15-Oct-2006 05:48:12 Quality: 0.
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Startup - SteelieThis startup can be run a few ways. You can play all 150 turns of neutral all at once and sell only on pvt, or you can start selling on pvt and stop sometime after turn 30 and switch to selling on public (depends on how much time you have and how often you can login during startup). You can adjust for your own preference and the market conditions. Note: When you get low on money, sell steel on pvt market for the income to buy territories/BCs. If you get low, you can WOT a turn here and there to get more money. 1st Profile (Team Server) Property Weight Percentage Min-Max Military Strength 3 70% (70-130%) Army Maintanance Costs 3 89% (80-120%) Private Market 3 80% (80-120%) Construction Speed 3 120% (75-120%) Discovery Effectiveness 3 115% (80-115%) Factory Production 2 75% (75-125%) Steel Production 2 125% (75-125%) Population Capacity 2 115% (80-115%) Solar Enhancements 2 80% (80-115%) Tax Income 2 115% (80-115%) Research Speed 2 85% (85-120%) Bakery Production 2 75% (75-125%) Missile Accuracy 1 80% (80-150%) SEALS Strength 1 72% (70-140%) You can raise Army Maintenance Costs to 95% and lower SEALS Strength to 70% for Group Server profile. Turn 1 - Build 30 mines (30 mines) Buy max territories (9) Set tax rate to 34% Turn 2 - Build 30 mines (60 mines) Buy max territories (10) Set tax rate to 39% Turn 3 - Build 30 mines (90 mines) Buy max territories (11) Set tax rate to 44% Turn 4 - Build 30 mines (120 mines) Buy max territories (12) Set tax rate to 47% Turn 5 - Build 22 mines (142 mines) Buy max territories (13) Set tax rate to 50% Turn 6 - Build 13 mines (155 mines) Buy max territories (15) Set tax rate to 52% Turn 7 - Build 14 mines (170 mines) Buy max territories (16) Set tax rate to 54% Turn 8 - Build 16 mines (186 mines) Etc, continue building mines every turn and raising tax rate 2%. Once you can buy at least 30 territories from pvt market, start getting a small amount of Construction Speed to increase your building per turn. You won't need more than 35 bpt, so once you reach that just keep your bpt steady. You can raise the tax rate to 74-75%, but you will need to drop it slowly when you stop gaining population around turn 140 or so. Continue alternating b/w building mines and selling steel every few turns on pvt. When you start getting a negative income, keep no money on hand while you are taking turns. That means if you buy 1 turn of territories (example, you buy 31-32), then spend all cash on BCs. Don''t run out of bread, buy from public or if it is above 60, just assign 10-20 bakeries until the price drops. Keep building and selling on pvt until you are ready to sell on public market. I recommend selling on pvt until ~ turn 100-120 and switch to selling for 20+ on public market from there. You'll need to collect a fair amount of turns before the steel demand becomes large enough to get some decent public market sales. Don't expect to sell much before turn 200-250 in server time, when the first cashers get out of neutral and begin building Superstructures. Once you've reached 3-3.5k mines, mining becomes a better investment than territories provided it is not too expensive. Aim for mining that is below 18k at this stage. Regarding your pvt market, if you will be switching to a military producer (Barracker or WF) after your steel phase then it is a matter of personal preference whether to forgo military and focus on building Superstructures quickly. I prefer to build a pvt market regardless and resell military as often as possible to finance the pvt market purchases. This will likely keep your from being grabbed too often. If you are going to switch to a non-military producer, then you need to keep your pvt market units growing at all times, beginning with turn 150 at the very latest IMO. This will be key to having a big jump once you are switched to your strat. When leaving neutral, your goal is to reach 5k mines and max mining discoveries by turn 250. If you reach this point, you are guaranteed to have your Superstructures by turn 330-340 and have a solid start. To do this, simply play in small batches of 20-25 turns while you gain some land and increase your mining. I like to target low NW countries with 4k+ land, which often have no military, for some easy land to avoid spending cash on getting territories to 5k. In any case, get to 5k, get your mining maxed, and then start building your superstructures. When you get low on cash, work overtime 10-15 turns and make a sale of steel to public. This should allow you to finish up your Superstructures and then you'll be OT'ing 2.6m steel per turn. You'll want to get around 4-5B in steel sales, so with steel around 30 you'll want to OT around 60-70 turns. Once you begin getting sales, start getting your discoveries. Start with Construction Speed, purchasing up to 100-150k for a fast switch, as the price for CS will rise quickly once others begin switching. Also remember to stock up on BCs that you will need before the market rises. Make your switch to your strategy and save up near max turns and you are ready to jump to 12k+ territories and a nice top 10 NW. 
[ -- Message edited on: 15-Oct-2006 05:50:13 by Ripper (#5) -- ]