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Pez (#324)
TEQ Game Account

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31-May-2021 10:40:07 Quality: 0.

"Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Yeah, I believe it, because it was recorded on video. I believe that he defrauded contractors and lied to banks because it is public record. I believe he made fun of a physically disabled journalist because it was recorded on live national television.

I still cannot fathom the mental gymnastics Trump cult followers must have to do to believe that raging narcissist was anything but the embodiment of all the worst human characteristics.

Don't drown in the Qool-aid, MoD.


heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
31-May-2021 15:24:05 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
"Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Yeah, I believe it, because it was recorded on video. I believe that he defrauded contractors and lied to banks because it is public record. I believe he made fun of a physically disabled journalist because it was recorded on live national television.

I still cannot fathom the mental gymnastics Trump cult followers must have to do to believe that raging narcissist was anything but the embodiment of all the worst human characteristics.

Don't drown in the Qool-aid, MoD.


That is because MoD is not only a nut job but someone that lies constantly. I've proven both things in this post.

[ -- Message edited on: 31-May-2021 15:58:43 by heblm3 (#40142) -- ]

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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31-May-2021 15:27:03 Quality: 0.

He will say anything to try to be right. When you prove him wrong he acts like a baby. You know because he is soooo advanced and plugged in.

That is why he always deflects and attacks.

he is honestly a horrible person.

I fully believe he beats woman and touches children. He did admit to it after all.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
31-May-2021 16:18:42 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
"Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Yeah, I believe it, because it was recorded on video. I believe that he defrauded contractors and lied to banks because it is public record. I believe he made fun of a physically disabled journalist because it was recorded on live national television.

I still cannot fathom the mental gymnastics Trump cult followers must have to do to believe that raging narcissist was anything but the embodiment of all the worst human characteristics.

Don't drown in the Qool-aid, MoD.


Locker room talk pez.
That is so easy to see. Listened to it.
It is true. This generation is star struck.
Yes DJT is an alpha male.
He never defrauded any contractors. IN construction you have contracts.
Honor them and you usually get paid.
He uses accountants and gets audited every year. He even prepay taxes.

At the "riot" (no riot) on the 6th.
They even picked up their trash before they left.
POTUS spoke to them expressing a peaceful event.
There were obvious agent provocateurs from antics that even got smothered OUT from peaceful protestors.
They were allowed and LET INTO and lead into the capitol by the capitol police PEACEFULLY

Joe Biden is a pedo. His daughter PRINTED that pedojoe molested her as a child. Pedo Joe is caught numerous times sniffing and groping children.
But DJT is guilty because YES orange man bad.
TDS is a real thing.

Even Obama is caught on film "grabbing CHILDREN by the pussy" But you give these pedos a pass. How come?
TDS is real
Turn off the tv

[ -- Message edited on: 31-May-2021 19:37:36 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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31-May-2021 16:38:46 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pez (#324) wrote:
"Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

Yeah, I believe it, because it was recorded on video. I believe that he defrauded contractors and lied to banks because it is public record. I believe he made fun of a physically disabled journalist because it was recorded on live national television.

I still cannot fathom the mental gymnastics Trump cult followers must have to do to believe that raging narcissist was anything but the embodiment of all the worst human characteristics.

Don't drown in the Qool-aid, MoD.


These are your big complaints and yet you voted for Obama AND Biden?
Qool-aid you say...
It sounds qool but dude these 2 pedo escapades ARE captured in the act numerous times molesting children. No locker room talk. Flat out grabbing CHILDREN by the pussy, sniffing children and their own children accusing them of molestation. Total filth.
Qool-aid you say...sounds qool but holds water as well as a whisker basket

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
31-May-2021 16:49:37 Quality: 0.

He wouldn't have all the information so everything he said just now is wrong.

Plus you can tell he is cool with rape. A woman beater would be. That is why he can play that off as locker room talk. Because even he can't see that a lot of woman are afraid of powerful men. So if he did grab their pussy of course they would just laugh it off.

But you know locker room talk is cool. And MoD supports rape. that is why he follows it so much. He is a rape supporter at the very least. You know what they say you often hate the things that remind you of yourself.


He is a building a strong case that he himself is all of these.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account

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31-May-2021 17:17:12 Quality: 0.

Ever given.
What happened to the supply chain and the Suez
(Q)The Storm Rider (@Littleb29872980) Tweeted:
Q knew.. And so did ANONS..
Merk.el ROTHSCHILDs, Rockefellers
C_a Kaz.arianMossad

White HATS in control
Trust the PLAN
+You have more than you know

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
31-May-2021 17:41:26 Quality: 0.

What a relationship with Jeffery Epstein looks like
heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account

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31-May-2021 18:46:17 Quality: 0.

now he is quoiting ANON lol

I seem to remember A lot of white hates being involved with "OPS"

but wait they are not members of law enforcement. How could that possibly be?

that would mean that Q is nothing more than a pedophile like MoD.

heblm3 (#40142)
TEQ Game Account
31-May-2021 18:46:34 Quality: 0.

behold the all knowing god of lies has return

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