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Jack (#2110)
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18-Jan-2006 14:40:48 Quality: 0.

Dingo is right, you should max Tax and Urban simultaneously. You dont have to tech that much urban, just enough so that your population is growing at maximum the whole time.

and nice strat Narayan

~Dingo~ (#37)
TEQ Game Account
18-Jan-2006 15:22:08 Quality: 0.

another solution the pvt growth problem is playing pvt reselling racker

only thing with that is that end up with a slightly less big pvt
( altough the most pvt is made during the last 10 days anyway )

yorke (#17726)
Premium/Plus Member
18-Jan-2006 15:30:42 Quality: 0.

true, if u can get + 60-70k land, you can make it up in the last 6/7 days...


~Dingo~ (#37)
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18-Jan-2006 15:38:43 Quality: 0.

Yorke , if you can get 70K+ with narayans strat you will be able to get 70K+ with pvt reseller aswell ;)

but for msot pvt resell strats as racker you need just as this strat , be very active

yorke (#17726)
Premium/Plus Member
18-Jan-2006 15:44:56 Quality: 0.

eheh I know Dng man, that was what I was trying to say


Pollux (#24)
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18-Jan-2006 16:04:50 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Narayan (#8323) wrote:

Some advices regarding style of play
Yes, you should avoid troubles, because you are Baracker.

you should have listened to your own advice, dont blame all your mistakes on me!
next time i wont be as nice as this month. next time, as soon as i run into problems with you i wont sent a warning strike but fubar you at once, thats what i learned. What did you learn?

yorke (#17726)
Premium/Plus Member
18-Jan-2006 16:09:26 Quality: 0.

ohh Pollux, we are on Board List > Strategies and Tactics > now...


Pollux (#24)
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18-Jan-2006 16:17:33 Quality: 0.

he mentioned me in his INITIAL POST, i may react to it.
Narayan (#8323)
TEQ Game Account
18-Jan-2006 16:31:38 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Pollux (#24) wrote:

you should have listened to your own advice, dont blame all your mistakes on me!
next time i wont be as nice as this month. next time, as soon as i run into problems with you i wont sent a warning strike but fubar you at once, thats what i learned. What did you learn?

Next time don't !@$# with me, boy. Your warning strike was absolutely for no reasons. If you are dumb enough to fubar me and leave alone, then it's your problems. What did you learn, Pollux ? What did you learn from 6 years of playing TEQ ? Just ruin other people resets because you aren't able to learn how to finish top10 ? And in my initial post I've mentioned that in this game there are some dumbasses like you that can !@$# another good finish for no reasons, so people, who will use this strategy, will be more carefull

Pollux (#24)
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18-Jan-2006 16:47:54 Quality: 0.

no, you mentioned me alone.

And Nara, it wasnt without a reason, and it was no fubar. it was 2 grabs for you making fun of me on Presboard. Thats totaly fair. If i wanted to fubar you I could have grabbed you 50 times.

And if I was out for war/suicide, would i play techer with 70% MS? Dont think so.

Stupid noob, I've been where you are now three years ago, and now I've learned that the bigmouths that think they can push others around and dont stop talking !@$# are the problem. Thats why i dont take !@$# from above. You tried to push a policy on me thats total bull!@$#, trying to get an unfair adantage.

!@$# you even called it noob training even though your guys got stripes and 50% of your group was in top10!

You're behaving like a cheap characterless wannabe, get over your ego and accept you cant tell others what to do!

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