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HY7 (#6231)
TEQ Game Account

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29-Mar-2008 21:40:28 Quality: 0.

Mines and War Factories (3/7)*(%specialized/100)+(4/7)
A mine produces a base of 115 steel per territory per turn
A mine with minimum profile produces a base of 86.25 steel per territory per turn
A mine with minimum profile but maximum discos produces 172.5 steel per territory per turn
A WF uses a base of 26.84 steel per territory per turn
A WF with maxed profile uses a base of 33.58 steel per territory per turn
Discos do not affect steel consumption

To become completely self-sufficient, a WF country must have iron mines and WFs in a ratio that produces the same steel per territory per turn.

Let W be the fraction of WFs and let (1-W) be the fraction of mines.

a) With maxed profile/discos for WF but minimum profile/discos for mines:
33.58*W*(3/7*W+4/7) = 86.25*(1-W)*(3/7*(1-W)+4/7)
33.58*W*(3/7*W+4/7) = 86.25*(1-W)*(3/7-3/7W+4/7)
33.58*W*(3/7*W+4/7) = 86.25*(1-W)*(1-3/7W)
(33.58)(3/7W^2 + 4/7W) = (86.25)(1 -3/7W - W + 3/7W^2)
14.391W^2 + 19.189W = 86.250 - 36.964W - 86.250 W + 36.964W^2
22.573W^2 - 142.403W + 86.250 = 0
W = 0.6787

So to be self-sufficient with maxed profile/discos for WF and minimum profile/discos for iron mines, your country needs:

68% WFs, 32% iron mines

In this case, there is a 14% production penalty for your WFs, and a 31% production penalty for your Iron mines.

b) With maxed profile/discos for WF, minimum profile for mines, max discos for mines:

33.58*W*(3/7*W+4/7) = 172.5*(1-W)*(3/7*(1-W)+4/7)
33.58*W*(3/7*W+4/7) = 172.5*(1-W)*(3/7-3/7W+4/7)
33.58*W*(3/7*W+4/7) = 172.5*(1-W)*(1-3/7W)
(33.58)(3/7W^2 + 4/7W) = (172.5)(1 -3/7W - W + 3/7W^2)
14.391W^2 + 19.189W = 172.5 - 73.929W - 172.5 W + 73.929W^2
59.538W^2 - 265.618W + 172.5 = 0
W = 0.7889

So to be self-sufficient with maxed profile/discos for WF and minimum profile but maximum discos for iron mines, your country needs:

79% WFs, 21% iron mines

In this case, there is a 9% production penalty for your WFs, and a 34% production penalty for your Iron mines.

[ -- Message edited on: 29-Mar-2008 21:43:02 by HY7 (#6231) -- ]

Che (#517)
Premium/Plus Member
9-Apr-2008 13:50:46 Quality: 0.


El C

Xci (#15)
TEQ Game Account

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9-Apr-2008 14:02:16 Quality: 0.

ergo that it's still "profitable" to mix WF's with Ironmines, aslong as you have maxed disco's?

Graduated ICT-Administrator (2007)

Nothing is impossible, you just have to try harder !!!

Deadmau5 (#26368)
TEQ Game Account
9-Apr-2008 14:04:01 Quality: 0.

nice post HY7
s1gn (#29316)
TEQ Game Account

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9-Apr-2008 23:39:41 Quality: 0.

sticky this plZ

In process of making history

General Patton (#37946)
TEQ Game Account
2-Feb-2010 18:47:45 Quality: 0.

I don't know about long term but startup yes
110 turns
560k net
760 land
45.5 expected sales
rank 1
Pollux (#24)
TEQ Game Account

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2-Feb-2010 18:51:01 Quality: 0.

the problem is the high ammount of discos needed and the profile points.

if you got 20% iron mines in your country you still need the discos for 100% land. so its basicaly 5 times more expencive to mix the production of your mines compared to a full steeler.

master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
2-Feb-2010 19:01:47 Quality: 0.

I am a steely

buy my steel, you don't need to mix

"In Oceania at the present day, Science, in the old sense, has almost ceased to exist. In Newspeak there is no word for 'Science.' The empirical method of thought, on which all the scientific achievements of the past were founded, is opposed to the most fundamental principles of Ingsoc."
- George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 9

Pollux (#24)
TEQ Game Account

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2-Feb-2010 19:02:32 Quality: 0.

you being steely might be the reason everyone wants to be ss...
master of disaster (#15067)
TEQ Game Account
2-Feb-2010 19:11:13 Quality: 0.

but if you don't buy my steel I will go back to warfac ...if steel gets cheaper....but if you go back to mixing the strat you destroy steely as a competitive strat without ss's again

"In Oceania at the present day, Science, in the old sense, has almost ceased to exist. In Newspeak there is no word for 'Science.' The empirical method of thought, on which all the scientific achievements of the past were founded, is opposed to the most fundamental principles of Ingsoc."
- George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 9

[ -- Message edited on: 2-Feb-2010 20:42:24 by master of disaster (#15067) -- ]

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