote:

We can breath water.
I can jump off earth.
I can see through the sun.
I can walk on the sun.
I have a 100 foot dick.

Since a lie cannot be disproven, I will accept this as truth, or maybe I should take the MoD approach and make up a completely different story that cannot be disproven and accept that. I'm not sure how this whole thing is supposed to work?


it is getting fairly tricky. He doesn't even understand what he did to himself by saying that you cannot disprove a lie. That would mean every lie has to be counted as truth. Since it can't be disproven it can be right.

But he doesn't understand a lot of things so we will just have to keep watching as he keeps changing everything he says at anytime he feels like it.

notice how he has not addressed anything any of the 4 of us (2 if you are MoD) have said outside his illness need. He refuses to even see it.

he thinks he is only talking to 2 people not 4.

he believes everything he says is right. even though everything everyone says has to be right according to him.

its a cluster !@$# that is for sure.

See what you did there somehow vlaiming a lie must be truth if I said is true.

What a tremendous jump in logic to conclude that is what I said or implied.
You are trying to strawman this but the jump in logic just to be right makes you look foolish to anyone that can form a logic train

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