Written by
Weber-Wetiwed (#163)
TEQ Game Account
12-Feb-2008 15:09:57 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Simon² (#596) wrote: I don't see why there should be an archive in tournmanet server.I'll just sit here at work and check the archives all day, wait for someone in my group to get fubared, then seal them and see what I want from them after they've been fubared. !@$#, I may even be able to get sneak some final blows in and steal a bunch of discos and stuff. Easy pickings. Easy points. __________________ I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. - Roy Batty (Bladerunner) Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis. When I was dead broke man I couldn't picture this. - Biggie |
Steal any of my killing blows and I will also see that in the archive  Not something you gonna want to do after someone worked so hard to kill a country.
DocOzone (#28413)
Premium/Plus Member
13-Feb-2008 00:43:38 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Kama (#1) wrote: RULES: 1. The points are awarded according to level and ranking. This means that number 1 of level 2 is ranked right after number 50 of level 1 (Suspended countries excluded). |
I'm still not ready to let this point go. The Level 2 server is going to be a *very* competitve server - perhaps even more so than Level 1. I've played other games with a tourney approach, notably the old Earth2025 servers. The "A" server there has become a very conservative place - the hungriest folks are taking big chances in the "B" servers. I still believe that winning on the #2 server should be worth more points than playing a crappy game in the Level 1 server. The last place finisher in Level 1 should have already been rewarded for his great play *last* month - the month that got him to Level 1 in the first place. The way the rules appear above are stating that the last place finisher on Level 1 played a better game than the 1st place finisher on Level 2, and that's just wrong. Doesn't anyone even want to discuss this point? I'd love to hear a reasoned argument that would convince me otherwise on this matter, but I have not. Your pal, -doc-
The Lone Outsider (#42)
TEQ Game Account
13-Feb-2008 01:06:14 Quality: 0.
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The set end date is a bit of a nuisance, but, you could stillplan an end jump with the old rules anyway.You always knew when it was close to ending, so making that jump was easy to plan then. Plus, I think when it comes to the final few days, you will see a lot of FUBARs on the top few. It will take a few rounds to work out, but let a round or two go by first. This is only the first round ending now. I do agree with the global points issue though. Finishing 50th in level 1 is way easier than finishing top 20 in level 2. Hell, you don't even need to leave protection to get that Scale it back to say groups of top ten in 1, top say 5 in 2, top 3 in 3 and winner in 4, then roll it back through again. I used to have a life, now I play TEQ again
Weber-Wetiwed (#163)
TEQ Game Account
13-Feb-2008 03:49:09 Quality: 0.
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With the neutral feature wont see as many last day BR's as you would think  Kill Count Kills: 1 Fubar: 1
Jack (#2110)
Premium/Plus Member
13-Feb-2008 04:35:50 Quality: 0.
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maybe their should be a delay of a few hours in the archive appearing, so kills don't get interrupted by vultures
HY7 (#6231)
TEQ Game Account
13-Feb-2008 04:47:54 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Jack (#2110) wrote: maybe their should be a delay of a few hours in the archive appearing, so kills don't get interrupted by vultures |
excellent suggestion ________________________________
Hornet (#27148)
TEQ Game Account
13-Feb-2008 10:55:50 Quality: 0.
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maybe a other option would be if a country is furbared with at least X amount of atacks of any type NO other country can attack that country for X hr it will make it a more self earnt points game then a vulture game
Pollux (#24)
TEQ Game Account
13-Feb-2008 12:23:01 Quality: 0.
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@#28413:if you won lvl2 this set, then you not only gain the points for this set, but also the garanteed points for the next set, when you will play on lvl1. add that and it is fair!
Weber-Wetiwed (#163)
TEQ Game Account
13-Feb-2008 15:35:55 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: Hornet (#27148) wrote: maybe a other option would be if a country is furbared with at least X amount of atacks of any type NO other country can attack that country for X hr it will make it a more self earnt points game then a vulture game |
To easy to exploit that.
I could just piss off the entire top 10 and only one of them would be able to hit me then and if it's the netgainer who doesn't know how to kil someby it can really allow me to !@$# someone up still with a big you cant hit me sign on my country. Also people can get their friends to "Fubar" them with some attacks that don't necessarily do much.
VIPer7 (#134)
TEQ Game Account
13-Feb-2008 18:36:06 Quality: 0.
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I second DocOzones suggestion. Rank 1-20 of level 2 will get into level 1 the next set, so all of them will be rewarded with the free points next round. Still rank 1 had to work a lot harder for this than rank 20, which should somehow be rewarded (and not just the small difference between rank 51 and 70). Maybe give rank 1 of level 2 the same points as rank 21 in level 1, and rank 1 in level 3 the same points as rank 21 in level 2, and so on...VIPer7 ICQ#77307171 MSN: offiz@t-online.de AIM: TWP VIPer7