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Periander (#6713)
Premium/Plus Member
25-May-2008 00:58:37 Quality: 0.

Missiler Startup

This is a basic missiler startup that will enable a country to lob missiles on low pds countries. It's pretty quick and dirty, but you shouldn't spend too much time on a throw away country anyway.

I will stress again, this is in no way a competitive optimised strategy. Don't respond and say, 'you should be banking instead of unassigning all the SFs...', etc. cause there's little point in doing that for this type of thing in my opinion.

I realise that this might cause a bit of debate, we're trying to get rid of suiciders, not create more of them, but I'm gonna use the 2nd ammendment defence here. If everyone else has a gun, then we'll have to buy one too to be safe; If everyone knows how to do a missile startup, we'll have to get PDS to be safe.

Set your profile as follows:

Army Maintenance Costs 80%
Construction Speed 120%
Discovery Effectiveness 115%
Military Strength 70%
Private Market 80%
Bakery Production 75%
Factory Production 77%
Population Capacity 115%
Research Speed 120%
Solar Enhancements 80%
Steel Production 75%
Tax Income 115%
Missile Accuracy 80%
SEALS Strength 71%

Tax rate 45%

Marines 0%
Seals 100%

Bombers 0%
Fighters 0%
Heavy Lasers 0%
Missiles 100%
Panzers 0%

What you want to do now, is a normal Techer startup for the first 50-60 turns. To do this, you build as many Science Facilities as you can, then you research Construction Speed Discoveries and sell them on the Public Market. Once they've sold, you buy some Building Components and some Land, (and a bit of Bread if required), and repeat the process. Throw in 30 or so Barracks at some point, this will start producing a few SEALs for you.

After 50-60 turns, you should have between 1500 and 2000 acres built up. At this point, you need to stop building, and start focusing on getting some Missile Accuracy and a little bit of Military Production, Urban and Tax Discoveries. Don't worry too much about the others unless they seem to be selling for exceptionally high prices. Don't sell your Construction Speed Discoveries any more until you've done your switch. You can buy a 'few' units on the private if you wish, if you're going to focus on anything, make them Bombers.

To work out how many turns you can spend researching, you will need to calculate how many turns you need to do your switch. You want to be ready to start lobbing missiles at turn 150, so you'll need to have all of your acres converted by then. You should be able to do the complete switch in around 40 turns which means you should be able to research for 50-60 turns, depending on how long it took you to build your 1500-2000 acres in the first place.

You will also need to ensure you've sold enough Discoveries to afford your switch, (i.e., how much is the Unassign Cost per Territory, and how many Building Components do you need), and you've got some Steel for your War Factories.

After researching, you should be sitting at around turn 110. We will change our profile before switching:

Army Maintenance Costs 80%
Construction Speed 120%
Discovery Effectiveness 115%
Military Strength 70%
Private Market 89%
Bakery Production 75%
Factory Production 125%
Population Capacity 115%
Research Speed 85%
Solar Enhancements 80%
Steel Production 75%
Tax Income 115%
Missile Accuracy 80%
SEALS Strength 72%

The private market is still fairly low, so you can buy units, (Bombers), if you really want.

Because the Science Facilities aren't producing anything, just unassign all of them to begin with. I suggest you build your War Factories in smaller lumps, just to gauge how much Steel they're using, and how much Bread you're consuming.

Now it should be around turn 150, and you've got all of your territories assigned as War Factories. You should have a handful of missiles, probably 10-20. Sell the construction speed and any units you've got for as much as they will sell for. Don't sell Missile Accuracy, Military Production, Urban or Tax Discoveries unless you're over the maximum benefit, (unlikely).

Set your profile up as follows:

Army Maintenance Costs 80%
Construction Speed 75%
Discovery Effectiveness 115%
Military Strength 130%
Private Market 120%
Bakery Production 75%
Factory Production 125%
Population Capacity 115%
Research Speed 85%
Solar Enhancements 80%
Steel Production 75%
Tax Income 115%
Missile Accuracy 130%
SEALS Strength 72%

You can now start lobbing missiles. Firstly, you should Bribe Military Staff on your intended target. After that, you should be using Chemical missiles to get kills. You will need around 200 for a complete kill, so you'll need a few countries to help, or if you're really tricky, you can do 40 hour PO Missiles. If you find a target with a bit of PDS, use the Bombers to knock down the Missile Installations, or Cause Brain Damage Missiles to destroy Discoveries.

Good luck and happy hunting.


[ -- Message edited on: 25-May-2008 01:05:40 by Periander (#6713) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 25-May-2008 01:10:13 by Periander (#6713) -- ]

• nitty • (#341)
Premium/Plus Member
25-May-2008 01:32:44 Quality: 0.

suicide 101

bewildered but amused

s1gn (#29316)
TEQ Game Account

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25-May-2008 01:35:40 Quality: 0.

sticky plz lol
Periander (#6713)
Premium/Plus Member
30-May-2008 05:50:47 Quality: 0.

Heh, it's not exactly suicider 101, cause you'd probably need two people doing it to get a complete kill...


Sven (#27281)
TEQ Game Account

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30-May-2008 05:57:21 Quality: 0.

with 10 people imagine the war u have oop

like v ery much

Mal Kavian (#47)
TEQ Game Account
30-May-2008 06:35:17 Quality: 0.

This strats not that good for a start-of-the-round missiler startup used for suiciding. It's more of a mid-reset I-was-killed-for-!@$#-reasons-now-my-team-needs-a-missiler sort of strategy, imo.

Lots of Love,
~Mal Kavian

Calm Blue Ocean...
Dialup Sucks the big floppy donkey dong.


@'home' and looking for new place to live asap.
Pollux (#24)
TEQ Game Account

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30-May-2008 07:23:36 Quality: 0.

indeed, for an oop asault i'd allways suggest MMing.

if you do it with a nice group of people you should be able to cripple a full team

Che (#517)
TEQ Game Account
3-Jun-2008 20:26:33 Quality: 0.


Stickied up.

El C

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