Written by
Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff
30-May-2008 01:22:39 Quality: 0.
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TEQ Team TOP 50 is now availabe:http://teq3.playteq.com/TeamRanks.aspx Or click the link (lower right) on the main page. The points are based on the mid-set team rankings and are indicative. The actual rankings will be calculated at the end of each round, starting the may round. Team points = (TeamNetworth)/10000 + (TeamLand) + (TeamPoints)/750 Kama I am part of the conspiracy.
Trace the Reaper (#28871)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 01:25:23 Quality: 0.
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zGwpn (#60)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 01:30:04 Quality: 0.
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Awesome, thanks Kama.all your base are belong to us. - zG [FUSE]
Lord Mad One (#437)
Premium/Plus Member
30-May-2008 01:40:33 Quality: 0.
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Friggin sweet thank you kama.btw is that the same formula as before? Myspace site: http://www.myspace.com/jmpitty E-mail/MSN Lordmadone@hotmail.com or Jmpitty@hotmail.com Is gonna clone Ellis  TPA is ALIVEEE! WHOOO!
[ -- Message edited on: 30-May-2008 01:47:41 by Lord Mad One (#437) -- ]
Rathi (#225)
Premium/Plus Member
30-May-2008 02:11:51 Quality: 0.
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Whoops! Something went wrong.The information regarding the problem that just occurred has been logged. Please try to load this page again. You can report this error on the forum, please mention any details of your actions and the following reference: 20080530021056 ASP.game_scores_aspx Well, we got team top 50 but no team scores
Buffy (#26105)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 10:39:34 Quality: 0.
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Nice. Thanks Kama.
ZharOO (#15948)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 12:00:20 Quality: 0.
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awww... no LIET
mare[RETIRED] (#10483)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 12:05:12 Quality: 0.
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no LIET....???With love from MARE ...Together We Can Make It...
Death (#111)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 13:47:23 Quality: 0.
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do we get one for group server and yes thx kama  Death Prez of *SF* TS/GS
ZharOO (#15948)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 14:17:49 Quality: 0.
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yeah, no LIET... new scores... need some actives back to pull it to top