Written by
KriSatZ HSK (#4490)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2008 15:04:36 Quality: 0.
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Yeah, i think you may well have done.. Back on... RUFF?? I get confused, it was years and years ago....I just personally feel that that isn't the best WF profile, or strat you could win with... Though it probibly is better for newer players to get to grips with... Everyone Loves The KriSatZ
HY7 (#6231)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2008 17:39:09 Quality: 0.
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CS is the single most underrated netgaining thing in this entire game .
Periander (#6713)
Premium/Plus Member
3-Jun-2008 23:11:33 Quality: 0.
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It probably isn't, but suggestions certainly are welcome.We should play again sometime though. Periander
Supernat (#366)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2008 23:50:53 Quality: 0.
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how long since you finished in top 10 with that wfer profile peri? pre or post SS it really isn't the current thinking on wfer.. pre SS i had 6.2 bil finish in GS and post ss a 4.2bil. if wfer training is needed come join me in CORE in TS...Supernat Rotten to the CORE
Periander (#6713)
Premium/Plus Member
3-Jun-2008 23:59:15 Quality: 0.
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It was written 3 years ago, so yeah, it's a *tad* old. Periander