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BossHarris (#34538)
TEQ Game Account

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28-Jul-2009 20:45:04 Quality: 0.

do u move up or down by networth or by points or a combination? at first it seemed very much like networth but the lqast couple of pages of this suggest points have a part to play that hasent been explained?
BossHarris (#34538)
TEQ Game Account
28-Jul-2009 20:45:41 Quality: 0.

 Quote: The Ultimate King (#29892) wrote:
Yes, it is 250 for Tournament, 200 for Group, and 150 for Team... manual is old and needs to be updated..

Thank you ultimate

DragonMaster (#149)
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28-Jul-2009 22:24:58 Quality: 0.

 Quote: BossHarris (#34538) wrote:
do u move up or down by networth or by points or a combination? at first it seemed very much like networth but the lqast couple of pages of this suggest points have a part to play that hasent been explained?

2. Bonus points are awarded based on the amount of score points you country has. The formula is scorepoints / ((1 + level) * 500,000) = bonus points. So level 1 receives a bonus point for every million points, level 2 receives 1 bonus point for every 1.5 million points, etc.

The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account
29-Jul-2009 01:59:34 Quality: 0.

You're welcome.... NW tells you what rank you are and determines what level you will be in for next set... points are just a bonus and give you extra GP's..
VIPer7 (#134)
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12-Nov-2010 22:54:25 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Kama (#1) wrote:
From ->
Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
Level 11-201-201-10-
Level 221-4021-4011-351-10
Level 341-5041-6536-6011-50
Level 4-66-7561-100All Others

This table in the very first post should be edited. Or at least the correct table should be posted somewhere in the game rules.
Last reset I finished 21st in Level 1, and still stayed in Level 1. I assume this was changed because there's only 3 levels now instead of 4. What are the criterea for moving up and down nowadays?


• nitty • (#341)
Premium/Plus Member
13-Nov-2010 03:17:05 Quality: 0.

there is only 8 active players in level 2
i have played 100 turns and i am 9th...guess i am movin on up LOL

bewildered but amused

The Ultimate King (#29892)
TEQ Game Account

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13-Nov-2010 05:12:03 Quality: 0.

TO is pointless.. you dont even have to play turns to be in level 1 anymore.. its sad
k. (#30818)
TEQ Game Account
13-Nov-2010 13:58:26 Quality: 0.

Some great scraps happening in Level 3... looking forward to moving up with these guys... unless they finish me off!


CountryKid (#38880)
TEQ Game Account

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22-Jun-2011 07:09:15 Quality: 0.

There needs to be more players on level 2. Right now there's 10 countries & only 3 out of neutral. 1 country is around my NW & the other is around 10% of my NW so that leaves me with 1 good country attack & if I kill him then I won't have anyone worth attacking So I guess I have to give him a slow painful death just so I can get a decent amount of points this round
Supernat (#366)
Premium/Plus Member
22-Jun-2011 11:51:04 Quality: 0.

just play as u see fit this round.
you will be level 1 with hea[s of targets next set...


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