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YoRk3 (#17726)
TEQ Game Account

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25-Apr-2006 18:30:34 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Peck (#22589) wrote:
I am by no means a pro/vet player

I second that! Though, he can be useful

JimiHat's !@$#
K said: yorke yorke boborke bananafana foforke me my momorke YORKE! *yay*
@ work

Peck (#22589)
TEQ Game Account
25-Apr-2006 18:36:48 Quality: 0.

I don't think I like you much, yorke

Proud Founder of [IT]

As I carress your Perfection,
My Angel, This Knife shall carve thee Wings

YoRk3 (#17726)
TEQ Game Account

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25-Apr-2006 19:07:41 Quality: 0.

naww Pecky Poo, you smell. But you're a nice guy!

JimiHat's !@$#
K said: yorke yorke boborke bananafana foforke me my momorke YORKE! *yay*
@ work

Peck (#22589)
TEQ Game Account
25-Apr-2006 19:18:17 Quality: 0.

I'll kill you,.. straight up ¬_¬

Proud Founder of [IT]

As I carress your Perfection,
My Angel, This Knife shall carve thee Wings

Garzahd (#27595)
TEQ Game Account

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25-Apr-2006 20:47:56 Quality: 0.

I should be making a billion every five turns!?
Jesus, I make like...1,200,000 every turn.

My account's only a week old, and I AM a newbie, so...yeah. That's my excuse. <_<

Generan (#22794)
TEQ Game Account
2-May-2006 21:30:37 Quality: 0.

I believe the initial poster did mean the strategies like, "Build 72.5 barracks and log on 6 hours, 23 minutes, and 17 seconds later to get your free turns." Exaggerated, but things like that.

@ Garzahd-

That's probably your raw money income, which really doesn't matter much, except for when your playing a casher strat (where u make all ur money from raw income and dont sell any goods).

In all other cases, its the amount to make from selling the goods u make from 1 turn of work overtime.

Calm Blue Ocean...
G:[IT] T:[None] F:[N/A]
\\ The tents set, and the fairy floss is made.. We've even cleared the Cage 'O Love..
// So Where the Bloody !@$# are you?
\\ Spammer of International TEQers [IT] and PROUD of it!

Periander (#6713)
TEQ Game Account

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11-Jun-2006 04:37:01 Quality: 0.

It definately is for new players. After a while you will get a 'feel' for the game and it will be less important, but that being said, I still forget a few things now and then.

Calm Blue Ocean...
// G:[None] T:[]TC[] F:[None]
\\ The tents set, and the fairy floss is made.. We've even cleared the Cage 'O Love..
// So Where the Bloody !@$# are you?
\\ Vice President of The Circus []TC[] and PROUD of it!

Enraged (#10807)
TEQ Game Account
1-Jul-2006 12:45:21 Quality: 0.

I have found a strategy has helped me as long as it is not too rigid, because if there happens to be a misplay of a turn or two, there are ways to compensate.

Even with these strats that I play and try, I still have not been able to break top 50 in any one set in TS or GS, and have been playing awhile.

Maybe I should try throwing the strats out the window and trying something off the wall LOL.

Only the dead have seen the end of war

Periander (#6713)
TEQ Game Account

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5-Jul-2006 01:30:14 Quality: 0.

Most of the strategies posted here *should* get you a top 50 finish if played well.

I would suggest joining a good team/group to learn more. There are other strategies, (most likely better than the ones on the ST board, but more rigid), posted on team/group forums, and you can get more detailed help from experienced team/group mates.

One of the biggest problems is the fact that we can't write a strategy guide on the Public Market, because it truly is the key to becoming a better player, but it's something that comes with experience.

Hang in there.

Felling and chainsawing the treehugers?

Calm Blue Ocean...
// G:[None] T:[]TC[] F:[None]
\\ The tents set, and the fairy floss is made.. We've even cleared the Cage 'O Love..
// So Where the Bloody !@$# are you?
\\ Vice President of The Circus []TC[] and PROUD of it!

[ -- Message edited on: 5-Jul-2006 01:30:39 by Periander (#6713) -- ]

seph[twp]RIP (#28842)
TEQ Game Account
3-Dec-2006 22:35:47 Quality: 0.

I for once only found strategies important for the time you start till youre oop. after that I did my stuff the way i felled(just to go on with all that felling). and I finished 5th or so...some years ago ^^ but i guess the game is quite different now

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