Written by
Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff
22-Oct-2010 12:03:08 Quality: 0.
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And that's just a "minor teq annoyance" ?  You could consider starting a new topic for this... Could you "view source" and see whether the whole page is loaded? Also try: http://teq3.playteq.com/default.aspx?rnd=347987 (any value is allowed there... a new value forces a full reload of the page) Kama@work
k. (#30818)
TEQ Game Account
22-Oct-2010 21:50:38 Quality: 0.
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ok so on mobile version.. new server isnt there
Max (#175)
Premium/Plus Member
24-Oct-2010 15:55:11 Quality: 0.
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Why just upper case team/group tags? I want lower case too.
kaunietiss (#7181)
TEQ Game Account
24-Oct-2010 16:24:10 Quality: +2.
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i want "withdraw all" button in investments
Che (#517)
TEQ Game Account
24-Oct-2010 16:26:03 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: kaunietiss (#7181) wrote: i want "withdraw all" button in investments |
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account
25-Oct-2010 11:10:27 Quality: 0.
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| Quote: kaunietiss (#7181) wrote: i want "withdraw all" button in investments |
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account
25-Oct-2010 11:13:51 Quality: 0.
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Also if you could make it where it asks how many slots do you want to make at how many turns that would be even better.. So it would be something like this:
Number of turns: ___ x10 Number of investments: ___ Create Fill So if I wanted to create 10 slots at 100 turns I could just go in and do this: Number of turns: _1_ x10 Number of investments: _10_ Create Fill Then boom.. 10 slots are open if I click Create to fill when I want, and if I clicked Fill then whatever money I had in hand would go to filling them up til I fill all of them or til I run out of money, whichever comes first. I know I am lazy 
[ -- Message edited on: 25-Oct-2010 11:20:19 by The Ultimate King (#29892) -- ]
The Prophet (#17439)
TEQ Game Account
12-Dec-2010 05:31:14 Quality: 0.
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I guess most people would disagree with me, but the only thing about points scored is to catch a sealer, and in fairness, sealer is a strat too. How about getting rid of the points scored and ony having land/nw.l
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account
12-Dec-2010 08:42:39 Quality: 0.
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I agree and disagree... I know it's hard to play a sealer strat because I have tried it recently and was getting messages literally every day... but it is also nice to see the scores for those occasions when someone goes off and seal rapes.. and I'm talking 10+ seal ops in one shot... not 1-2 here and there..
~Hidalgo~ (#102)
TEQ Game Account
12-Dec-2010 11:23:15 Quality: 0.
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keep it, it's also used to see if someone is playing