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NielZ (#14863)
TEQ Game Account

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12-Dec-2010 23:11:31 Quality: 0.

Getting ride of tourny because the playerbase isnt enough for a good competition, just let everybody play in 1 server.
k. (#30818)
TEQ Game Account
12-Dec-2010 23:48:56 Quality: 0.

 Quote: The Ultimate King (#29892) wrote:
 Quote: kaunietiss (#7181) wrote:
i want "withdraw all" button in investments



I get a little thrill repeatedly hitting empty!!

Old School (#24106)
TEQ Game Account

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29-Dec-2010 18:02:44 Quality: 0.

A: This game has lost so many people over the last 2 years. Go back to the old way and put all the countries in 1 category instead of 3 different ones. I like tournament server and looked today to see 8 countries in the level 3 server. I remember playing with 300 + countries.

B: Bring back superstructures and go back to the Old School way of attacking. Maybe we could get some players back. Eight people isn't enough to even bother playing. Make it fun to play again..... Frustrated.

who said that (#6740)
TEQ Game Account
29-Dec-2010 18:11:23 Quality: 0.

yea agree about fight server

im stuck in this thing, with like 6 neutral people below me, and 2 above at like 130m, and im 30m :|

iv got no one to even fukin attack

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

30-Dec-2010 00:32:07 Quality: 0.

I agree... tournament is a bit of a pointless server right now

Will get back on that next year.


who said that (#6740)
TEQ Game Account

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30-Dec-2010 01:59:54 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Old School (#24106) wrote:

B: Bring back superstructures and go back to the Old School way of attacking. Maybe we could get some players back. Eight people isn't enough to even bother playing. Make it fun to play again..... Frustrated.

just saw that


i quit when they came. not that any ones gona consider that a bad thing but im sure other people hated them to? or theyll still be here?

NielZ (#14863)
TEQ Game Account
30-Dec-2010 08:46:54 Quality: 0.

No SS for sure!
~Hidalgo~ (#102)
TEQ Game Account

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30-Dec-2010 15:30:10 Quality: 0.

no SS!
who said that (#6740)
TEQ Game Account
30-Dec-2010 15:57:34 Quality: 0.

missiles ddefault price is 2,000,000

i assumed it was 20, cuz who the fuk wud bother slling them for 2!!! lol only sold 5 so wat ever but yeah that shud totaly be 20m

Zorak (#38647)
TEQ Game Account

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31-Dec-2010 04:02:34 Quality: 0.

when we receive the ranking from GS, it would be nice to get the ranking with the adjusted NW, not just the actual NW...

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