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Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

15-Nov-2009 15:41:48 Quality: 0.

Page 1:

Welcome to TEQ
TEQ is about making money and getting net worth. This can be achieved by finding your optimal balance between production, trade and warfare.

Choose your Strategy
You are now in the Territories page. This page manages your land. Choosing a strategy starts with choosing a purpose of your land. Have a look at all the territory types, but do not assign your 100 Territories yet. We first have to optimize our government to fit our strategy, before we start building (and use turns.) There are basically two approaches:

Be a self fulfilling country and assign your land to all different territory types. This is very safe since you're not depending on market or succesful attacks, but is not very efficient.
Specialize in a certain trade and buy or win (through warring) the everything else that you need. This will get you bigger gains, but you won't make friends.


[ -- Message edited on: 15-Nov-2009 15:58:09 by Kama (#1) -- ]

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

15-Nov-2009 15:45:03 Quality: 0.

Page 2:
This is the government page. You can adjust the settings of your country here, as well take care of money related businesses.

When you have decided what strategy to play, you can adjust the tax rate, the production ratio's of your factories and the barrack training ratio's.

Finally you have decided what strategy to play, you can now adjust your profile to fit that strategy. To do this, click the View/Edit Profile button or "Next page" of this tutorial.

Next: 2b


[ -- Message edited on: 15-Nov-2009 16:24:16 by Kama (#1) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 15-Nov-2009 16:28:17 by Kama (#1) -- ]

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

15-Nov-2009 15:47:24 Quality: 0.

Page 3:
(Territories again)
Assigning Territories (Building)

Now your countries government has been taken care of you can safely start building your territo

Each turn, all buildings on your territories will produce what they can produce, your taxes will be earned, and your population army will consume food.


[ -- Message edited on: 15-Nov-2009 16:31:02 by Kama (#1) -- ]

[ -- Message edited on: 15-Nov-2009 16:53:08 by Kama (#1) -- ]

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

15-Nov-2009 15:47:38 Quality: 0.

Page 4:
(Public market)



Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

15-Nov-2009 15:48:56 Quality: 0.

Page 5:



Moridian (#14)
TEQ Game Account

Click to set your personal icon.
15-Nov-2009 15:55:59 Quality: 0.

 Quote: Kama (#1) wrote:

There are basically two approaches

Be self fulfilling and get a bit of all territory types. This may be safe, but is not most efficient
Specialize in a certain trade and buy or steal the rest that tyou need. This will get you bigger gains, but you won't make friends.

Seems good, though maybe rephrase that last one there? Dont wanna scare the newcomers away from specializing at once now do we?

People are stupid:
"People can be made to believe any lie, either because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it's true." -Terry Goodkind

Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

15-Nov-2009 15:58:18 Quality: 0.



Kama (#1)
Schoot DP Staff

15-Nov-2009 16:07:35 Quality: 0.

Page 2b:

In this page you can adjust your strategy profile. You can define here where you want to be good at and get some bonus gains. To get these bonus gains, you've to reduce your gains on other items (so you well have a negative bonus).

To make it easier for you, we predefined some template profiles for some well known strategies. You can always decide to pick on of the templates.

You cannot make unlimited changes to your profile. The number of profile changes left is displayed on the page.


[ -- Message edited on: 15-Nov-2009 16:28:04 by Kama (#1) -- ]

k. (#30818)
TEQ Game Account
15-Nov-2009 17:14:35 Quality: 0.

can this be pinned to the front page?.. and my comment deleted?!

k. (#30818)
TEQ Game Account

Click to set your personal icon.
15-Nov-2009 17:20:23 Quality: 0.

i mean as a message board and also delete 'Read the Manual (old)' or archive it somewhere

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