Written by
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
19-Mar-2010 20:01:59 Quality: 0.
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pollux, you are too deep in your own grudges to understand what it is I am saying, live with it. I actually prefer a green box"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" - Dr. Suess They cured my multiple personality disorder, but where am I now when I need me? "Call me Now! For your free reading!" Miss Cleo
Supernat (#366)
Premium/Plus Member
19-Mar-2010 22:06:45 Quality: +1.
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annonimity in tourney is a critically required change.. don't be negative about it cause mod suggested it please.. kama has asked for things that are annoying and require tweeking. mod has played the game for many many years and is the king of annoying so he should have lots to add and your personal views should not stop him posting them...
| Quote: Pollux (#24) wrote:
| Quote: master of disaster (#15067) wrote: icons used in tourny, I believe it should be anonomous for a real tourny

Live with it! This problem exists only for those players with (several) gold stars. or lets say they are easily identified. And thats a good thing: Defending a top position should be difficult! Just drop down to a silver star MoD, then the problem will vanish! 
Rotten to the CORE
Pollux (#24)
TEQ Game Account
19-Mar-2010 22:24:02 Quality: 0.
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as i said: no problem with difficulty increasing when you climb up the ranks
zGwpn (#60)
TEQ Game Account
19-Mar-2010 22:26:49 Quality: 0.
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If anything it should be kept in Tourney and taken out of Team and Group.- zG [FUSE]
Supernat (#366)
Premium/Plus Member
20-Mar-2010 03:40:17 Quality: 0.
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looks for pollux country in tourney...
| Quote: Pollux (#24) wrote: as i said: no problem with difficulty increasing when you climb up the ranks |
Rotten to the CORE
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
20-Mar-2010 03:51:05 Quality: 0.
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nah, the forum ranking system showed how there is no way to expect petty grudges to carry over from set to set, server to server, forums to server. Tourny should be a real tourny with everyone having the same advantage going in and the best players competing. When players admit to going to tourny to specifically target individuals to STOP them from competing there is a simple fix, create anonimity. It's not brain surgery or rocket science. It's simple, it's a tourny format or it is just a server to exploit for petty grudges.
I mean, you aren't hearing me cry about the, at least, 2 players that admitted and bragged about playing the server only to war with me oop to stop me from competing, right? If I thought it would matter maybe I would, but kama likes the pettiness and the exploitation so why would I bother? And funny how pollux thought this was about him eh? flipping me off and everything. I was just posting a common sense solution for an aspect of the server that is exploited by very small minded people ruining the concept of a tournament. "I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" - Dr. Suess They cured my multiple personality disorder, but where am I now when I need me? "Call me Now! For your free reading!" Miss Cleo
Pollux (#24)
TEQ Game Account
20-Mar-2010 04:07:17 Quality: 0.
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in fact i thought it was about you, not me  Edit: Supernat: #46 I did the same as last set: i got fat with am oon kill. come and get my land, i got no problem with fighting on tourney
[ -- Message edited on: 20-Mar-2010 04:09:53 by Pollux (#24) -- ]
Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff
20-Mar-2010 13:32:24 Quality: +1.
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Children children... Let's keep this forum on topic.... back to TEQ minor annoyances...Best regards, Kama
Ferdinand Habsburg (#406)
TEQ Game Account
20-Mar-2010 17:09:50 Quality: 0.
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Kama-you guest correctly Kama (#1) Schoot DP Staff 19-Mar-2010 11:17:11 Quality: 0. - Rate Post: Good Post Neutral Post Bad Post Quote: Ferdinand Habsburg (#406) wrote: That you can not edit or delete messages, it's getting too crowded I have a dream.................. You mean the ingame team forum? Kama@work >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> team forum as well as prez board we need the possibility to either and/or edit or delete. Thanx for your attention Wally I have a dream..................
The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account
20-Mar-2010 17:10:02 Quality: 0.
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Tournament server should just be two levels now... I played less than 200 turns two sets ago and was dropped to level 2. Last set I didn't even play 1 turn and was kept in level 2..... if I don't even have to play a turn and I can stay in level 2, then there isn't even a point for level 3.Either that or you update the requirements to jump from level to level cuz it seems less people are playing it now, not sure their reasons, mine is no time, who knows why they aren't playing though, but the point is there isn't enough people playing for how it is set up.