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heblm (#17489)
TEQ Game Account

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22-Jun-2011 13:18:33 Quality: 0.

Kill both of them then wait for there restarts .
CountryKid (#38880)
TEQ Game Account
22-Jun-2011 19:14:29 Quality: 0.

How do I get the most points killing a country? DFs or missiles or what? I need to know before I get to level 1 next round & get my *ss kicked

I WANT A GOLD STAR! Make that 2

• nitty • (#341)
Premium/Plus Member
23-Jun-2011 02:54:28 Quality: 0.

* Points per attack *

Missiles: 10 points per territory
Dogfights: 23 points per territory
DemoSquads: 16 points per territory
Bombing Raid: 27 points per territory
BlitzKrieg: 14 points per territory
SealOps: 8 points per territory

got to remember countrykid, points are added as a bonus GP's at the end of the set
if you try to get points off the wrong person you will end up with a very low finish and them bonus GP's will be a lot less than is produced by a higher finish

soon to be...
bewildered but amused

The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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23-Jun-2011 05:31:20 Quality: 0.

When I used to play this server I would always get top score every set, and I would just BR (bombing raid attack) and missile people like crazy... would get tons of points off of it... just have to hit the right targets at the right time. with practice you can destroy top players and not even get retaled by them. haha
heblm (#17489)
TEQ Game Account
23-Jun-2011 10:43:37 Quality: 0.

No you tell the truth KING, you would wait till near end then missle the top player with all the land lol. He would get like 150m points from those attacks alone.
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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23-Jun-2011 11:14:15 Quality: 0.

Well yea that is where I racked up all the points.. in the start of the set I would just kill whoever attacked me haha, then at the end go after the best targets haha
heblm (#17489)
TEQ Game Account
23-Jun-2011 16:34:34 Quality: 0.

many a time are missles found the same target. Odd how we thought a lot alike back then. Though they were to blame for having so much land in a place with points.
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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23-Jun-2011 19:31:50 Quality: 0.

Haha, after someone BR'ed a person 3-4 people's missles seeked out points on the poor helpless soul.
syed (#10934)
TEQ Game Account
14-Jan-2014 15:17:14 Quality: 0.

So Fight Server winner is calculated by NW and not points anymore?
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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15-Jan-2014 08:46:48 Quality: 0.

Now the points are just bonus GPs and NW is how you become the winner. I think its every 1m score you get 1 GP bonus or something like that.

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